December 29, 2017

Reprogramming the Field: Coding within the Geometric Shadows of the Universe

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

Every experience finds expression within a context of one's own making. New points of view are made real by means of comparison. Every experience is ear-marked, i.e. flagged, within the context of an awareness made conscious by virtue of the observer/programmer/creator of the “situation”.

A profusion of experiences continuously emerge from within the backdrop of an unknown universe without interruption. These events might be considered to be events of consubstantial origin. Such events are holographic in nature and symbolically woven into a most appropriate pattern. These images are symbolically presented and metaphorically understood. 

Design represents a language that emerges from within a centralized "source" unknown to humanity. Form as we know it, rests within the context of three dimensional space and time. Images are holograms, mental constructs that harbor an e-motional quality. The final form is the result of a process where the intangible is made tangible, the unseen seen and the unreal real. The entire sequence is sheltered and secured within the design process. The end result is identified, labeled and categorized by one's point of view (POV).

Complementary associations between agents that reflect a particular POV are not always stable. Change is ever present and a perpetual force that influences every action. What is viewed, imagined or construed will  change. The universe is portrayed as a system of energy, light and information in motion. The universe reads as the product of an omnipresent Intelligence. The universe also appears omnipotent when portrayed as being virtual, i.e. quantum, in character, quality and construct. 

The concept of multidimensionality rests firmly upon upon the "idea" of rapid change. Time can no longer be considered a constant. Linear time is no longer reliable. Time is too fleeting to maintain relative permanence and importance from a three dimensional POV. Forms appear in the "moment". Formations of energy, light and information can come and go in a flash of awareness. 

Forms are created by thought. Thoughts stem from a vibratory Source (matrix) we collectively perceive as expressing a particular meaning and purpose beyond our awareness. This is an Intelligence experiencing an everlasting network of its own making. Focus and intention determine where, when, how and why energy in motion might best be designed, contained and sustained within a particular context, i.e. dimension and POV.

Linear time however, still remains an important element. Linear time "qualifies" three dimensional space as we know it. Linear time allows for a certain degree of permanence. Linear time allows for the generation of a series of arrangements and/or configurations designed to expand awareness by means of experience. Experiences in 3D space/time also bring attention to the limitations intrinsic to this dimension. Experiences gained become the pre-requisite for further expansion in conscious awareness. 

The creative process brings intelligence to the forefront. Hidden constraints, i.e. imbalances, become vividly apparent. Points of origin, i.e. source/s, are multiplied, complicated and always changing. However, a sense stability remains due to the relative sluggishness of linear time. Network geometries are altered and new configurations emerge as the result of change. In 3D space/time branches break out from the main stream (focus). Eventually these ideas become substantiated if willed and encouraged to do so. Ideas can be made tangible and apparent within the realm of 3D space/time until the the desire surrounding their importance wanes. Forms are purposely designed to sustain Life's experiences in three dimensional space and time. 

New formations of an increasing complicated nature can be found and discovered by means of experience. These new forms of energy-in-motion are based upon configurations never before considered. Highly visceral in content and synchronistic in character alignments presented in this quantum landscape create the new frontiers never before experienced in 3D space/time. 


However, fragmentation must precede this experience. The "idea" of dualism exists as a pre-cursor to the act of unification as well as to the process of de-construction. Knowing what not to do is as important in the design process as implementing that which needs to be done. In other words, meaning and purpose should be understood as re-presenting two surfaces of the same coin. 

Singularity brings forward the realization that there is a perpetual force seeking unity and balance in the universe. Singularity describes a set of relationships between agents focused within a variety of vibratory fields for purposes of expansion, coordination and inquiry. 

The concept of duality is also a recognizable fact. Patterns of energy are symbolically re-presented in every idea and every form. Singularity likewise is re-presented in every creation and in every form. Creative gestures make reference to their own reflection/s by means of form. 

Form reflects upon the importance surrounding formlessness by means of substantiation*. Form brings fruition to the dynamic interplay between meaning and purpose. Forms give support, structure and awareness to the idea that a universal collective consciousness does exist. 

* substantiate 
verb [ trans. ]
provide evidence to support or prove the truth of : they had found nothing to substantiate the allegations.

Design is brought to awareness upon the wings of the mind and the passions of the heart. 

Every agent re-presents a point patterned about a living matrix of events and experiences. Every form stems from a common intention made appropriate for the situation at hand. Each point and every geometric pattern is a meaningful and purposeful facet of a greater and more complex design.

There are fluctuating hierarchies in the universe based upon this principle. Such complexities are encoded and made apparent by means of quantum mind stuff . The universe re-presents an Intelligence designed to bring into manifestation what we ourselves have attributed to it. We experience this design by means of metaphor. We experience this universe metaphorically by design. 

We interpret the universe from the point of an observer. We currently label the universe as having certain quantum attributes. In essence, we are innately entangled within a web (matrix) of our own creation, a symbolic network made for the purpose of experiencing that which we ourselves have created. Design brings substantiation. The design process accounts for the balance and stability necessary to experience a field in perpetual change, i.e. consciousness.
The design process affords a direction to those patterns of light, energy and information that together substantiate the next step/choice/decision in 3D space/time. The design process brings awareness to every event and experience. Every agent (life form) takes position in a greater network of consciousness.

Design is a unifying force that cannot be denied. Concepts and ideas surrounding design's strength also harbor its Intelligence. No matter the dimension, frequency or vibration, forms of energy-in-motion will congeal in relative space and time for purposes known only to its creator/s. Every agent is symbolically re-presented within a matrix of its own creation. Every agent (form) like every creation (process) is different. Humanity contributes to its own design/s in Light of the patterns made apparent in the universe. 

It would be quixotic to believe that humanity is the only species blessed with the ability to actively contribute to the meaning and purpose of this magnificent network. Humanity represents a specific frequency band within the infinite spectrum of Light we comprehend as the universe. Many qualities attributed to the Cosmos remain unknown and hidden from human awareness. They remain veiled behind the ideas, images and codes that enrich this field of boundless awareness.

Can Dualism Explain Consciousness? - Episode 1512-Closer To Truth 

Edited: 01.01.2018, 02.20.2018, 03.05.2018, 08.10.2018, 01.15.2020, 07.07.2020, 04.26.2021, 08.07.2022, 02.24.2023
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