June 1, 2018

Quantum Jumping: Leaps in Conscious Awareness

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

Quantum jumping identifies a natural course of events in the evolution of humanity. This includes all agents cognizant of their own sense of self-identity. In essence, quantum jumping is another way in which to describe the ability to take on another point of view (POV) from both within and beyond the parameters of a network of fields and agents. Quantum jumping allows one to observe an event by experiencing the metaphysical nature of a situation or circumstance by means of symbolic interpretation, i.e. design. This includes subjective and objective perspectives, interpretation and observation. Together these relationships enlarge your field of consciousness by virtue of the inputs* experienced in space/time. Your field of consciousness expands and intensifies. Your geometry (DNA) is embellished and becomes more complex by virtue of the process surrounding perpetual fragmentation and integration (change). The dimensional universe merely harbors these impressions/experiences into packages of space/time. For humanity these realizations span the vibratory range commensurate with 2D, 3D, 4D and 5D space/time. For the most part human concentration is contained within the parametric constraints of 3D space/time. Humanity shares, physically harbors and gives expression to a specific range of vibratory frequencies/energy apportioned to our planetary field of consciousness, aka Gaia. These associations bring enlightenment when any original "design", i.e. blueprint, is appropriately re-configured in order to meet the requirements (context) necessary in and/or for the moment. 
* In this instance the concept of an input refers to any recognition, understanding, meaning, purpose, insight or realization you might become aware of during the process of observation (POV).

First, it is imperative that we have a better understanding of the terminology we will encounter while discussing the subject of awareness, expansion and change in relation to quantum leaping. Under the category of designed “states”, i.e. circumstances, the following constructs describe certain situations in which our POV, i.e. awareness, might be positioned in reference to our interpretation of reality. In other words, our perspective on life is contingent upon the context in which it is observed.

A WEB – A web implies entrapment, containment, no escape, interconnected elements, a trap, entrapment, consumption, membrane, to weave, strength, context, separation, disguise, trickery, danger, confusion, natural organization, pattern, structure, design, intent, death, orderliness, duality, hidden, nature, skill, dependency, adaptability, survival in reference to three dimensional space/time.

A MATRIX – A matrix implies development, experience, duality, linear thinking, structure, illusion, connections, evolution, changes in reality, a mold, the creativity, a common source or creator/architect, the subconscious, technology, rigidity, energy in motion, organization, transformation, characterization, striving, energy, pain, control, interface, a story, the womb, programs, constructs within constructs, holographic imagery, humanity, reference to third and fourth dimensional space/time.

A NETWORK – The concept of a network implies complexity, interconnection, exchange, singularity, choice, appropriated separateness (ideas) made in reference to conceptual unity, mystery, meaningful purpose, freedom, connection, collective awareness/consciousness, multi-dimensional thinking, electrified magnetism, complex geometries, conductors, links, light, exchange of information, ideas, closed and open loop systems, correspondences, circuits, the imagination, the spark, contacts, concepts, patterns large and small, agents, grid, pixelation, maze, system, complexity, nexus, weblike, mesh, fractal, lattice, labyrinth, planetary, solar, galactic quantum functions made in reference to dimensions beyond the unconscious.
net 1 |net|
4 a network, in particular
a communications or broadcasting network : the radio net was brought to life with a mayday.
a network of interconnected computers : a computer news net.
( the Net) the Internet.
verb ( netted , netting ) [ trans. ]

One last comment concerning the concept of a NET-work. Ask yourself what a net is designed to do. In reference to humanity a network can be designed to combine the attributes of both a web and a matrix. A net is meant to gather, trap and/or catch something within the fabric of its own purposes and desires. We all function and experience our own existence/presence within parameters and constraints of a network we have created for ourselves. 

Consider the multitude of networks in which we trap ourselves into believing to be real. Which networks are you attracted to? Which networks do you really trust? Which networks do you believe? Which networks do you truly believe in? Which networks do you consider to be real? If you consider yourself a participant in the next design paradigm currently emerging before your consciousness ... then it is imperative that you believe in your self. If this is the case, then your own network (system of awarenesses) are the only ones you can truly relish, support and believe in.

