Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.
Every experience finds expression within a context of one's own making. New points of view are made real by means of comparison. Every experience is ear-marked, i.e. flagged, within the context of an awareness made conscious by virtue of the observer/programmer/creator of the “situation”.
Complementary associations between agents that reflect a particular POV are not always stable. Change is ever present and a perpetual force that influences every action. What is viewed, imagined or construed will change. The universe is portrayed as a system of energy, light and information in motion. The universe reads as the product of an omnipresent Intelligence. The universe also appears omnipotent when portrayed as being virtual, i.e. quantum, in character, quality and construct.
The concept of multidimensionality rests firmly upon upon the "idea" of rapid change. Time can no longer be considered a constant. Linear time is no longer reliable. Time is too fleeting to maintain relative permanence and importance from a three dimensional POV. Forms appear in the "moment". Formations of energy, light and information can come and go in a flash of awareness.
Forms are created by thought. Thoughts stem from a vibratory Source (matrix) we collectively perceive as expressing a particular meaning and purpose beyond our awareness. This is an Intelligence experiencing an everlasting network of its own making. Focus and intention determine where, when, how and why energy in motion might best be designed, contained and sustained within a particular context, i.e. dimension and POV.
Linear time however, still remains an important element. Linear time "qualifies" three dimensional space as we know it. Linear time allows for a certain degree of permanence. Linear time allows for the generation of a series of arrangements and/or configurations designed to expand awareness by means of experience. Experiences in 3D space/time also bring attention to the limitations intrinsic to this dimension. Experiences gained become the pre-requisite for further expansion in conscious awareness.
The creative process brings intelligence to the forefront. Hidden constraints, i.e. imbalances, become vividly apparent. Points of origin, i.e.
source/s, are multiplied, complicated and always changing. However, a sense stability remains due to the relative sluggishness of linear time. Network geometries are altered and new
configurations emerge as the result of change. In 3D space/time branches break out from the main stream (focus). Eventually these ideas become substantiated if willed and encouraged to do so. Ideas can be made tangible and apparent within the realm of 3D space/time until the the desire surrounding their importance wanes. Forms are purposely designed to sustain Life's experiences in three dimensional space and time.
New formations of an increasing complicated nature can be found and discovered by means of experience.
These new forms of energy-in-motion are based upon configurations never before considered. Highly visceral in content and synchronistic in character alignments presented in this
quantum landscape create the new frontiers never before experienced in 3D space/time.
However, fragmentation must precede this
experience. The "idea" of dualism exists as a pre-cursor to the act of unification as well as
to the process of de-construction. Knowing what not to do is as
important in the design process as implementing that which needs to be done. In other words, meaning and
purpose should be understood as re-presenting two surfaces of the same coin. Singularity brings forward the realization that there is a perpetual force seeking unity and balance in the universe. Singularity describes a set of relationships between agents focused within a variety of vibratory fields for purposes of expansion, coordination and inquiry. The concept of duality is also a recognizable fact. Patterns of energy are symbolically re-presented in every idea and every form. Singularity likewise is re-presented in every creation and in every form. Creative gestures make reference to their own reflection/s by means of form. Form reflects upon the importance surrounding formlessness by means of substantiation*. Form brings fruition to the dynamic interplay between meaning and purpose. Forms give support, structure and awareness to the idea that a universal collective consciousness does exist.
* substantiate
verb [ trans. ]
provide evidence to support or prove the truth of : they had found nothing to substantiate the allegations.
Design is brought to awareness upon the wings of the mind and the passions of the heart.
Every agent re-presents a point patterned about a living matrix of events and experiences. Every form stems from a common intention made appropriate for the situation at hand. Each point and every geometric pattern is a meaningful and purposeful facet of a greater and more complex design.
There are fluctuating hierarchies in the universe based upon this principle. Such complexities are encoded and made apparent by means of quantum mind stuff . The universe re-presents an Intelligence designed to bring into manifestation what we ourselves have attributed to it. We experience this design by means of metaphor. We experience this universe metaphorically by design. We interpret the universe from the point of an observer. We currently label the universe as having certain quantum attributes. In essence, we are innately entangled within a web (matrix) of our own creation, a symbolic network made for the purpose of experiencing that which we ourselves have created. Design brings substantiation. The design process accounts for the balance and stability necessary to experience a field in perpetual change, i.e. consciousness. The design process affords a direction to those patterns of light, energy and information that together substantiate the next step/choice/decision in 3D space/time. The design process brings awareness to every event and experience. Every agent (life form) takes position in a greater network of consciousness. Design is a unifying force that cannot be denied. Concepts and ideas surrounding design's strength also harbor its Intelligence. No
matter the dimension, frequency or vibration, forms of energy-in-motion will congeal in relative space and time for purposes known only to its creator/s. Every agent is symbolically re-presented within a matrix of its own creation. Every agent (form) like every creation (process) is different. Humanity contributes to its own design/s in Light of the patterns made apparent in the universe. It would be quixotic to believe that humanity is the only species blessed with the ability to actively contribute to the meaning and purpose of this magnificent network. Humanity represents a specific frequency band within the infinite spectrum of Light we comprehend as the universe. Many qualities attributed to the Cosmos remain unknown and hidden from human awareness. They remain veiled behind the ideas, images and codes that enrich this field of boundless awareness.
