Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.
Form is the product of a desire or intention emanating from both the mind and the heart made relatively apparent within a quantum field of virtual potential (QFVP) the result of which gives relative form to what is described as a hologram. Vibrations are linked by means of coherent resonance and according to virtual blueprint, a design imagined as being real, which in turn affects all other adjacent fields, mediums and contexts. Lasers create the vibratory impulse, the virtual dimensions the context and the perceiver/observer/designer the plan.
Note: Dimensions overlap therefore every design is multidimensional in character and can be affected by other influences/impressions/ideas/concepts. Symbols and metaphor create a common attraction, i.e. a formless "source" of eternal potential, configuration and reconfiguration. Design affords the observer/creator/perceiver an opportunity to mix, join and unite/design these intentions/circumstances/dimensions into a never ending creation of patterns and networks of energy in motion (EIM). Design in the form of signs, symbols and metaphor have the power to pierce, attract and repulse energy, light and information.
The Emergence of Holographic Video
Imaginings of self are projected onto and reflected upon a virtual field of finite plasmic/quantum "substance” pre-calculated to fashion an intention or desire. From a three dimensional POV, field resistance splits the coherency of this single preconception into two distinctly impressionable forces we interpret as meaning and purpose. (See Kama/Manas) These qualities merge symbolically and into relative "form" by combining mental/emotional/physical imaginings, impressions and feelings of varying frequency. These intentions appear as impulses within the virtual field, i.e. consciousness of the observer/perceiver.
Remember ... the quantum universe (QFVP) is multidimensional, therefore every impression is supported by the surrounding context/field/energies in which it is observed. These patterns are typically based upon current and past experiences and events. These impressions can lead to either stagnation or expansion dependent upon the observer's choice.
The moral lesson is that symbols of all kinds are visible shadows of invisible truths.
Manly P. Hall
What appears to be real is symbolic in character; holographic images appear within the virtual parameter of the field/s in which our intentions are projected. In reference to the quantum experience, our choices are limited only by what we can conceive, comprehend and respond. In other words, our ability to appropriately co-create holographically is closely aligned to our awareness and more broadly our level of consciousness.
The moral lesson is that symbols of all kinds are visible shadows of invisible truths.
Manly P. Hall
What appears to be real is symbolic in character; holographic images appear within the virtual parameter of the field/s in which our intentions are projected. In reference to the quantum experience, our choices are limited only by what we can conceive, comprehend and respond. In other words, our ability to appropriately co-create holographically is closely aligned to our awareness and more broadly our level of consciousness.
It is important to become aware of those concepts that surround the theory of a fractal universe ***** in reference also to the process used in creating a holographic image in 3D space/time. In other words, the macrocosm is reflected/mirrored in every microcosmic "piece" of this universal puzzle. Each piece has already been appropriately appointed its position in 3D space/time (circumstance). Each piece has been designed/projected from its source as being in the most appropriate space at the most appropriate time. Each piece is an integral part, image or idea reflected within a larger holographic part, image or idea. This realization is entirely dependent upon the position of the observer's own POV.
appropriate adjective | əˈprōprēət | suitable or proper in the circumstances: a measure appropriate to a wartime economy.
For humanity this field affords us a universe that hosts its imaginings within the constraints of a three-dimensional space and linear time framework. Experiences that appear in relative “form” circumscribe the accumulative characteristics of an imagination unfolding from within a unified field consisting of physical, mental and emotional characteristics.
1. Reverberation = resonating and/or responding to the frequency of information/energy (light) within observable constraints … sometimes generating change aka feedback.
2. Imagination = the translation of a frequency of information/energy (light) made within systemic parameters.
3. Projection = output, information/energy (light) translated into a frequency and viewed as an intention.
4. Resistance = limitations inherent within a field of intended projection, i.e. density.
5. Relative Manifestation = holographic summation of information/energy (light) made apparent within a field of intended projection.
6. Reflection = input, information/energy (light) vibrating within observable constraints.
… sometimes generating change aka feedback.
appropriate adjective | əˈprōprēət | suitable or proper in the circumstances: a measure appropriate to a wartime economy.
For humanity this field affords us a universe that hosts its imaginings within the constraints of a three-dimensional space and linear time framework. Experiences that appear in relative “form” circumscribe the accumulative characteristics of an imagination unfolding from within a unified field consisting of physical, mental and emotional characteristics.
