Conceptual impression surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.
Consciousness is the product of a series of synchronistic events based
upon the concept of emergence. Complex systems appear to emerge out of
nowhere, are in perpetual motion, characteristically adapt to every situation
and at times appear to be hidden. Each system possesses a “quality” of its own,
which in turn gives expression to a certain intelligence/consciousness that
appears veiled and beyond the awareness of each contributing element … whether
sentient or not.
Over time directions change
as elements are attracted and repulsed by vectors (projections/forces) both
within and beyond the parametric nuclei of every field of energy, light and
information. Elements become focused by certain systemic/universal rules of attraction,
repulsion and distribution.
We live in a vibratory universe. Emergent fields like consciousness retain the potential of becoming self-correcting and self-organizing, along with expressing a certain degree of “intelligence” by means of cyclically
experiencing a series of synchronistic events that optimize the distribution of energy, light and information
beyond any blueprint.
Randomly wandering projections create the paths in which future pioneering generations migrate, develop and evolve in order to optimize the distribution of energy in motion (e-motion). Greater complexity, randomness, divergence, and deviation generate a greater consciousness.
A more embracing use
of symbolism, i.e. design, is key in optimizing the emergence of a greater imagination, the product of which is the emergence of a greater consciousness. The optimal source is everywhere and nowhere.
The zero point is an
imaginary unit used solely for the purpose of creating a reference point in
describing what is actually an endlessly emerging field of energy, light and
information. What is key are the intimate relationships created between neighboring elements that contribute, harbor and spread the relative light, energy and in-form-ation necessary to the
survival of the field.
1. ^ a b Fries P (2001). "A mechanism for cognitive dynamics: neuronal communication through neuronal coherence". TICS 9: 474–480.
2. ^ Fell J, Axmacher N (2011). "The role of phase synchronization in memory processes". Nat Rev Neurosci 12: 105–118.
3. ^ a b Schnitzler A, Gross J (2005). "Normal and pathological oscillatory communication in the brain". Nat Rev Neurosci 6 (4): 285–296. doi:10.1038/nrn1650. PMID 15803160
Edited: 07.08.2013, 08.08.2013, 10.17.204, 11.08.2014, 01.11.2017, 07.18.2020, 08.13.2022
Find your truth. Know your mind.
Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral
part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and
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included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please
note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2017 C.G.
Garant. All Rights Reserved. AI usage is prohibited. Fair Use Notice.

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