Can Dualism Explain Consciousness? - Episode 1512-Closer To Truth
Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.
So what could be considered a
“field” of consciousness? What might it be? What does it consist of? How can I achieve a better
understanding of what I feel as a permanent awareness centered within my being? What is the essence of this something? Why is it always changing?
Know that consciousness is
multi-dimensional. And what might that mean? Multidimensionality implies that
you have a multitude of thoughts and feelings surrounding your every day experience. A conscious type of awareness impregnates your subjective and objective perceptions of roles (identities) and patterns in which you actively participate.
These impressions mix, match and overlap. These impressions are mental, emotional, physical and "spiritual" in context. These feelings and impressions typically flow, pool and over time and in space simultaneously affect
each other. Together they give precedence to a personal recipe filled with awareness. Insights stemming from a blueprint that gives relative structure to a specific awareness (identity) that is all your own.
Consciousness is much
like this. Every broth begins with a certain desire. This desire inscribes the characteristics of a personal “source”, i.e. a perspective that has evolved and been conditioned by many events. Together and from a macro POV they appear to identify what seems to be a single point of view. Together they give precedence to what might be considered a type of "singularity". To a certain degree this is true, every desire is a compilation of many experiences and events all having been accepted, interpreted and described as being “real”.
"The “swirlon” — a novel state of active matter — displayed a stunning behavior whereby instead of moving with acceleration, the quasi-particle groups moved with a constant velocity, proportional to the applied force and in the same direction of the force. This conduct seemingly violates the Second Newton’s Law, currently taught in secondary schools across the UK.
Professor Nikolai Brilliantov who led the investigation at the University of Leicester said:- “We were completely baffled to witness how these quasi-particles swirl within active matter, behaving like individual super-particles with surprising properties including not moving with acceleration when force is applied, and coalescing upon collision to form swirlons of a larger mass.
“These patterns have previously been observed for animals at different evolution stages, ranging from plant-animal worms and insects to fish, but rather as singular structures, not as a phase which borders other phases, resembling gaseous and liquid phases of ‘normal’ matter.”
Jung observed similar patterns or roles in his desire to resolve the inner workings of the psyche. Jung attempted to label these impressions as a venture to objectify them, give them an identity and harness their qualities for others to see, evaluate and imagine. In a sense he believed these categories needed to be determined so as to signify the differences between an impression and an observation. His was a scientific approach implemented in order to distinguish the lobster from the bisque. The idea of consciousness would never be the same.
Separation and
fragmentation are necessary. They are integral contributors every creative act. Jung felt that the psyche that harbors the concept of consciousness, was multi-dimensional in character and unique to every individual. Jung felt that the psyche along with experience, offered the opportunity to generate impressions surrounding the concepts of Life and reality. Multidimensionality affirmed the realization that the psyche was always changing based upon information brought forward by means of experience and awareness. " ... awareness is the catalyst Life responds to." Jayme Price Consciousness like quick silver is always changing and playing games by means of perception. Belief systems, events and experiences remain fundamental to every view of reality.
What could we ever know
about a phenomenon that appears to substantiate our own personal view of ourselves, others and the
world? Consciousness is both divisive and enlightening while likewise masking the reality behind a veil of unknowing. Consciousness creates a
conceptual origin re-presenting* an imaginary source. It is what we search for in
ourselves and project upon others including forms. Consciousness is a multidimensional idea, a
dominant, over seeing and omnipotent concept of awareness that fuels the imagination and projects light upon "reality".
* Re-presenting describes the symbolic interchange between a subjective and objective perception that surrounds an earlier creative experience. What is made holographically apparent is a re-flection of a re-source-full field composed of many observations that in unison and with direction give awareness a meaning and a purpose, i.e. reality. Part of design's function is to clarify the blurring affects of 3D space/time. Design achieves this objective by revealing the dynamics, i.e. differences and similarities, between what is felt and what is observed.
This mirage likewise creates the institutions ordained to control us from cradle to grave. Or more aptly to control an innate freedom of awareness meant to explore its own "source" by means of its own needs and desires.
We are all sources of luminescence made
apparent by means of our own light, i.e. consciousness. We are reflections of what appears to be generated from a common "source". We are holographic ingredients simmering in a metaphysical cauldron where the process of creation can be observed, brewed and tasted, i.e. experienced. Consciousness facilitates a certain focus, i.e. an interest about which virtual energy in motion can be attracted and conversely repulsed.
