October 3, 2009

The Transition Between Micro and Macro Consciousness

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

Life responds to its environment by means of vibration, i.e. frequencies that appear before our awareness in the form of symbols. This basic communication is executed by means of the acute observation of a series of experiences patterned about a certain focus our own interests and intention. We typically label and package these encounters as experience. These influences are not always obvious, they can repeatedly redefine situations that similarly change impressions from the past. During the course of transition and transformation certain experiences will appear to be indicative of a greater circumstances at play while bearers of change.

In other words, each environment or situation is overflowing with the potential for creating new symbolic configurations, i.e. designs. These changes can happen in a timeless moment and with no indication of its arrival. Such an impact might be described as a "synergistic moment". It is for this reason that being “in the now” is so important to the expansion of consciousness.

In order to remain sustainable each resolution must stay loyal to a prescribed set of archetypal/universal principles. In this fashion each and every circumstance sets the stage for a unique/synchronistic experience by creating the contexts in which further insights can be brought into awareness and eventually merge into consciousness. New symbolic/corresponding relationships can appear in a multitude of vibratory formations, e.g. an emotion, a thought, a feeling, a gesture or a physical action.

Symbols act as triggers that initiate the penetration and eventual infiltration of these archetypal forces/patterns into their most appropriate configuration through the law of correspondences. These forms of energy give relative “substance” to a greater field of conscious/awareness in which these events, i.e. experiences, take place and originate. In essence, archetypal configurations stemming from a common macro field of awareness/consciousness appear to materialize within the constraints of that particular field in a fashion that correspond to the qualities of the field itself.

Not all micro expressions within this contextual field of consciousness respond in the same manner, matter of fact, some will not resonate at all. This is fundamental to the understanding that separation is a natural and necessary occurrence that emerges from within the constraints of every field of energy. In other words, the fundamental concept of duality is a Universal phenomenon. Variations of this principle are made apparent only when an aspect of micro consciousness is made aware of it, a situation that stems from a causal vibratory source/agent.

This circumstance also allows the archetypes to be able to penetrate into the porous membranes of a micro field of expression. Life, i.e. consciousness, could not be sustained if it not for the archetypes’ ability to penetrate into the microcosmic fields of consciousness and thereby becoming the causal agents of change and expansion.

The key lies within symbolic constraints, i.e. frequencies that affect certain levels of awareness/consciousness and not others. The universe is a symbolic expression of its own unified essence, “qualities” that vibrate, resonate and take-on the form of the archetypes. Each archetype, like all forms of energy, vibrates at a particular frequency. Forms of energy that compliment each other will similarly resonate with each other like two or more tuning forks vibrating to the same note.

Forms are the composite and balanced expression of those qualities that together share in the manifestation of a macro field of consciousness/awareness. There are structures within structures in degrees of manifestation that together share in the formative expression of a greater field of awareness in which they participate. They all share in a common consciousness woven together by symbolic threads of awareness.

This creates a system of symbolic relationships, connections and/or correspondences if you will, that allows only select frequencies to enter into the fields of expression that sustain and give relative form to its awareness. Likened to a musical score that must be played in a certain “key” or chord, the archetypes are orchestrated in a particular vibratory manner solely in order to give relative form, expression and sustenance to a greater opus or composition. In this fashion life in all its forms, e.g. cellular, molecular, organic, and inorganic, are archetypal in nature and key to an earthly orchestration described as a planetary consciousness, i.e. Gaia.

Essentially the archetypes both assemble and fragment a macrocosmic field of consciousness that if left absent will become lifeless. Life is the symbolic fruit of an awareness made manifest within the constraints of a Universal Consciousness, a collective field that is symbolically united by Design. The archetypes facilitate the associations made between macro and micro levels of awareness. Consciousness is linked archetypically unto itself by design.

Edited: 11.28.2013, 10.16.2014, 11.20.2014, 01.11.2017, 11.07.2017, 03.21.2018, 01.07.2020
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL https://designconsciousness.blogspot.com/ is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2009 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice.) AI usage is prohibited. You are invited to visit https://designmetaphysics.blogspot.com/ and https://sagariandesignnetwork.blogspot.com/ Now visit Design Consciousness on https://www.pinterest.com.


  1. This was really interesting!
    So something Tolle said some time after 5:00
    Question: So is this dysfunctional stage of consciousness the reason some of us are having problems with sustaining perpetual content?

    Is perpetual content the goal?

  2. I agree with Ekhart concerning the importance of being able to focus in the present. The I Ching is similarly based upon the same principles. Change is perpetual and being in the present is imperative if you are to follow your own path. Due to conditioning as a society we generally lack the discipline or will to know or discriminate our own thoughts from those of others. Ask yourself, who is in control? Consider this while taking note of the many distractions that the world places before you every day. The goal is to be aware of what is occurring before your consciousness in the present.


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