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1. Reverberation = resonating and/or responding to the frequency of information/energy (light) within observable constraints … sometimes generating change aka feedback.
2. Imagination = the translation of a frequency of information/energy (light) made within systemic parameters.
3. Projection = output, information/energy (light) translated into a frequency and viewed as an intention.
4. Resistance = limitations inherent within a field of intended projection, i.e. density.
5. Relative Manifestation = holographic summation of information/energy (light) made apparent within a field of intended projection.
6. Reflection = input, information/energy (light) vibrating within observable constraints.
… sometimes generating change aka feedback.
Design affords consciousness the opportunity to symbolically project a holographic image/impression into another space/time in reference to a quantum interpretation, i.e. a dimensional/fractal field without limits or constraints. Realize the fact that the Light in support of our projections/desires/intentions originate from within that which substantiates the field we call consciousness, aka the Self. This force will coalesce into relatively abstract and plasmic patterns/forms of light meant to be interpreted experientially and symbolically.
Experience creates the situations/contexts vital to growth and expansion within a field of consciousness we describe and embrace as our own. By design, thought focuses our mindful desires and intentions into their most appropriate meaning and purpose by means of a faulty yet causal separation. In other words, our desires and intentions are brought before our consciousness in the form of a symbolic package. That "package" can takes the form of a holographic image made of quantum mind stuff/frequencies and if appropriately nurtured by means of the design process, may become greater or lesser in density by virtue of observation and the creative impulse.
When pushed forward by means of desire and intention (creativity), higher density leads to lower frequency as to congeal symbolically into relative matter/form. By tethering the mind into identifiable streams of awareness, i.e. designs, these forces fashion the process into a controlled holographic, fractal and spatial matrix and giving structure to our individual interpretation of consciousness, reality and our place in the world.
density noun (plural densities) the degree of compactness of a substance: a reduction in bone density. • (also packing density) Computing a measure of the amount of information on a storage medium (tape or disk). For magnetic tape it is the amount of information recorded per unit length of tape (bits per inch or millimeter); for a disk, a fixed number of bits per sector, sectors per track, and tracks per disk: chip density doubles every eighteen months | [as modifier, in combination] : a low-density 5.25-inch floppy disk | a drive capable of handling high-density 1.44 megabyte disks. • Physics degree of consistency measured by the quantity of mass per unit volume. • the opacity of a photographic image. • the quantity of people or things in a given area or space: areas of low population density | a density of 10,000 per square mile.
Authenticity does not need approval.
Mind harbors the quantum mystery surrounding the unknown. What appear to be units, i.e. spheres/fields, of awareness actually appear as electric streams of light* (information/energy) about which electromagnetic fields are formed and created.
Authenticity does not need approval.
Mind harbors the quantum mystery surrounding the unknown. What appear to be units, i.e. spheres/fields, of awareness actually appear as electric streams of light* (information/energy) about which electromagnetic fields are formed and created.
What has not yet been awakened by experience, i.e. the unenlightened mind, defines that which is unknown. Consciousness contained with the parameters of three dimensional space and time is interpreted symbolically by means of the qualities that surround the speed of light, i.e. its contextual reference.
The design "experience" is void of space and time and therefore the concept of speed is no longer relevant. When designing in 3D space/time, time and space become timeless and spaceless because a sense of balance is being acted upon and experienced "in the moment".
Holograms represent the emanations of one's mind, heart and imagination and like all creation, appears as a designed projection of its own Light. These are the forms that create the boundaries between "dimensions" where the concepts of time/space appear more wave like and spiral in character. However, this all remains conjecture until made mindful and viscerally coherent.
* see Birkeland current and Marklund Convection
“As above so below corresponds to that which is below, and that which is above corresponds to that which is below to accomplish the miracle of the one thing.”
From the emerald tablet of Hermes Trismegistus translated by Dennis W. Hauck
* see Birkeland current and Marklund Convection
“As above so below corresponds to that which is below, and that which is above corresponds to that which is below to accomplish the miracle of the one thing.”
From the emerald tablet of Hermes Trismegistus translated by Dennis W. Hauck
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Edited: 05.28.2013, 11.28.2013, 10.16.2014, 01.11.2017, 09.25.2019, 09.228.2021, 02.27.2022, 02.10.2025
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