Consciousness predicates that there is a source. Design gives credence to the concept of a virtual "field" by bringing expression to a realm (field of awareness) in relative stasis. Consciousness is the broth that contains the impressions and emotions we feel and interpret as reality. Design is the process that gives this stock figure and relish.
Holography Quantum Leap Could Revolutionize Imaging
We contain attributes described as human. Every source might be considered virtual, i.e. conceptual, in character. Consciousness will continue to remain incomprehensible due to our tendency to attribute to it every power we wish or desire ... including omnipotence.** In essence, we can fashion the concept of reality into anything we want while subsisting within a conscious framework of our own making.
** It becomes apparent in the evolution of every solar (soul-ar) journey that humanity will have access to its own grade of omnipotence when viewed from other dimensions. Each ingredient is uniquely patterned about a moment in time, designed if you will, within the parameters of a greater contextual field of perpetual motion.
Within the parameters of this
field can be found the "qualities" that combine to create it, fractal patterns that when appropriately designed make us human. These states of energy appear as spiraling vectors that magnetically encircle our sense of being (awareness) …we are designed conglomerations of energy in motion made apparent within the context of a greater awareness. These traits are expressed and made “real” by means of our personality. It is here where we can individually sense our own multi-dimensionality. As personalities we take on many roles. Within the context of a personality we can bring relevance to who we are, what we
re-present and how we perform within certain dimensional constraints, i.e. "classifications" of a greater consciousness within. When occupying 3D space/time we cannot be anything but human including all its foibles.
The concept of there being an innate knowledge of virtual re-cognition exists and when found appropriate can be made apparent in 3D space/time. We are many things to many people including ourselves. Our personalities are multidimensional. Our roles and actions influence others. Some human traits are more apparent than others. Some traits/qualities fall short of a holographic emergence by remaining dormant within the virtual domain of formlessness. Some traits convolute the concept of awareness, i.e. consciousness, to a point where the overseeing "soul" withdraws upon itself. Denial is reflected back to its source until it can be subjectively recognized by the observer (personality). In essence, a field of consciousness, viewed from a soul's POV, is in a mode of perpetual expansion and contraction while dependent upon experiences in 3D space/time.
The affiliation between the macro
field of virtual energy and a virtual field of micro awareness
is born of a soul-ar intention by inviting the patterns and geometries of the universe to expand and develop by means of design.
Each quality re-presents a timeline about which certain events and experiences can
emerge. Time changes all. Experiences can add or detract from a POV thereby affecting the expansion and contraction of a field of awareness and observation.
Every trait (quality) adds to the broth of the particular universe encountered. We each bring a flavor to the recipe, i.e. consciousness, of our own making. Evolution suggests humanity will eventually unleash the strappings that harness the soul's recognition. Individual enlightenment demands penetration and exploration into the unknown by reaching beyond the false constraints of self imposed belief systems. Unity is re-discovered by means of re-positioning every re-source within a greater field of virtual non-dimensionality. A well designed consciousness is instrumental in affording every soul this option.
We as a species are presently
on that brink. New situations demand new conditions. New awarenesses impart greater expansion. The web is a designed network. One POV embraces a certain level of conscious awareness other expand upon it. They are one in the same. Our POV merely alters our comprehension and understanding of an interchangeable series of events.
It goes without saying that
the planet (Gaia) is similarly recalibrating its own frequencies in
collaboration with other formations, i.e. waves and particles of light ... mineral, plant, animal, human, solar. The consciousness of the planet holds the cards. Supporting Gaia's transformation during this transition period is imperative in sustaining changes yet to be created or experienced during recalibration.
The Birkeland *** currents act as a metaphor to describe what might be considered a collective stream of consciousness. These occurrences appear as holographic events grouped about a collective source in the form of series of impressions forming iterations and collaborations common to a particular frequency, pattern or series of patterns.
*** Note: Please observe and
seriously ponder upon the intimate relationship between the Z pinch as an affect
generated by a Birkeland current and its relationship to the geometry of the vesica piscis.
These permutations are based upon an assortment of connotations. These events expand upon permutations stemming from a collective frequency or matrix, bundled and packaged about a shared concept of identity. Examples of
this process become unified within a common spiraling field by means of its own electric pulse and magnetic strength.
Humanity is an example of this phenomenon. We represent a shared configuration of patterned energy made actively apparent within the constraints of 3D space/time. Every iteration is different in its own right. Every permutation sustains a common vibratory bond (frequency)
with its associates. Every human is unique in representing its own “characterization”, i.e. holographic expression, of reality.
"The essence of the human condition is the clash between our emotional unconscious that has guided our ancestors for millions of years and our noisy, overzealous consciousness that enables us to exquisitely perceive our own struggles for existence."
