October 10, 2010

Singularity and the Quantum Field of Consciousness

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

Our intellect and our intuition together bring awareness to every belief system. All belief systems have purposeful and meaningful components that, at times, seem to be in perpetual conflict. The intellect, which is a faculty of reason, objective focus and inquiry, relishes the desire to know and understand, whereas the intuition gravitates towards a more instinctual, emotional and more aesthetic interpretation founded upon "feeling".

Experience tells us that both perspectives overlap. We feel we are experiencing change at every moment. Our attention is constantly adapting to every situation we encounter. We intuitively feel certain forces around us seem to want to influence our judgement and thinking. Everything appears to be moving quickly when we focus our POV on any event ... even for a moment. Our attractions (thinking and feeling) are constantly changing. Our mind acts as if we are participating in a field (quantum) of perpetual change as our attention jumps from one situation/circumstance or event to another. Our POV has a certain degree of stability while everything surrounding us is changing. The stark reality is that these other "forms/agents of energy, light and information" to which we act/react share in the same space/time we do. It has been proven that we share our lives with others when observed together contribute to the welfare and survival of all. We all share in what could only be described as an Earthly Consciousness.

The association between the intellect and the intuition is resolved by means of design and its ability to create the link between meaning (intuition/heart based information) and purpose (intellect/mind based information). The need to bring balance to the situation is fulfilled by means of design. Design is the universal catalyst.

Design permeates the quantum field created by the intellect and implied by the intuition. Each force appears to emerge from a virtual field (unknown) as an impulse/wave within a sea of quantum energy. Both agents re-present a particular quality, each possess the power to initiate a series of projections that have a meaning and purpose all their own. Some of these emanations are intentional some are not.

Design links every perspective/POV into giant network, a greater consciousness brought together by the means and action of sharing different point of view. In this fashion an actual "center" doesn't really exist, because all that is is an expression of energy in different form-a-tions. Light, energy and information stem from a wide variety of sources, i.e. re-sources, that together create a network  described as the collective consciousness. Likened to two stones being tossed into a pond in close proximity to each other, the context in which these events occur becomes disturbed, interferences are created, extreme pulses of energy emerge, peaks and troughs enter both effecting and affecting the "situation". Such disturbances bring change and challenge the concept of balance in reference to every circumstance.

divergent: adjective.     1 tending to be different or develop in different directions: divergent interpretations | varieties of English can remain astonishingly divergent from one another.      Psychology (of thought) using a variety of premises, especially unfamiliar premises, as bases for inference, and avoiding common limiting assumptions in making deductions. 

Electro-magnetic fields possess properties that allow us to participate in the quantum environment we call space/time. They appear to both harbor and camouflage a meaning and a purpose unknown. What materializes before our senses/consciousness are the results, i.e. product, of a particular intention/focus initiated when an action "entered" a field (quantum/2D, 3D, 4D/time) and became "observable".  

In essence, the source is made conscionable by means of a perturbation emerging from a field making its presence by means of a patterned impression upon a field of observation. What is being observed is the context in which an event or experience is made apparent. In the example above, the context/field/medium happens to be water. In actuality, the contextual field of observation (micro) is an active reflection of a greater field (macro). The situation (wave pattern) is the result of a perturbation within a virtual field of origin (QFVPP) shared with the common creator, i.e designer, of the event. Design is the tool that allows us to actively participate in this invisible network that some have tagged as being quantum in construct.

The step to break away from the constraints of space/time demands that a multidimensional perspective replace our currently limited point of view. Only by means of design can we expand beyond the constraints of a quantum field we've used to re-present, observe and currently accept our life experience.

The brain and the heart are the organs that symbolically harbor our mind and our feelings.Our intuition allows our observations to be sensed and applied within the constraints of 3D space/time. Time appears linear and space three-dimensional at this level of awareness/consciousness. At quantum levels the concept of singularity is non-existent without the understanding that all is One, timeless and part of a greater system/field of Consciousness. In other words, the concept of singularity alone (ego) has little meaning or purpose when viewed outside of the context of the 3D time/space, limiting potential and inhibiting growth and expansion of consciousness.

How does the immaterial world of thought and emotion interface with the physical world? ... by means of design: the symbolic process that links patterned disturbances/perturbations within a field by means of information, light and energy. Note: quantum is a epithet attributed to a particular multidimensional field currently being investigated and stilted within the ranks of certain belief systems. 

Design creates the symbolic associations that unite singularities into systems that are fundamental to understanding and functioning within an expanding field of quantum consciousness. Design consciousness is about systems, associations, growth and the vitality of an awareness that surrounds and interpenetrates the collective.

Edited: 11.28.2013, 10.16.2014, 11.21.2014, 01.11.2017, 07.17.2017, 12.16.2017, 13.23.2018, 04.29.2019, 12.07.2019, 04.08.2020, 02.26.2023, 03.25.2023
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL https://designconsciousness.blogspot.com/ is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2010 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice) AI usage is prohibited. You are also invited to visit https://designmetaphysics.blogspot.com/,   and https://sagariandesignnetwork.blogspot.com and https://www.pinterest.com

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