December 12, 2013

Beyond Design Imagining

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The imagination appears to be both purposeful and meaningful when observed and applied within the constraints of dimensional space and time. The virtual field that lies beyond the imagination, i.e. the unknown, is neutral in character. Meaningfulness and purposefulness are merely attributes we entrust to the universe from the perspective of 3D space/time.

“While the brain is a physical mechanism, the mind represents a brain process and is, itself, a non-physical field of information. While properties of physical matter, such as the brain, conform to the principles of Newtonian or classical physics, the operation of the mind’s energy fields employ the fundamental mechanics of quantum physics.” 
Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., and Steve Bhaerman, Spontaneous Evolution, pg.269 

The unknown is a unified field that aligns with our consciousness by means of the correspondences we symbolically assign to it.  This phenomenon encompasses every scientific theory and anthropomorphic interpretation imagined to represent that which cannot be described. Such depictions appear as holographic reflections of our own consciousness as projected upon a multi-dimensional space/time universe where purpose meets resistance and meaning is without boundary.

Truths are revealed by virtue of a series of meaningful events and experiences appropriately arranged for the emergence of a creative knowing that trumps the constraints of the most imaginative mind.  Meaningful expressions of energy, light and in-form-ation seem to emerge from beyond space and time in the guise of a symbol or assembly of symbols, ushered into awareness by means of our intuitive imagination. Quite simply, design consciousness brings to awareness a meaningful state of “silent knowing” in the primordial struggle to resonate to the harmonics of a perpetually changing unknown.

True beauty is purposeful in time as it is timeless in meaning. 

"When we have learned through a period of finely honed training to live in Imaginative Thinking, when we can engage the whole of our being in this Imaginative Thinking, we find that it immerses us in a reality hitherto unknown to us."
Rudolf Steiner

“Just as the fisherman’s net can catch only fishes, but not the water that passes through it and even supports it, so the thinking mind can grasp only concepts, but not the awareness that perceives it as an object: the ‘water of awareness’ can never be detected by the net of the thinking mind.”

Everything is imagined. It's the only way you can truly observe it.

Edited: 12.13.2013, 10.17.2014, 10.18.2014. 11.08.2014, 12.20.2014, 01.11.2017, 02.27.2017, 09.09.2017, 04.01.2018, 09.30.2019, 04.12.2021, 16.14.2021, 07.13.2022, 08.09.2022, 05.02.2023
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