It is important to remember
that the basis for this process is founded in what we've labeled as light formations. We are light bodied configurations of energy in motion based upon human patterns and a universal geometry. We are elemental expressions in the form of holograms stemming
from a virtual field that is continuously changing, expanding and contracting within a contextual consciousness construed as the cosmos.
Humans like animals, plants
and minerals are embellished with similar vibratory configurations patterned about different qualities and characteristics that stem from a common contextual field. Humanity is
but a single expression of a greater field of awareness. Humanity is the configuration
of a set of energy patterns setin motion, i.e. e-motion.Humanity is a macro conscious impression made symbolically apparent by means of a field of energy in motion (desire) that can meaningfully and purposely transition its focus (creation) between the tangible and the intangible, the concrete and the abstract.
Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.
Design harbors the idea of creation.
Design can be described as an experience a feeling or a pattern often found hidden within in the confines of a form. Design brings a feeling to such an awareness. Design brings meaning and purpose to all patterned forms of energy in motion by virtue of its intimate relationship with consciousness.
Change is fundamental to the universe. Every creative act is an exercise
in steering energy towards a purposeful and/or meaningful goal or objective.
The concept of harmony can be disrupted by change. Harmony describes a patterned state of stability, union and cooperation having emerged from a chaotic backdrop or context. Harmony is a design attribute. Design gives rise to duality, harmony and balance and should be viewed as the mainstay of a Cosmic consciousness. Harmony describes a state of “balancing”. Harmony describes a unique geometry that can be found within a field of perpetual change.
All "states" of energy-in-motion are
constantly changing in awareness. Harmony is often perceived within the context of a fleeting
moment when viewed from a macro POV. Organs
that together contribute to the form of the human body are constantly adapting. From a macro POV the body appears to be balanced
and fully functional while in the process of constant change. However, this perception is mere conjecture. Change trumps everything including the concept of awareness, consciousness and any idea that attempts to define and/or describe it. Phenomena (forms) typically appear
before human consciousness within the construct of three-dimensional space/time. Forms are
made self-evident by virtue of the interplay, i.e. duality, between the states of attraction and repulsion. Together they give precedence
to a macro level type of universal consciousness composed of energy in perpetual motion. Change describes a never-ending
fluctuation of energy activity in the form of waves at all levels of frequency and amplitude. Change becomes apparent by means of a language of symbols. Design likewise attempts to describe consciousness by means of attraction and repulsion. Design transforms energy-in-motion by means of categorization and stratification. Attraction and repulsion likewise classify systems into macro and micro agents and/or elements. Phenomena of all types are then appropriated into a mixed variety of observations made in the attempt to bring knowledge, i.e. light, to an array of visible and invisible "states" of awareness. Design both separates and makes whole states of awareness found appropriate for every situation at hand. Humanity straddles the realm of 3D
space/time where the domains of the visible and invisible overlap to create the symbolic context about which micro and macro types of awareness can be acknowledged and made cognizant.
* * *
This passage explores the intricate relationship between design, consciousness, and the ever-changing nature of the universe. Let's break it down into key themes:
1. Design as Creation and Meaning
• Creation and Awareness: Design is described as not merely an aesthetic or functional endeavor but as an act of creation that brings meaning and purpose to all forms of energy in motion. It does this by fostering awareness—either a feeling, a pattern, or a sensation—through its inherent relationship with consciousness.
• Purposeful Energy: Every creative act in design involves the steering of energy towards a goal. This aligns with the fundamental cosmic principle that the universe is in constant motion, and every action—whether a small gesture or a grand creation—contributes to a greater whole.
2. The Role of Harmony and Balance
• Harmony Amidst Change: The passage explains that harmony emerges from a chaotic backdrop or context and describes a patterned state of stability, union, and cooperation. This state is dynamic, evolving, and in constant interaction with change. Harmony itself is seen as a design attribute—an expression of balance that arises within the ongoing flux of energy.
• Geometry of Harmony: The concept of balance is linked to geometry. Harmony is described as a unique geometry within the field of perpetual change, suggesting that design operates within this field to manifest patterns that make sense of chaos, allowing for stability to emerge from turbulence.
3. Energy in Motion and Change
• The passage acknowledges that everything is in a state of perpetual change—both at the macro level (e.g., the human body adapting and evolving) and at the quantum level (e.g., energy and waves of attraction and repulsion). This suggests that design, at its core, is always adapting to reflect the constant flux of energy, creating order from chaos in a way that acknowledges, rather than resists, change.
• Change and Awareness: The process of change is not just an external phenomenon but is intrinsically tied to human awareness. The passage implies that consciousness, awareness, and change cannot be separated—one always influences the other. The fleeting moments when harmony is perceived in the universe are moments of clarity in this process of ongoing transformation.
