Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.
Holographic formations of virtual energy (mind) have the potential to create temporal matrixes, i.e. parameters about categories of awareness that contribute to the relative "substantiation" of a field of codes/impulses in the form of light, energy and information. We perceive this constantly moving and changing environment/field as consciousness. It doesn't entirely reveal itself. It is typically felt and not understood ... it changes much too quickly for the brain/mind to contain and/or entirely ascertain. The field into which a mind’s desires are projected also provides the resistance necessary for an affective patterning of what might be interpreted as relative “matter”.
The assorted densities of virtual substance (mind) assist in developing the constraints, i.e. patterns, necessary to give relative “form” to a three-dimensional space/time construct/field we interpret as consciousness. Consciousness is the result of both a thought and a feeling … a mindful expression of Kama Manas.

The question remains, which came first? Is there a first? Is consciousness the product of an ongoing thought stemming from a virtual field we conceptualize as mind and thereby perceived as the observation of vibratory phenomena being reflected back to an observer? Waves being reflected back as holograms due to the density of the field in which they are projected?
The observer appearing to be outside the field of observation is actually at the center of a universe of its own creation. The observer is the origin and the source of its own field of consciousness within a virtual field we discern as mind. An observer both resonates and translates energy in the form of both particle (form) and wave (formlessness). These energies appear as holographic imaginings projected from an apparent “source”, patterned designs that are sometimes construed and agreed upon by other sources (collective) as being real.
The lack of coherence, i.e. resonance, surround each thought form. This creates the back drop or context in which a formation of light can be generated by the imagination to be purposely located and/or positioned. Intent in the form of a quantum surge of attention, i.e. focus, attracts light about a pre-conceived/imagined structure/network of positions and impressions/forces. Light patterning behavior/creation is common throughout the universe and likewise reinforces the potential for locating the source of every form of energy. This situation might best describe a feedback "loop" appearing in the form of a spiraling vortex substantiated by toroidal agents of relative substance, i.e. quantum origin. This is an impulse that can be described both as an emotion/desire (energy in motion) and an intelligence (Kama Manas) permeating the universe. This pattern is likewise apparent in both evolutionary and involutionary cycles. The holographic illusions we discretely perceive as objects, feelings and thoughts in three-dimensional space/time are symbolically portrayed at every level of consciousness by means of design.

The virtual field we perceive as mind attracts and resonates to patterns of energy (designs) that bring meaning and purpose to a symbolic expedition of expansion and contraction. For humanity these experiences appear to exist within the realms of time and space. Due to time these holograms give the impression they project a sense of permanence yet are actually cyclical in character at dimensions/frequencies less or greater than that of the of the observer. Note: an “observer” is a participant in what can best be described as a phenomenal moment in space/time. All phenomena are designed to perpetuate the presence of a Universal consciousness, which is an Awareness made conscionable by means of reflection. Design forms a cosmic jewel in which all light/energy/information is mirrored from within and projected afar and beyond the perimeter of a central focus of a tension.
Change is a characteristic of time being made apparent through holographic means.
Included in the scheme of things is the realization that a virtual field of light and dark “matter” will establish a resistance to the transmission of energy at every density within the parametric constraints of the observer. Resistance to projections that stem from a source creates the waveforms necessary for the formation that substantiate and support every hologram.
As these imaginings emerge from the quantum levels of mind (greater field) each hologram can appear in the form of a particle or wave as the thoughts, emotions and objects we resonate to and imagine to be real. Our imagination is projected mind stuff (vibration) designated to give reference to we create and respond/reverberate.

Virtual fields "appear to be dualistic" in nature consisting of what has been labeled light and dark energy. This concept permeates the universe along cyclical paths that search for unity through experience. Changes in consciousness transform the components that appear before mind through meaning and purpose (design) i.e. the gradation of which is brought forward by the density in which these experiences, i.e. transmissions, become apparent.
Edited: 11.28.2013, 10.16.2014, 12.20.2014, 01.11.2017, 12,18.2018, 10.17.2019, 06.16.2020, 06.15.2022
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