October 30, 2011

Consciousness: A Hologram of Our Own Making

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument or network.

In a quest to find equilibrium fields of quantum energy respond by resisting forces that appear to have originated outside the parameters and constraints of their own state of awareness. In essence a relationship is born of intention originating from a position of unity - the degree of which can be felt and at times measurably understood.

The momentum created in response to this projection is typically greater than the original force; a counter projection intended to restore balance within the contextual constraints of its own demonstrable field (presence). The process of bringing harmony between these states likewise brings into fruition a series of new “tipping points” between them.

In a three dimensional universe these individual forces create the micro dualities required for both the expansion and contraction of an awareness made within the context of both a meaning and a purpose. These impressions are received through certain quantum receptors that are seemingly linked to the virtual fields of both the brain and the heart and by virtue of multidimensionality, other organs and systems that together give form to the physical, mental and emotional body. 

Impulses in the form of quantum energy are linked to quantum fields we've describe as representing our mind and our emotions. These affects support the concept we describe as experience, which is a by-product of the resonance stemming from associative events. These experiences appear before our consciousness in a symbolic manner, an awareness in the form of a hologram.

Every projection is partially reflected both upon and within a field of what has been described as being quantum in substance. Every one of these impressions are dualistic in their nature when viewed in the same context as their source. Every projection separates upon entrance into a field of energy, light and information causing change and in turn disturbing the original coherence supporting its original intent/purpose. 

A hologram/image/impression that once appeared in phase is now out of balance. The situation requires immediate adaptation in order for coherency (balance) to be attained/retained. The original intention along with the product of its desire soon appear to be illusionary in content and context.

"Conventional holography fundamentally relies on optical coherence because, firstly, light must interfere to produce holograms, and secondly, light must be coherent to interfere. However, the second part is not entirely true because there are certain types of light that can be both incoherent and produce interference. This is the case for light made of entangled photons, emitted by a quantum source in the form of a flow of particles grouped in pairs – entangled photons."

The primary force in support of every human intention is the imagination. The imagination brings energy to desire by means of generating its own “subjective field of awareness”. The result of this intention appears in the form of an idea, an image or impression within the presence of the mind. Action follows thought and is supported by emotion. Packaged in the appearance of an intention desire becomes emotionally spurred forward by the imagination, together they've become the primary instigators and organizers supporting the design process.

When intentions enter a quantum field of virtual energy they trigger certain impressions, i.e. images and feelings, that correspond to the desires and intentions of an observer. Intentions appear to "materialize" within the parametric constraints of a holographic field. Every observer represents a particular POV imaginatively created in reference to its desires.

Each field resonates to the patterns of its own consciousness by means of templates (awarenesses) originating from within its own imaginings. These patterns are an integral element of every field and likened to the network of neurons that create the waves that internally create the electromagnetic field of consciousness as proposed by Johnjoe McFadden’s CEMI theory.

In striving for harmony within the parameters of a holographic field created by empathic and neuronal frequencies, a certain unique level of awareness comes into play. At this juncture intentions appear to be the “source” therefore the only singularity aware of the unique reality surrounding its creations and observations of the world. Challenges lie in discovering the neuronal equivalent of the brain while it symbolically corresponds with the quantum field that surrounds the heart. The heart functions in conjunction with the mind giving equal precedence to both meaning and purpose. 

Design creates the relationship between the source, i.e. the origin of the intention, along with what appears as a holographic image stemming from virtual origins. Meaning and purpose are reflected within the constructs of every hologram made apparent by means of its intention. Holographic relationships are in perpetual flux and emerge both at macro and micro levels of consciousness. They appear within every multiverse and are designed to change by virtue of the context in which they are perceived and interpreted.

“Humanity is in a Hologram of its own making. Everyday humanity changes that picture thru every thought every word and every action, altering the format, coloration and saturation of the pixels of one’s life.” 

Dimensional layers that intertwine: 
Consciousness is a field of awareness. Awareness is connected to consciousness by design. Design links awareness in and to consciousness. Design creates the bond between opposites. Consciousness represents a particular stability between subjective and objective forms of awareness.  Quantum fields overlap, interpenetrate and are virtually absorbed  thereby allowing for an endless fragmentation and integration of dimensions. 

virtually  adverb    the building is virtually empty: effectively, in effect, all but, more or less, practically, almost, nearly, close to, verging on, just about, as good as, essentially, to all intents and purposes, roughly, approximately; informal pretty much, pretty well; literary well-nigh, nigh on.

The fabric of the universe is multidimensional. Every dimension participates in the design and creation of this conscious fabric, a multidimensional field of light, i.e. particles and waves.  

Differences of realities: 
Reality is made of differing constructs and incongruent interpretations based upon contextual references. The dualistic partnership between meaning and purpose vibrate at different frequencies and are founded upon states to which they resonate. Life appears to be multidimensional and perpetually renewed by means of change while simultaneously vibrating within certain laws and principles.

Connects you to the stream: Design is the connector. Design creates the symbiotic correspondences between fields of consciousness through holographic means and personal interpretation. Passing within the parameters of every field is a stream of consciousness that both connects and conveys the concept of a greater awareness yet to be experienced. Design creates the map and presents the options to be considered within the constraints of duality.

Time is not a constant nor is it an energy. Time is but a stabilizing fabrication made to help describe, recognize and categorize the concept of change. Time isn’t necessarily found in every dimension. The concept of evolution is a holographic expression contained within an imaginative abstraction we view as reality. It is here where time and space have created the parameters (duality) required for humanity to experience the gradual evolution and materialization of thought, desire and intention.

Edited: 11.28.2013, 10.16.2014, 04.27.2016, 01.11.2017, 03.05.2018, 07.18, 2019, 11.08.2020, 03.31.2021, 10.24.2021
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL https://designconsciousness.blogspot.com/ is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice.) AI usage is prohibited. You are invited to visit https://designmetaphysics.blogspot.com/.  Now visit Design Consciousness on https://www.pinterest.com

Be assured you will not discover all the answers to your inquiries here. Continue to investigate into your role of observer and contributor to a reality of your own design and creation – be aware of the by-products that surround every choice and decision.


1 comment:

  1. I wonder if you are from this planet haha. Your knowledge and intelligence far exceeds what a normal 3D human is exposed to. Great work. Thank you.


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