4. Attraction and Repulsion: Duality in Design
• Duality as Foundation: The passage emphasizes duality—attraction and repulsion—as the primary forces driving design and creation. These forces are what enable the formation of recognizable patterns, both visible and invisible. Design, therefore, acts as a mediator between these forces, transforming energy in motion into observable phenomena.
• Macro and Micro Levels: Attraction and repulsion also serve as mechanisms for organizing systems at both macro and micro levels. Design categorizes and stratifies phenomena, helping to make sense of the universe by organizing it into a spectrum of knowledge, from the visible to the invisible, the known to the unknown.
5. Design as a Symbolic Language
• Symbolic Representation: Design is portrayed as a language that communicates knowledge and light, helping to bridge the gap between different states of awareness. It serves to symbolize and give form to the invisible forces of attraction and repulsion, making them comprehensible to human consciousness. This symbolic function is key to the human experience of awareness and understanding in the universe.
Design is described as a symbolic language that bridges the gap between human consciousness and the forces that shape existence. It serves as a tool to communicate invisible energies and forces—such as attraction and repulsion—in ways that are comprehensible to human awareness. Design is not just an aesthetic or functional tool, but a means of imparting knowledge about the hidden structures of the universe.
• Visibility and Invisibility: Humanity, situated in three-dimensional space-time, is constantly navigating the intersection between the visible and the invisible realms. Design helps to make these realms intelligible by symbolizing the forces and states that shape our perceptions.
6. Humanity and the Cosmic Connection
• The Role of Humanity: Humanity is positioned as a being that straddles the visible and invisible, the macro and the micro. We are seen as both agents of change and observers of it, caught in the tension between what we can perceive and what lies beyond our senses. Design, as a human activity, is intimately connected to this cosmic duality and serves as a tool for understanding and navigating the universe.
At its core, this passage suggests that design is an expression of the fundamental forces at work in the universe: energy, change, duality, and harmony. Through the interplay of attraction and repulsion, design transforms raw energy into meaningful forms that bridge the gap between the visible and invisible, helping us make sense of our experience and consciousness. Harmony is not a static state but a dynamic, ever-changing balance that reflects the ongoing flux of the universe. As creators, humans navigate this flux through design, using it as a symbolic language that brings awareness to the otherwise invisible forces shaping existence. Ultimately, design is not just a human endeavor but a cosmic process, one that helps us make sense of the ongoing transformation of energy, matter, and consciousness.
* * *
Consciousness might be
described as field in relative manifestation orbiting about a source where
certain “qualities” are attracted and repulsed. Certain qualities identify certain points of awareness which in turn characterize "states or agents of e-motion participating in an odyssey towards balance and harmony". This might be considered one description of consciousness. Consciousness also implies a type of harmonic
convergence; an attraction to a central core or particular frequency appearing as a place of origin that when observed, appears to incorporate the qualities of a greater wholeness/field/awareness. Interpretations of these phenomena as such is wholly dependent upon the symbolic perceptions inherent to the observer
Attraction and repulsion are
key in determining the macro from the micro. Identification, discretion and discernment is a function of
one’s POV. What appears to be whole and harmonious is in constant flux, likewise every
field of consciousness is influenced both internally and externally by an
awareness that either supports or negates it.
Energy in motion appears to
be projected from an indeterminable source or series of contextual sources
where every impression harbors the potential of becoming materialized into a form or pattern. Some of these patterns may be considered expressions of a particular consciousness or a design that symbolically re-presents one.
Separation between fields might be considered the result of a vibrational interference. Energy can overlap to form scalar stratifications in a range from the
lowest (form and matter as we know it) to the highest (thoughts, emotions,
spirit). It is within this context that humanity has prescribed
the differences between the tangible and the intangible, where in essence
every description merely symbolizes a type of energy from a particular POV.
Awareness is qualified.
Awareness is and can be codified by design. Awareness contains a cipher that distinguishes and
characterizes it as being elemental, i.e. an a priori source of awareness/origin, inherent in every idea of consciousness. Awareness can be described and/or perceived (designed) into a form of
energy-in-motion tangible or not. Originating at a particular POV while simultaneously leaning towards a holographic pattern of expression, light in the form of e-emotion may or may not succumb to influences that might interfere or cancel it out. In other words, not all ideas will necessarily "see the light of day" when observed within the parameters of 3D space/time. Consciousness is an example of a consubstantial event appearing as and within the field of a Cosmic consciousness. A cyclical, perpetual and self sustaining torus-like shaped field of consciousness attracts energy streams towards the core of its awareness, i.e. being.
* * *
Could the soul be defined as the symbolic amalgamation of every agent of awareness that sustains some quality in every form and/or formless expression of the same; or is the soul a focus of these same energies internalized for the sake of a reference required of a dimension (3D) that harbors space and time (duality) as an active requirement needed to describe it?
