July 6, 2008

Code Conscious

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument context or network.

Design is based upon concepts that first appear to be independent of each other, but participate in an integrated network, matrix/ processing system. Patterns of light, energy and information are coded into a symbolic network of structures (geometries) both visible and invisible. The primary matrix in which these events and experiences "appear" include every idea that might surround the very concept of consciousness itself. These ideas appear before your consciousness in the form of a symbol. These ideas flow into your awareness by means of metaphor.

Consciousness is coded into holographic patterns. These patterns first appear as a concept which is formless and intangible. Concepts are then made apparent by means of a series of ideas, i.e. a pattern or geometry harboring the potential of being made manifest. Again, further progress is founded upon an idea's "appropriateness".  Images are holographic in character and structure. Every form is in essence, a holographic idea configured into a formation of light found to be appropriate for the situation at-hand. Similarly, every formation is based upon an interface between form and formlessness, aka as a subconscious dimension that gestates and internalizes the transition between the intangible, i.e. formlessness to form. This is a transformation of light/energy/information oscillating within the intangible realm of the mind and emotions. We might describe this dimension as the subconscious. This might likewise be described as a metaphysical realm, i.e. overlapping dimensions/fields between concepts, ideas and networks. Metaphysics harbors the concept of change in a realm of ideas.

Upon choosing the most appropriate direction (vector), quantum energy in the transitional form of plasma, begins to develop a structure or geometry the meet the needs of the creator. To accomplish this objective, that which is created must be made manifest within the laws, i.e. constraints, that oversee every network, i.e. dimension of consciousness. Again, if determined to be "appropriate" plasma will further condense by force of desire, into a holographic form of energy/light/information. At this stage in the process plasma might be described and perceived as a form of "substance". Substance further condenses and recombines into atoms, molecules, etc. Is this the process that has been religiously labeled as being "the fall"? At what point does a design become "real" since it might be interpreted as such any "time" along the way in the design process?

Design oversees the entire process from the start. Design gives consciousness a meaning and a purpose. Design likewise affords the tools (awareness) necessary to explore the cutting edge, the domains of the metaphysical and the magical realms of the unknown. Consciousness expands by means of awareness. Awareness expands by means of design, i.e. symbols and metaphor. All can be revealed by means of design and the design process. Design brings relevance to every code made apparent in the holographic process of creativity, growth, fragmentation, and evolution.

This awareness is likewise independent of the relative forms that give it expression. Likened to a song whose essence exists separate from the instrument that materializes it, consciousness orchestrates all its expressions, i.e. vehicles, into the most appropriate and harmonious symphony. Consciousness orchestrates its formless expression within the composition but remains independent of the instruments that bring it into manifestation.

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This writing explores the relationship between design, consciousness, and the metaphysical process of creation. It presents the idea that consciousness is not a fixed, singular entity but rather a dynamic, holographic pattern that evolves and manifests through a network of ideas, symbols, and metaphors.

The text proposes that design, at its core, is an organizing principle that underlies the entire process of manifestation, guiding the transition from the formless (intangible ideas or energy) to the formed (physical or perceptible structures). These ideas begin as abstract, formless concepts, but as they move into consciousness, they are encoded into symbolic forms or patterns that have the potential to be made real. The process of manifestation is described as a transformation of light, energy, and information that moves from the intangible into form, much like a holographic projection. 

The concept of design is integral to this process, guiding the flow of consciousness, structuring the metaphysical realms, and allowing awareness to expand. This awareness is described as separate from the physical forms it takes but is expressed through them, like a song that exists independently of the instrument producing it. 

Ultimately, the text suggests that design provides purpose and direction to consciousness, enabling it to evolve and navigate both the physical and metaphysical realms. It raises philosophical questions about the nature of creation, the point at which something "becomes real," and whether this process is akin to what has been termed "the fall" in religious contexts. The writing emphasizes the role of design in consciousness’ journey of self-expression, growth, and transformation. 

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Design Hypothesis: 
Consciousness is conceptual, illusional, symbolic and metaphoric in character. Consciousness is the quintessential archetype. Consciousness is the concomitant consequence associated with a range of multidimensional patterns of energy in motion whose origin lie beyond the subconscious. 

Awareness brings forward a “sense of consciousness” by fostering correspondences and fusing the concepts of meaning and purpose. Metaphysical in content and context, quantum, fractal and holographic in re-presentation, all forms of energy/Life are revealed and made apparent by means of design. Design is lovingly veiled in all that can be seen, known, measured and/or felt. (07.09.2023).

Design describes a metaphysical and multidimensional process. The design process is dependent upon knowledge, understanding, intention, intuition, imagination and awareness. Design creates a network of energy in motion (EIM) between  fields/states/points/agents and patterns of awareness. Design creates a virtual, symbiotic and metaphoric lattice between consciousness, the subconscious and the unconscious, the tangible and the intangible, the known and the unknown, the seen and the unseen. All forms of energy in motion are based upon principles of meaning and purpose both felt and understood. (01.13.2023).

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Consciousness is somewhat an illusionary and abstract concept but is given meaning and purpose through design. In music particularly, a composer has the ability to translate a conceptual structure through symbolic and coded notation. The composer acts as the vehicle of expression for the concept we describe as consciousness both collectively and individually.

