July 20, 2013

Design Metaphysics: Synchronicity and an Emerging Consciousness

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

Emergence describes a field in patterned oscillation, a repetitive and adaptive phenomenon driven by potentialities hidden within the interaction and synchronization of internal and external elements. Together these actions contribute to the concept of a field’s “substance”. A field acts as an insulator and barrier from the context in which it appears to emerge. An emergent field appears cell-like in response to the time, space and the contextual environment in which it is both attracted and repulsed.

Consciousness is Infinite. Consciousness is made conscionable by means of a series of patterns of virtual energy brought to awareness by means of a series of symbolic portals (experiences) and synchronistic events.

Every point of awareness, i.e. event, has a tensor position located within a field we interpret being “experience”. Every experience aligns with a set of values symbolizing the “quality” of the event being observed. Every event eventually curves back upon itself in a geodesic like path. Every event is part and parcel of an experience with its own set values characterizing the field in which it is observed.

Consciousness is made self-apparent by means of the causal links, i.e. the designs, symbolically linking events, i.e. points of awareness. In other words, the symbolic field we describe as consciousness is an emergent field, a field that surfaces as the result of the collaboration of a multitude of symbolic event/experiences.

Consciousness can therefore be viewed as an experience having emerged as the result of a series of events symbolically linked from within the confines of a virtual field interpreted as light, energy and/or information.  A synchronistic event can trigger, accelerate and often magnify these same relationships.

Every synchronistic event gives a certain “structure” to every experience. The most basic could be considered the most sentient and physical in nature. In this example, the “experience” is perceived as a series of events that have been haphazardly linking together by chance.

A more holistic interpretation would include both a mental and emotional (Kama/Manas) interpretation of an event. More refined levels of emergence reveal a more holistic perception of the events and experiences that together symbolically contribute to one’s own interpretation of consciousness.

Every synchronistic event contains the potential for traveling beyond the confines of its current field of awareness. Each event/experience represents, describes and defines, by means of its independence, a certain template that, by way of a series of synchronistic events, can also create a portal into yet another field, i.e. dimension, of consciousness.

A synchronistic event is a causal agent, a symbolic catalyst designed to initiate, create and establish a gateway between emerging levels of awareness.

Each event/experiences has its own “local” coordinate system. (See "Gaia is an Emerging Field”) Each event/experience defines and describes itself in its own way. Each event/experience is poised and curved within the framework of a greater field of consciousness in which it participates. Each curvature describes the dynamic evolution of a field at-large being virtually separated from its original source, i.e. zero point while responding within the context of its current position in timelessness*. Evolution emerges from out of time and into space in a non-linear fashion by means of events and experiences that appear within the constraints of an emerging field of light, energy and information we perceive as consciousness.

Synchronistic events afford clarity to every design situation, i.e. event/experience.

* A synchronistic event occurs in the now (present) and is viewed from a perspective that trumps linear time. A synchronistic event is an invitation into another realm, another dimension and another reality.

* * *
"Science’s self-assumed responsibility has been self-limited to disclosure to society only of the separate, supposedly physical (because separately weighable) atomic component isolations data. Synergetic integrity would require the scientists to announce that in reality what had been identified heretofore as physical is entirely metaphysical — because synergetically weightless. Metaphysical has been science’s designation for all weightless phenomena such as thought. But science has made no experimental finding of any phenomena that can be described as a solid, or as continuous, or as a straight surface plane, or as a straight line, or as infinite anything. We are now synergetically forced to conclude that all phenomena are metaphysical; wherefore, as many have long suspected — like it or not — life is but a dream."
Buckminster Fuller
Source: Maria Popova

Edited: 08.10.2013, 10.17.2014, 11.08.2014, 05.05.2015, 01.10.2017, 12.19.2017, 02.17.2018, 09.22.2019, 02.21.2020, 06.09.2022, 09.04.2022, 03.30.2023, 05.07.2023
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL https://designmetaphysics.blogspot.com/ is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2023 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice) AI usage is prohibited. You are also invited to visit https://designconsciousness.blogspot.com/ 


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