September 12, 2010

A Holographic Universe Created by Design/Symbolic Resonance

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Consciousness has its’ presence in a multi-dimensional series of universes that are holographically unified through and by experience. In essence, consciousness partakes and gives relative form to a holographic system of micro universes that are linked by symbolic resonance, aka design. Design gives significance to consciousness by making the most appropriate associations that bring an experience into context. Together these experiences give what appears to be “substance”, to the flow of Life.

Notes of comparable frequency vibrate and harmonize within the constraints of each individual universe, i.e. octave. The resonance created between octaves (universes) is controlled and directed by the focus we bring to our awareness through will and desire, i.e. wavicle. In this manner, we can experience all that the world offers merely by following our own passion.

By living in the moment we become uniquely prepared to expand in consciousness solely by succumbing to the awareness surrounding the holographic universe (octave) in which we interact, resonate and have our being. Humanity must function within the constraints of a physical, mental, emotional and quantum system of micro universes that together create a macro universe, i.e. environment, in which choices are made.

Design allows consciousness to both step-up and step-down in reference to the “micro” universes that surround and give substance to our experiences. For example, a biologist investigates the lives of living organisms, the physicist the edges of the quantum (micro) and an astronomer the edges of the universe (macro).

Design allows for the simple realization of the concept of a holographic universe at all levels, which also means that because of symbolic resonance we are everywhere and part of everything, i.e. part and parcel of all that is in both the micro and macro universe. (Over the millennium astrological investigations by numerous cultures and civilizations have “mapped” these universes by qualifying our human experiences within the constraints of our solar system.)

Universe A has a presence within a greater field, i.e. Source. Universe B exists somewhat within the parameters of universe A. Universe C remains outside the vibratory field of universe. Universe C remains unaware of universe A’s existence, yet is indirectly connected by design with other intermediary fields. All fields are connected in some manner due to their existence in a mutual field viewed to be the Source.

A wide variety of designs create the connections between vibratory fields of consciousness, i.e. experiences that interpenetrate each other at a multitude of levels, i.e. physical, mental, emotional, and quantum. Design gives life to each holographic perspective through symbolic resonance and harmony between experiences.

Edited: 11.28.2013, 10.16.2014, 01.11.2017, 07.17.2019, 10.14.2019, 03.18,2023
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