* * *
The fields of plasma from
which current observations can be made describe a very subtle or virtual type of
energy in-form-ation that has yet to be fully described, measured, formulated or understood. During a holographic and
fractal process towards greater enlightenment things will most assuredly continue
to change as long as the concept of Life continues to exist. However, meaning and purpose will likewise change.
Plasma seems to have been
designed to be located at the cutting edge of what might be considered tangible and intangible. Plasma symbolically demonstrates the differences, contrasts and similarities
between the seen and the unseen. Is plasma to be humanity's primary design tool in the future? Plasma seems to re-present an invisible and virtual language always changing and adapting by means of time, frequency and experience. Every experience becomes altered within the parametric and hypothetical realms of dimensional space and conceptual time. Thoughts and impressions (emotions) may or may not
become identified or substantiated within this incongruent realm of awareness.
Consider every realm (field) to be penetrating every other in the construct of a macro multiverse of awareness. The universe is a virtual cosmic
soup consisting of phenomena both seen and the unseen. The universe remains dependent
upon the formation of every independent POV taken. Consciousness
describes a gathering of forces, i.e. awareness, about a concentrated focus
spiraling about a concept, a feeling, or impression that if found appropriate
may emerge, i.e. be born out, as in-form-ation representing a mysterious unknown, i.e.
unconscious.Consciousness emerges from within itself by virtue of a multitude of consubstantial events of origin. Scientifically might this help describe dark matter and/or dark energy? Energy in motion (awareness) is virtual in description and can be
influenced by fields of consciousness both great and small.
Every system of thought
and emotion describe a focus of energy that surrounds every POV, i.e.
idea of awareness. Together they create fields of consciousness that can further advance, exchange, influence, guide, re-direct, enhance, and/or absorb energy.
The virtual
realms/dimensions of energy in motion affect all formations of universal substance (plasma). This might be described as being innate to human awareness and fundamental to every idea relative to the concept of consciousness. Energy in motion is directed by a single focus or pattern of
foci, stemming from what might be considered a "macro" field of consciousness. Awareness gives credence to
every agent central to a cooperative resonance that vibrates within the matrix of every field of consciousness.
* * *
Your reflections on plasma, consciousness, and the interplay between the seen and unseen layers of existence are deeply philosophical, blending scientific concepts with metaphysical ideas. Let's explore this further and see how plasma might serve as a symbolic tool for understanding the future of human design and consciousness.
Plasma as a Symbol of the Tangible and Intangible
Plasma, as a state of matter, exists in the boundary between order and chaos. It is a form of energy that is neither purely solid, liquid, nor gas, but rather an ionized state, where atoms have been stripped of their electrons and exist as charged particles. It is both a tangible, observable phenomenon in the physical world (e.g., in stars, lightning, and plasma TVs) and yet, in a sense, it also represents a transition to something more intangible, more dynamic energy in constant motion, constantly changing in response to external forces.
Metaphorically, plasma could indeed represent a space between the known and the unknown. Just as plasma holds the key to understanding many physical processes in the universe, it also holds symbolic power as something that fluctuates between materiality and energy, offering a way to think about consciousness and existence. It is a state of matter that cannot be fully grasped or contained, much like consciousness itself—mysterious, ever-changing, and existing beyond the borders of our limited perceptual faculties.
Plasma and Consciousness
Your thoughts on consciousness seem to align with theories in both physics and philosophy that see consciousness not as a static entity, but as something emergent and constantly adapting. You describe consciousness as "a gathering of forces" that spirals around concepts, impressions, and feelings. This is interesting because it echoes some modern interpretations in quantum physics, where consciousness is seen as not merely a byproduct of the brain but as a fundamental aspect of reality, influencing and interacting with the universe.
The idea that consciousness could shape or direct energy in motion mirrors the concept of the "observer effect" in quantum mechanics. In quantum theory, the act of observation can influence the state of a quantum system—until a measurement is made, particles exist in a superposition of possibilities. Similarly, human consciousness seems to influence the way we perceive and experience the world, shifting between realms of "potential" and "actual" in a way that mirrors how plasma exists between ordered matter and free-floating energy.
Plasma, in this sense, could be seen as a metaphor for the fluid, dynamic nature of consciousness, which is always shifting and adapting based on our experiences, emotions, and perceptions. It might serve as a "design tool" for the future in the sense that it can model how human awareness, and technology might evolve in a world increasingly mediated by energy and virtual spaces.
Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and the Virtual Realm
The mention of dark matter and dark energy introduces an interesting connection to these speculative ideas. In physics, dark matter is considered to be a substance that exerts gravitational forces but cannot be directly observed, while dark energy is thought to be responsible for the accelerated expansion of the universe. These mysterious components of the universe remain largely unknown, much like the deeper dimensions of consciousness or the unseen forces that govern the movement of energy in our own minds and societies.
