June 21, 2009

An Association of Virtual Fields

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

Consciousness is the result of an organized association of virtual elements, both seen and unseen, that together give relative substance to a single larger consciousness. Paradoxically this same consciousness is also the very source of its own awareness. Consciousness appears before human awareness as a kind of substance (matter), mind and emotions in a perpetual oscillation between form and formlessness.

Consciousness is the product of a communal awareness and is a natural consequence of creation. Virtual life forms share energy in a cooperative manner and create self- sustaining systems and structures as a means of survival. Together these configurations explore, discover and respond to their own unique situations in a holistic fashion as well as an individualistic one, combining their awareness’ in what appears to be as a “desire” to subsist within the environment in which they have their being. Every form of consciousness is likewise a form of microcosmic awareness existing within the context of a greater consciousness, an identifiably unique expression within a larger field of expression created by their own individual states of being.

Structural configurations are based upon patterns that originate outside the environment required for survival. These templates create the relationships between awareness and consciousness both seen and unseen, patterns designed to either step up or step down in vibration solely for the purpose of securing, stabilizing and communicating a steady transmission of energy from one state of awareness to another.

In total these patterns co-join and conform in an attempt to adapt to a greater field of energy in which they have their being and to which together they resonate. Each species in a sense, is an identifiable component made symbolically relevant by describing a particular vibratory relationship between a macro field of consciousness and the micro patterned components/ participants resonating about and within the influence of its field of expression. In this manner by design each microcosmic expression creates its own symbolic link with both its Source, i.e. the greater environment in which it has its being, and assorted other fields in approximation of its surroundings. Each field thereby becomes an active participant and symbolic “bond” that represents a particular quality that together constitutes a greater field of awareness. In essence, these relationships develop and create a relative arrangement, construction and configuration to each and every situation encountered and/or experienced. In a nutshell this universal phenomenon coins the concept we describe as consciousness.

The earth, air, wind and water are microcosmic expressions of a planetary consciousness (Gaia) in which all other relative formations likewise participate and have their being e.g. humanity, animals, and vegetation. Each is a qualitative expression of a greater consciousness and symbolic of archetypal patterns that reach beyond the constraints of this planetary field and into other dimensions along with their own accompanying “universes”.

Organisms (forms) are patterned upon frequencies that appear to be the most appropriate for the situation; their materialization is the result of their striving for balance brought about by the exchange of energies within the constituency of fields at-large. Association, integration, and cooperation are fundamental to survival. The result of this perpetual quest for balance and harmony brings strength and adaptability in surviving the constraints of the environment. The concept of the survival of the fittest is merely an aspect of this persuasion. Greater fields of consciousness lend to better understanding and awareness of the highly convoluted and intricate relationships inherent to survival itself.

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Edited: 11.28.2013, 10.16.2014, 01.11.2017, 12.25.2022, 09.22.2023, 12.01.2023
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