Ponder deeply upon the symbolism supporting these expressions, their meaning and their purpose. Stand back and observe their likeness and the multitude of relationships that have been generated between them. Notice how they are different, how they are similar and how they complement each other in so many ways. Note how a network can act both as a web and a conductor within a matrix of our own making. Together they exhibit an evolutionary awareness based upon contextual refinement, complexity and more recently technology.

There are a countless number of relationships between and within each construct/field. Together they give relative form and precedence to a field of quantum consciousness. They resonate to each other, bring unity through assimilation, synthesis and geometry. Together they create a complex system of relationships interwoven into lesser and greater fields of consciousness. Every system is in perpetual flux. Together we observe, contribute, sustain and in some instances destroy the linkage between humanity, progress, culture, community and the Cosmos. 

Quantum leaps take place when an event or experience is brought to awareness by means of attraction or repulsion. Quantum consciousness is a by product of the resonance created between states of awareness. Unique geometries amongst vibratory waves of different frequency are created and destroyed in every instance. Mental models are enhanced by the e-motion (energy in motion) that catapults an intent or desire into the complex nature of every situation. 

Every experience has a meaning and a purpose. Every experience harbors a circumstance (context) we might have entertained in the past (Akash) or imagined for the future within the parameters of 3D space/time. Every composition re-presents a certain configuration in the form of a situation where the concept of an intuitively driven intention, i.e. awareness (POV) might direct you. Every field creates the context in which you will be either attracted or repulsed by its parts or its whole. Know the difference between what expands your consciousness and what doesn't. Pursue your dream in right order.

Without getting into detail it is important for us to realize that every circumstance garners the choice of options we’ve presented to ourselves as we jump/leap from one situation/circumstance to another. We sustain this pattern of awareness throughout every event and experience.

In these times we’ve been following our mind without giving our heart a thought.

The concept of Kama/Manas is currently out of kilter. Kama/Manas describes the dynamic relationship between agents that together create, give relevance and make reference to the contexts of consciousness we’ve come to accept over time in the form of webs, matrixes and networks. Design attempts to bring these situations to light. Design strives to make reference to this dynamic relationship by means of straddling the realms of the tangible and the intangible, the real and the unreal. The purpose: to return, revisit and bring back to awareness/manifestation the concepts of truth, beauty and goodness.

Design consciousness, like change, surfaces from within, i.e. the unknown, by virtue of a feeling you know innately as being real. You can observe and feel the effects of this awareness within the realm of dimension, perception and observation. What you feel is made real by means of design. Design enters your awareness both intuitively and symbolically. Together they thrust themselves into your imagination as vibratory impulses both seen and unseen. These vibrations are designed to respond to your own "sense of awareness" being revealed in a language of your own making. Design is fundamental to the Life Force/s that sustains it. Awareness corresponds and complements the relative "state" of consciousness experienced in the moment. Design is the universes' modus operandi.

modus operandi |ˈmōdəs ˌäpəˈrandē; -ˌdī|
noun ( pl. modi operandi |ˈmōdē; ˈmōdī|) [usu. in sing. ]
a particular way or method of doing something, esp. one that is characteristic or well-established 
the way something operates or works.

ORIGIN Latin, literally ‘way of operating.’

What you feel beyond your senses is reflection of your own blueprint. Your blueprint describes a specific energy configuration/geometry imprinted at birth. A blueprint describes a framework, implies direction (attractions and repulsions) and describes the attributes and qualities that symbolically represent your presence/consciousness in both an objective and subjective context. 

You are a participant and contributor to many greater and lesser  configurations of energy, light and information. Your experiences afford the direction/s necessary for further development, growth and evolution. You innately know this as fact. It is in your DNA.  

Edited: 06.03.2018, 07.04.2018, 08.05.2018, 11.19.2018, 11.25.2018, 02.22.2019, 08.09.2019, 08.12.2019, 01.15.2020, 06.30.2020, 11.08.2020, 02.12.2021, 05.24.2023, 01.04.2024
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL https://designconsciousness.blogspot.com/ is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2018 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice) AI usage is prohibited. You are also invited to visit https://designmetaphysics.blogspot.com/,   and https://sagariandesignnetwork.blogspot.com and https://www.pinterest.com

Be assured you will not discover all the answers to your inquiries here. Continue to investigate into your role of observer and contributor to a reality of your own design and creation – be aware of the by-products that surround every choice and decision.


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