These musical notations are symbols, abstract \ frequencies, vibrations and sounds originating from a virtual world associated with harmony and emotion. These impressions can be felt, a language universally shared and understood artistically, architecturally and poetically. 

Design gives form to the language. Design connects consciousness to awareness. Design is the vehicle that allows all of consciousness to resonate throughout the universe. Design fosters a language unto itself.

Consciousness describes a conceptual abstraction independently coded within the design process. Design and consciousness are intimately woven together in a corresponding spiral of symbols (codes). Each note and series of notes are individually separate from each other when written as a sheet of music and appear unheard except for the composer. Awareness like every note, is a coded symbol that when joined together (designed) in a particular manner/pattern, bring expression to its consciousness.  Every expression of awareness actively shares in the manifestation of a conceptual meaning and purpose veiled within the composition of its original score/blueprint.
score: orchestrate, arrange, set, adapt, compose, create

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Mo Costandi, BIG THINK, September 23, 2024 
Brain scan studies have shown that a network of regions in the left frontal and temporal lobes map the form of words to their meanings and put them together to form phrases and sentences. Yet, we still know little about how individual neurons represent the meaning of words. 

… researchers have created a cellular map of semantic information, revealing how cells in the frontal cortex encode word meanings and how they are organized. 

Significantly, the neurons responded weakly to these same meanings when words were presented in a random order, suggesting that the selectivity of their responses is strongly influenced by context. 

“One of the surprising findings is that even small focal cortical areas may be potentially able to represent complex meanings largely in their entirety,” Williams told Big Think. “Areas such as the one we recorded may contain broad mixtures of different cells, each responding to different word meanings to provide a rich and detailed representation of the linguistic information communicated through speech.” 

“We were able to decode the meaning of words from a relatively small number of cells, suggesting that it may be possible to read out meanings and concepts from the activity patterns of neurons during natural speech processing,” Williams says. “Such a capacity could be useful for the future development of speech prostheses that aim to decode the meaning of words from neuronal activity rather than their motor representations.” 

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Consciousness is a network of coded vehicles designed for the transfer of energy, light and information. The result is a system of transition and transformation allowing all forms of energy to interact, correspond and communicate.

Consciousness is dualistic in nature, hovering over the relationship between the mind and the emotions. Consciousness has both a purpose and a meaning. Consciousness bridges the "gap" as a feeling, i.e. the innate and intuitive urge to create and bring balance or harmony between them. 

One set of coding is tangential the other is not. One set of coding represent the hardware, the other its software. Both sets of coding are designed in consciousness and symbolic in meaning and purpose. Together both sets of coding make real the unreal by means of design. 

Each set of coding can be made adaptable to the context from which together they emerge and are sensed. If well designed, they will adapt by recognizing, signaling and responding to the situation/context presented before them. New coding is a product of immediate execution based upon differing and unknown inputs of short and sometimes meaningless duration. New languages naturally emerge and are designed within the current constraints of the moment (time), reinforcing and emphasizing yet again, the importance of retaining and maintaining a sense of balance and harmony. 

This argument rests upon a commonly shared premise, that Consciousness is the product of a collective awareness created and made apparent by means of vibration and frequency. Each note a contributor to an unknown score in search of Truth, Beauty and Goodness.

This concept describes a design consciousness where the exercise of symbolic, metaphoric, analogical and abductive reasoning prevails.

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Abstract and coded networks that dynamically integrate a wide variety of expressions within symbolic constraints.

This phenomenon is arguably the result of our own abstraction and conceptual thinking, i.e. imaginings (ideas) of individual and collective originations made apparent in the form of vibratory impressions. It is a network of energy in motion (EIM), a conceptual consciousness existing both within and outside our awareness. 

Consciousness is a network both known and unknown to awareness. 

Consciousness could well be the by-product of a self coding process in action made apparent (aware) in spacetime by virtue of its own awareness.

Consciousness would not exist if not for design.

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The text explores the profound connection between consciousness and design, using music as a central metaphor. It suggests that consciousness, while abstract and intangible, gains meaning through design, which serves as a vehicle for translating conceptual structures into symbolic forms, such as musical notation. These symbols, representing vibrations and emotions, convey a universal language that resonates artistically and poetically. 

Design is described as a bridge connecting consciousness to awareness, enabling the manifestation of ideas and fostering communication through patterns and coded systems. The text emphasizes that consciousness is dualistic, balancing mind and emotion, and functions as a system for transferring energy, information, and light, facilitating transformation and interaction. 

Two types of coding are highlighted: one representing physical structures (hardware) and the other embodying conceptual meaning (software). Together, these codes create adaptable systems that respond to changing contexts, generating new languages and maintaining balance and harmony. 

Ultimately, the text presents consciousness as a collective awareness shaped by vibration and frequency, contributing to a universal search for truth, beauty, and goodness through symbolic reasoning and creativity. 

The author generated this text in part with GPT-3, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model. Upon generating draft language, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the language to their own liking and takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.

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Edited: 11.29.2013, 01.11.2017, 12.06.2017, 01.10.2018, 08.04.2020, 02.25.2023, 07.23.2023, 09.277.2024, 02.02.2025
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL https://designconsciousness.blogspot.com/ is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2008 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice) AI usage is prohibited. You are also invited to visit https://designmetaphysics.blogspot.com/,   and https://sagariandesignnetwork.blogspot.com and https://www.pinterest.com

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