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Consciousness remains the result of a process that produces an assemblage of associations and relationships between innumerable elements, both virtually and in the relative form of substance, the compilation and relative materialization of which is perceived as an array of configurations in the form energy, i.e. light.
Together and within the constraints of the field in which these various elements have joined, energy patterns give rise to the phenomenon where the parts appear to be both a source (macro) and an expression (micro) of a particular type of consciousness supported by its own awareness. Consciousness is therefore a relative term and possessor of an accumulative “effect” along with an associative “affect” and whose combination creates innumerable levels of awareness made apparent within the variable constraints of a particular field.
A patterned organization of virtual energy with the capacity to oscillate between form and formlessness, consciousness appears to lean more towards being the expression of a field rather than a form possessing “outward appearances”. Qualities inherent to any field of consciousness are symbolically expressed through relative “matter” in the form of patterns that invoke the qualities of the field itself. This similarly appears to be the purpose of the design function as the symbolic connector between awareness, consciousness and the creations induced from these relationships.
Consciousness is the “product” of this virtual energy field, always changing due to an underlying drive for survival through procreation and by making manifest its influences at both micro and macro levels of awareness.
We describe and perceive these virtual elements both within and outside the constraints of this relatively conscious field as spirit and matter. Consciousness is the communal result of a multitude of energy associations and formations, all organized about the realization that survival in the figure of appearances is based upon these connections.
Together and within the constraints of the field in which these various elements have joined, energy patterns give rise to the phenomenon where the parts appear to be both a source (macro) and an expression (micro) of a particular type of consciousness supported by its own awareness. Consciousness is therefore a relative term and possessor of an accumulative “effect” along with an associative “affect” and whose combination creates innumerable levels of awareness made apparent within the variable constraints of a particular field.
A patterned organization of virtual energy with the capacity to oscillate between form and formlessness, consciousness appears to lean more towards being the expression of a field rather than a form possessing “outward appearances”. Qualities inherent to any field of consciousness are symbolically expressed through relative “matter” in the form of patterns that invoke the qualities of the field itself. This similarly appears to be the purpose of the design function as the symbolic connector between awareness, consciousness and the creations induced from these relationships.
Consciousness is the “product” of this virtual energy field, always changing due to an underlying drive for survival through procreation and by making manifest its influences at both micro and macro levels of awareness.
We describe and perceive these virtual elements both within and outside the constraints of this relatively conscious field as spirit and matter. Consciousness is the communal result of a multitude of energy associations and formations, all organized about the realization that survival in the figure of appearances is based upon these connections.

The formation of an organism is based upon energy patterns that appear appropriate for each “situation”, often as an assortment of kindred relationships that are constructed within the confines of the field as a whole. Likewise, consciousness must change by becoming both specialized and differentiated within its’ own parametric field, an assemblage that gives relative form to its own concept of both a communal (macro) and individualistic (micro) level of awareness.
Consciousness overlaps, is shared and infused both within the constraints of its own field and within the fields of other entities. This is founded upon the premise that survival is based upon cooperative efforts made within a shared environment that allow for the capacity for further expansion.
Edited: 11.28.2013, 01.11.2017
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