July 1, 2012

Reality is What We Make It

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Reality is what we make it. Reality is designed “within our mind”. There are many realities that lie beyond the mind yet remain approachable by means of the imagination. Reality is an imagined projection of the mind. Mind likewise interacts with our emotions (Kama Manas). Reality however, is a function of our imagination. What we perceive to be real is what we mentally, physically and emotionally create within the parameters of 3D space/time ... always imagined and always symbolic in context and content.

The energy that contributes to our concept of what describes emotion resonates in close association with the mind. In essence, our emotions are very “mind-like”. Only our POV can differentiate them. Together they straddle the realms of the physical and the non-physical. The mind shares in its understanding of the world with our emotions. I propose that along with our other senses our mind and our emotions re-present our feelings. In essence our emotions are not separate from our mind, but rather an integral part of a greater state of consciousness operating about the realm of 3D space/time. 

Likened to a subtle change in frequency from one color to the next, the rate of occurrence between emotion and mind appear significantly different because of the delicate proximity between incidences*.  Emotion is intimately associated with a wide range of mental impressions collectively described as the “mind”. The imagination harbors a gamut of qualities both tangible and intangible that can be symbolically felt, reflected upon and projected. The imagination is best understood when viewed as a vibratory field harboring the skill to perceive and interpret the mind, the emotions and the senses as being integral parts of one's own consciousness.

ORIGIN late Middle English (denoting a casual or subordinate event or circumstance): from Old French, or from medieval Latin incidentia, from Latin incidere ‘fall upon, happen to’ (see incident ). Sense 1 dates from the early 19th cent.
USAGE Incidence and incidents sound the same, but incidence is more often used in technical contexts, referring to the frequency with which something occurs: : increased ultraviolet light is likely to cause increased incidence of skin cancer. Incidents is simply the plural of incident, an event: : the police are supposed to investigate any incidents of domestic violence. The form incidences should be avoided.

"Today, the world of quantum physics confirms that the universe is made of formless (spirit) energy, and that particles (that is, things) do not originate from particles (things). Everything springs from something that is akin to your imagination. You can't touch, taste, see, hear, or smell it. It has no boundaries. You can't prove it with mathematical formulas or scientific verification. Yet we all know that it exists. These invisible thoughts that you have—these ideas that continue to percolate within you, these fanciful images that are always with you—are beyond the scope of science to prove or disprove. 

I love this observation made by Max Planck, the father of quantum theory: "Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are part of nature and, therefore, part of the mystery that we are trying to solve." You simply know that you have an imagination, and that this imagination is the Source of all being. It is up to you to channel and use this magnificent endowment to work in the creation of all that you choose to place in that imagination. 
Wayne W Dyer  An Excerpt from the Book "Wishes Fulfilled"

Emotion offers a more holistic understanding of the mind. Emotion (meaning) acts as a gatekeeper into other fields of awareness. The mind and the emotions are dependent upon the imagination and its reliance on the design process to transform and translate light, energy and information into their most appropriate forms, i.e. ideas . Design invites the emotions to be felt and understood through cognitive correspondences made apparent by means of the imagination. The imagination is designed to bring meaning and purpose to awareness.

Holograms might be interpreted as impressions that both complement and summarize the thoughts and emotions that originate from within the imagination. Holograms portray and re-present mental, emotional and physical patterns of energy we foster as reality. Typically we are beguiled by our own imagination into believing that what we perceive and what we sense is real.
“Whether we know it or not, all things take on their existence from that which perceives them.” -Upanishad

What we perceive as being real is reinforced by our senses (impressions); inputs and outputs typically misinterpreted, incorrectly categorized and ill defined within the guise of experience.

The Emergence of Holographic Video

The Platonic solids are archetypal in character meaning they appear to correspond, i.e. vibrate, to the imaginings of a virtual awareness being actively formulated in 3D space/time. These specific constructs (Platonic solids) give rise to images (designs) that originate from deep within the unconscious in an “informative tone and fashion”.

Plato believed that geometry created an archetypal pathway towards greater awareness. Plato believed that forms were veiled, reflections of a metaphysical realm that lied beyond the senses. He viewed form as an abstraction, a theoretical projection stemming from an imagination hidden within the parameters of 3D space/time. The imagination re-presents the events and experiences of earlier journeys, i.e. symbolic reflections emerging from the depths of a consciousness we interpret as being real.

“I live in my dreams — that's what you sense. Other people live in dreams, but not in their own. That's the difference.”

* * *

“To believe is to accept another’s truth. To know is your own creation.” 

Edited: 11.28.2013, 01.30.2014, 10.16.2014, 12.21.2014, 01.11.2017, 11.18.2017, 03.05.2018, 04.02.2018, 07.19.2019, 08.27.2019, 02.27.2022, 06.24.2022, 07.01.2022, 08.20.2022, 09.22.2023, 09.27.2023
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL https://designconsciousness.blogspot.com/ is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2013 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice.) AI usage is prohibited. You are invited to visit https://designmetaphysics.blogspot.com/.  Now visit Design Consciousness on https://www.pinterest.com


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