July 20, 2013

The Duality of Scientism

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Scientism is a belief system. Scientism describes the belief in the power of science as a method and technique to obtain knowledge.

In order for science to be a facilitator for the acquisition of knowledge observations must be put to a test. A hypothesis is typically proposed and systematic observations are made within a controlled situation. These observations are subject to verification through repeated experimentation that in affect, alter, change or modify the original hypothesis. Typically a wide variety of techniques are employed that must be based upon empirical and measurable evidence.

Empiricism is one component of the duality described as Scientism. Empiricism is a theory. Empiricism theorizes that all knowledge is based upon sense experiences and observation. Measureable evidence refers to the senses and alludes to a principle that all experiences and observations must be considered measurable in order to be considered scientific.

Some other qualities surrounding the scientific method is the preconceived idea that “reality” will be revealed through objective and repeated experiment and that further hypothesis will emerge from the knowledge acquired in the process. In addition, opportunities for others to verify these observations are enforced through the concept of full disclosure where the option to repeat these experiments and duplicate similar observations for verification is encouraged and repeated.

The other component that describes scientism is rationalism. Rationalism proposes that logic is the primary path in finding the truth. Scientism seeks to find an explanation or justification in support of what it perceives through observation and with the senses, i.e. sight, smell, tactile, auditory and taste.

Rationalism is dependent upon the ability of the mind to think, observe, comprehend and form judgments through a process of logic that validates these observations through a systematic use of assorted design systems and techniques, e.g. mathematics, physics, chemistry, language, etc.

Western scientism is most successful when it is applied within the context of three-dimensional time/space, e.g. when a photon can be measured both in the form of a particle and a wave. Over time scientism has established a somewhat ideological bias that suggests truth, in the guise of knowledge, stems from the traditions created by the relationship between reason and empiricism. Time however, has demonstrated that this claim is not necessarily true.

Some believe the road to truth is paved by scientism, while others believe that scientism is but one path among many. Truth implies that it is discernible by many means. Reality also illustrates the fact that everything changes. The strength and power inherent within every belief system colors our logic, our facts, our observations, our thoughts, our feelings, and even our measurements. 

"Truth is something that can be thought of only by believing it."
Michael Polanyi

Edited: 11.28.2013, 01.02.2014, 10.17.2014, 02.25.2015, 01.11.2017, 01.22.2017, 04.24.2017, 03.29.2018, 01.15.2020, 04.19.2022, 08.20.2022, 03.25.2023
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