March 22, 2012

Design Metaphysics: The Dodecagon

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The symbolic importance and conceptual significance surrounding the number twelve as an expression of completeness can be found in DNA, the twelve months of the year, the twelve zodiac signs, the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve hours in a day, etc. The dodecagon symbolizes the balance created by the interaction/intersection of four (earth) triangles that create 12 inclusive points of reference within the containment of a particular whole.

The dodecagon became the solar number, the year into twelve months and the duality of the day into twelve hours. Time, space and motion in relationship to the sun, the moon, the constellations in the heavenly solar “system” are governed by the twelve-pointed polygon. The four triadic signs of earth, water, air and fire are archetypical in character and purposely interact in order to give meaning to the whole.

The dodecagon symbolizes time, its relationship to space and the location of energy in the form of holographic light and information. Together these referential points of quantum energy describe the qualities of the solar field. Holographic in character and designed by attraction and intention, each component triad (4) is an expression of a micro system that internally symbolizes the achievements of a larger macro system functioning in apparent balance.

When the dodecagon is viewed within the constraints of this universe both time and space take on a new meaning and purpose. Time becomes the thread that sews all holograms together by making them apparent within the parameters of a virtual field of quantum energy (QFVPP). Time creates the condition. Time is the tool that brings meaning and purpose (design) into context when experiencing the three dimensional universe.
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The dodecagon offers the observer a holistic perspective of the three dimensional world, thereby creating a map for consciousness that reveals each holographic pathway and non-measurable parameter. Light energy /information overlaps itself creating layers that blur edges that border distinct qualities.


That which can be measured influences that which cannot, as well as that which cannot be measured influences that which can, a phenomenon that appears conscionable when experiencing and participating within the constraints of a linear (3D) time spiral. Each sequential and imagined state of consciousness appears to give birth to the next in a concurrent holographic sequencing of present, past and future.

Steve and Karen Alexander,Crop Circles: Signs, Wonders and Mysteries, pg. 77

At the hub of the dodecagon is an unknown, unrecognizable center, i.e. source, from which everything appears to revolve and be attracted. Having the characteristics of a black hole, awareness of this enigmatic force introduces consciousness to the magical qualities of the thirteen-sided polygon (tridecagon).

Being drawn to this center is an integral part of the design process. This focal point is symbolic of a holographic source and precursor to the entrance into another universe. After certain attributes are fully experienced, explored and understood as a single strand of consciousness woven within a string of universes, certain mysteries collapse upon themselves, which in turn reveal other attributes of a unique geometry, holographic representations and dimensional interpretation.

Light, i.e. energy/information and motion, as we know it, will be transformed into an adjoining geometry of space and time held within the parametric context of the next level/representation of consciousness.

Edited: 11.28.2013, 10.17.2014, 01.11.2017, 03.05.2018, 07.17.2019, 01.12.2022, 03.30.2023
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1 comment:

  1. Dodecagon is one of the types of polygon which has 12 sides. This is one of the regular polygons and is named dodecagon since it has 12 sides. Dodecagon has 12 angles. There are both regular and irregular dodecagons. Here, we will discuss more about the properties of the regular 12 sided polygon.


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