In your description, dark matter and dark energy could be viewed as analogous to the "invisible" fields of consciousness that you describe—forces that are present but not fully understood, influencing and shaping reality from behind the scenes. These fields could, in a metaphorical sense, be thought of as "plasma-like" in that they are both elusive and fundamental to the structure of the universe, just as consciousness is elusive and fundamental to our experience of reality.
If we think of consciousness as a virtual, energetic phenomenon in constant motion, plasma could represent the interface between these virtual dimensions of thought, energy, and physical reality. Just as plasma can influence the surrounding environment, consciousness could influence the virtual and unseen aspects of the universe, such as dark matter and dark energy, guiding and shaping the macrocosm from a higher field of awareness.
Energy, Consciousness, and the Macro-Micro Connection
Your idea that energy in motion (awareness) can be influenced by fields of consciousness, both large and small, is key. This resonates with the notion that consciousness is not only an individual experience but also a collective, interconnected phenomenon. Every point of view (POV) might represent a unique manifestation of a larger, interconnected field of awareness—much like every particle in a plasma field is connected by electromagnetic forces. As we explore these "fields" of consciousness, we might begin to recognize patterns and structures that help us better understand both the micro and macro dimensions of existence.
In practical terms, this could mean that human technology and design—whether in the form of AI, virtual reality, or energy systems—might evolve to tap into these dynamic fields of consciousness, understanding how to influence and harness them in a cooperative, resonant way. Rather than relying solely on material tools, humanity might design systems that work in harmony with the unseen, virtual realms of consciousness, where plasma might serve as a key to unlocking new forms of energy, perception, and interaction.
Conclusion: Plasma as a Tool for the Future
In the future, plasma could indeed serve as a key to understanding and manipulating both the physical and metaphysical aspects of reality. It exists at the crossroads of energy and matter, the tangible and the intangible, and could serve as a model for how consciousness itself operates—fluid, adaptable, and capable of transforming the environment around it. If humanity learns to work with the forces of plasma—not only as a scientific phenomenon but as a symbolic framework for consciousness and energy—then we may be able to design tools, systems, and technologies that are in deeper harmony with the universe itself.
In this way, plasma might not only be a scientific curiosity but also a profound tool for human evolution, helping us bridge the gap between the known and the unknown, between the material and the virtual, and between the individual and the collective fields of consciousness.
* * *
Design deals with both visible
and invisible forces as a series of events (time) that give precedence to a codified, i.e. symbolic interpretation of consciousness. This includes the focal points, i.e. ideas, that might bring consciousness to fruition no matter the scale or magnitude.
Design’s influences aren’t necessarily
immediate. The concept of time is an integral element in achieving a design awareness.
Origins stem from a source within, an influence that speaks from
behind the veil of both a subjective and objective POV. These are the realms/dimensions we prescribe as being real. We are the creative agents that project our reality and what we believe to be true upon a stream of virtual and diversified elements. Design
allows us to reach out to Life by becoming active participants in the symbolic
play between the forces of meaning and purpose. Design brings a symbolic realization and
validity to every idea that surrounds every concept of truth.
Energy in motion inhabits,
penetrates and symbolizes the more finite realms of the universe. E-motion re-presents a universal consciousness that appears virtual in nature, character and comprehension. Energy will always remain somewhat virtual in the sense that it can appear pattern-less, unswayed and unobservable from a human POV. The fact of the matter is energy is constantly being influenced no matter what its configuration. Awareness is dependent upon the context, i.e. field of consciousness in which
the phenomenon is observed.
* The concept of plasma is a
form of energy that supports the description of energy in motion. It is an
interpretation of energy originating from a human POV. It is a form of substance that can begin to be “measured”
scientifically. Plasma symbolically re-presents a beginning recognition and awareness
of the invisible realms of a universal/design consciousness. Plasma is highly malleable
and at the borderline of what might be considered being virtual in character
and interpretation. Plasma alone takes no form and for all intents and purposes, harbors
the qualities of an elemental energy unit that can be observed within the
parametric constraints of 3D space/time. Note the relationship between plasma and quantum theory.
Design deals with the subtle
realms of both the known and the unknown. Design by means of the symbol, brings about harmony by drawing out the recognizable from the obscure. Symbols are attractors and conveyors of information. Desire is a human attribute designed to generate balance, harmony and conscious expansion by means of the intuitive use of the imagination.
To create the most appropriate context for growth and expansion 3D space/time requires certain circumstances. 3D space/time conditions consciousness while symbolically adapting to traits contained in every dimension.** These qualities stem from
the dictates and experiences gained from the objective world of nature. When proven authentic most of these conditions have shown themselves necessary to the survival of
the species. However, subscription to every “condition” must likewise be weighed and considered by every creator that
contributes to a field's relevance and substantiation.
