December 18, 2013

The Design Paradigm: Intuition, Intelligence and the Imagination

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

The intuition participates in the concepts of intelligence, knowledge, emotion and imagination. The intuition is universally shared and has been often been described as an aspect of the mind when presented before consciousness. This simple awareness is made apparent through events and experiences by virtue of design. Design affords the veil that cloaks the imagination by symbolically and metaphorically melding the physical with the metaphysical, the known with the unknown, the parts with the whole and reality with illusion. 

Design is concentrated within the subconscious, a membranaceous layer between the seen and the unseen, the consciousness and the un-conscious. Knowledge emerges as result of this illusionary and imaginary matrix. Only by design can any concept existing outside appearances, i.e. awareness/consciousness, begin to be approached. Knowledge stems from correspondences made between the intellect and the emotions, i.e. the intuition, by virtue of the imagination. The intuition brings into balance the forces of emotion and intelligence by means of inscribing them into a symbolic and metaphorical language. Together they give precedence to what might be described as the mind.

noun the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought.
"as the thoughts ran through his mind, he came to a conclusion"

I   It is within the realm of virtual awareness, i.e. the metaphysical, that the unknown lies hidden within the context and framework of its own begotten intelligence. The metaphysical, i.e. design by means of the symbol, creates a metaphorical kinship/ correspondence between the physical and the non-physical.·a

Events and experiences posture the intuition along with the intellect, into a system of symbolic correspondences, i.e. a matrix, by means of the imagination. Each situation shelters the potential to transcend the empirical, look beyond the veil and expand into a realm of greater Intelligence, i.e. gnosis. Design consciousness is intuitively driven by virtue of a symbolic matrix/network that harbors the potential (opportunity) to eventually vanish into the very essence of the now.
Every field and element that brings substance to its realization, is presented before awareness/consciousness in a symbolic fashion. This is done by resonating to the qualities and patterns that bring witness, i.e. reference, to its being-ness or existence. Every field including the elements that together give it substance (physical), is in pursuit of balance both within its self and within a context of "substantiation". Note: the concept of substantiation is typically an expression dependent upon the context in which it is construed or interpreted. So too are those events, situations and experiences that appear to emerge from beyond the palpable realm of reality, e.g. the unconscious. As above so below.

Symbolic impressions appear to emerge from a contextual field we describe as consciousness. The subconscious and the unconscious partake in the description of this contextual presence. The subconscious and the unconscious complement each other within the presence of this common reality. They each describe a contrasting variation within the spectrum of human awareness/consciousness. 

Just because an event, experience or object is unseen or unmeasured doesn't imply that it is imagined. Patterns of energy emerge and disappear as re-present-ations of an unbounded and ever changing contextual field of virtual substance. Impressions of energy in motion e-merge into their most appropriate forms and patterns having surfaced from within a contextual field in pursuit of balance. Awareness brings reality through symbolic interaction. Awareness  brings freedom and sovereignty to the observer. Witnessing this event as observer brings enlightenment. 

"Since we cannot sense everything we still intuitively feel the causal connections between things in space and time. This circumstance implies that metaphysics must somehow be founded on something entirely imaginable. The problem is our minds are very good at imagining things that do not exist. This position has allowed for the implication that metaphysics has little impact upon "physical" reality, thus exacerbating the poor reputation surrounding its viability as a tool to be used in pursuit of a balanced consciousness."
Written in reference to Geoff Haselhurst

I propose that such things as events and experiences exist within the context of an observer's mind and that through awareness invites (attracts) energy in motion in an odyssey towards balance and harmony. The concept of knowledge is but a stockpile of symbolic re-presentations and relationships, a virtual field/context of our own creation. Knowledge can lead to understanding and eventual wisdom, if that is truly the goal of the observer. 

"... a distinction must be made between true and false ideas, and that too much rein must not be given to a man's imagination under pretext of its being a clear and distinct intellection." (Leibniz, 1670)
"So you see the problem of metaphysics is simple and profound - we must discover through our imagination the hidden connection, i.e. designs, between events, objects and experiences. To resolve this situation requires a quest into the true knowledge of physical reality, such that we can understand the hidden causal connections that our senses, i.e. intuition, tell us must exist."
Written in reference to Geoff Haselhurst
Also please refer to:
How Imagination Fuels Empathy an Prosocial Behavior   Neuroscience / Source: McGill University by Keila DePape
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"To believe is to accept another's truth. To know is your own creation."
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Edited: 12.21.2013, 03.06.2014, 10.17.2014, 10.27.2014, 11.08.14, 12.21.2016, 01.11.2017, 05.05.2017, 04.27.2020 , 12.03.2023
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