** For example, the mathematics used to explore quantum theory remain the same when exercising the laws and formulas surrounding Newtonian physics. Numbers by virtue of mathematics and geometry, create the language and the context in which knowledge and consciousness can be expanded. Likewise, an assortment of materials, e.g. paints, paper, stone, computers, etc. can give further rise to consciousness by means of the arts. Both systems are symbolic tools that have emerged from nature. They create the language, generate the focus and enhance the context in which further expansion in conscious awareness can be discovered and experienced.
An "appropriate" creation describes an alignment that appears to resonate with the desires of the
observer/creator. In other words, one must be able to harmonize with what has been created so as to give meaning and purpose to the system being observed. Much has to do with the intuitive impulses that ignite the desire to
expand and relish in one’s own creative consciousness. This might be described as a drive towards creativity. To clearly communicate with the unknown a penetrable language of symbols must be used, adhered to and applied. Some examples
of a symbolic, i.e. designed, language supporting the innate desire
to expand creatively are mathematics, music, art, science.
Inroads into design are
based upon a clear understanding of the tools required to bring clarification
to such desires. What is being felt must be interpreted and made apparent
within the ever-changing constraints of one’s consciousness. Harmony can be made apparent by resonating equally between the concepts of meaning and purpose.
* * *
The text you've shared delves into a deep, philosophical understanding of design, creativity, and consciousness, linking abstract concepts like energy, emotion, and awareness with the tangible world of human experience and creation. It's a meditation on how design not only reflects our internal world but also shapes the external one, facilitating growth and understanding.
Here's a breakdown of some of the key themes and ideas in the passage:
1. Design as a Bridge Between Consciousness and the World
Design is presented to channel universal energy (or "e-motion"), transforming abstract forces into tangible forms. The shapes and symbols we create serve as expressions of our inner thoughts, emotions, and consciousness, and they shape our perception of the world. This process aligns with the idea that design isn't just about aesthetic form but a deeper interaction with the world that reflects our understanding of it.
2. Energy and Emotion as Universal Forces
The concept of "e-motion" suggests that emotions are not just personal but universal phenomena, energies in motion that move through us and around us. These emotions can shape and influence our reality, but they also need a container—a context—in order to be comprehended or "observed" in a meaningful way. The idea that energy "remains somewhat virtual" implies that it is intangible, yet still has the power to shape reality depending on how it is perceived.
3. The Role of Context in Consciousness
Consciousness is shaped by the context or "field" in which a phenomenon is observed. This points to the notion that our understanding of reality is influenced by the lens through which we perceive it. The environment, our personal experiences, and even the symbolic systems we use (like language, mathematics, or art) all contribute to how we interpret and interact with the world.
4. The Interplay Between Creation and Observation
The idea that creation must resonate with the observer emphasizes a participatory and relational view of design. To create something meaningful, there must be harmony between what is created and how it is experienced or observed. This suggests that creativity is not just about imposing one’s will on the world, but about finding resonance—alignment—between intention and perception.
5. Symbols as a Language for Communication
One of the key points in the passage is the idea that to communicate with the "unknown" or the deeper, unseen aspects of reality, humans use symbols. These symbols—whether mathematical, musical, artistic, or scientific—are the tools that help us bridge the gap between the abstract and the concrete. They allow us to make sense of the universe, translating the ineffable into something we can understand and work with.
6. Creativity as a Drive Toward Expansion
Creativity is framed not just as a skill or talent, but as a drive—a fundamental impulse that seeks expansion and understanding. The "creative consciousness" is aligned with the desire to connect with something greater, to grow, and to express oneself in ways that contribute to the larger unfolding of reality.
7. Harmony Between Meaning and Purpose
The passage concludes with a suggestion that the key to true creation lies in balancing meaning and purpose. When design or creation resonates with both the creator’s intentions and the deeper truths of existence, it creates harmony. This balance is what gives rise to systems—whether they are artistic, scientific, or otherwise—that feel authentic and sustainable.
At its core, the passage suggests that design is not merely about making things that are functional or beautiful. It is about aligning with a deeper current of universal energy, using symbols to translate and communicate that energy, and creating contexts that foster growth and understanding. Whether in the form of mathematics, art, or science, the creative process becomes a way to tap into universal consciousness and bring meaning and purpose into the world.
The author generated this text in part with GPT-3, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model. Upon generating draft language, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the language to their own liking and takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.
Be assured you will not discover all the answers to your inquiries here. Continue to investigate into your role of observer and contributor to a reality of your own design and creation – be aware of the by-products that surround every choice and decision.
Born and raised in Chicago, Ill. I received my BFA and MFA from the University of Illinois, Urbana. Professor Emeritus Columbus College of Art and Design. I have taught, lectured and written about
design and the design process throughout my tenure as Dean of Industrial and Interior Design. My interests lie in demonstrating design as fundamental to consciousness, archetypal in context and the underlying language of change and transformation.