May 2, 2019


Conceptual impressions surrounding this article are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context, network or post.

Focusing from the point of view of a creative observer, ideas describing the concept of Beauty appear to be founded upon subjective preference/attraction/coherence and resonance. This subjective POV functions in conjunction with an objective circumstance often considered representative of long held conventions and/or cultural mores. In other words, every situation implies there will emerge a point of focus, a position or observation made in reference to that POV.  These points of view are the products of certain impressions, partially or wholly made in reference to the observer's perspective. These points of view/observations are the sum total of certain symbolic impressions to which we personally resonate. These impressions/vibratory frequencies may be mental, emotional, physical or spiritual in context and content, they may also be any aggregate of the same. 

Observation relies upon components (designs) which are symbolic in origin and character, vibratory impressions both embraced and expressed by means of correspondences. We all experience this dynamic, observing and labeling it as being real within in a framework made conscionable by virtue of the symbolism we shroud upon all we witness.

correspondence | ˌkôrəˈspändəns, ˌkärəˈspändəns | noun   1 a close similarity, connection, or equivalence: correlation, agreement, consistency, compatibility, consonance, conformity, similarity, resemblance, parallel, comparability, accord, concurrence, coincidence.   

The singularity from which we view our world is a reflection of what we've designed for ourselves as being "real". We are aware of our own presence by virtue of these symbolic reflections, qualities we ourselves manifest in order to substantiate a meaning and purpose to and in our lives. Design is the process we implement at subconscious levels to close the loop between the conscious and the unconscious/the known and the unknown. Design creates the bridge that brings balance to what we know and what we don't know. Our journey is an undertaking we design for ourselves, a path we each create for our own journey. 

What you project is a symbolic re-presentation of your own concept/idea/impression of who you are, what you believe in, what you know, how you feel, etc. all bundled together into how you might best present yourself to your self/psyche (subjectively) and others (objectively). You are the designer. 

You participate in the Creation  
simply by knowing 
your own creation is true  

You design every moment whether asleep or awake. You function in a world designed with its own meaning and purpose meant to be revealed by means of a blueprint and guidelines (signs and symbols) you choose and create for yourself. The challenge is to expand in awareness by learning who you are with an understanding and wisdom that will always be changing. It is imperative that you know and realize that your creations are part of a greater context (field) from which they are being observed. 

Establishing a coherence with Life substantiates the experience/s you encounter every day. There is a meaning and a purpose in maintaining an intimate sense of balance. The objective: finding the complementary chords/vibrations between elements/agents of Life. Fulfillment is found by experiencing the harmony you've purposely and meaningfully created for yourself. 

Harmony and balance are dependent one's capacity to focus upon the symbols of Life.

All that is beautiful brings balance to Life. This attraction is the basic impulse that underscores the attainment of a designed consciousness. Resonance with Beauty brings balance to Design. Likened to beauty design can be observed and absorbed in a fashion clearly balanced, discovered and felt.   

Beauty re-presents an intuitive force and attraction, a feeling of one's own innate awareness, a fulfillment made observable in reference to one's own search for Truth and Goodness.

"The Good is the Beautiful."

" The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science."
Albert Einstein

   Science Daily   
  Credit: © Aleksey Stemmer / Fotolia

Energy is targeted around every point of focus, i.e. center, and vibrates with every observation. Your point of focus is magnetic, attracting re-presentations of comparable frequency and dimensional octave. In this manner your idea of Beauty complements all that share in the same vibration. Beauty is all about vibrational energy as are the concepts of Truth and Goodness - all are based upon coherent resonance.

Love might be viewed as the ultimate congealing agent, i.e. an augmentation responsive to catalytic activity emerging between elements. Every relationship reveals a kind of vibratory cognizance that can either fragment or unify the relationship. Together these impressions give precedence to certain qualifications by means of  sharing a common field of expression, design or intention. 

It is readily apparent that we all share in a design that might be described as a human Presence/Consciousness. One might describe this state of awareness as an integrated byproduct of a greater Intelligence, an unknown vector/force/s that makes itself present by what IS known. For a fact, all that can be sensed is vibratory in nature, as are the frequencies/fields we've coined and labeled as mind, matter, emotion and yes, even spirit. 

Theories supporting what has been collectively labeled as a quantum framework, attempt to elucidate upon a frequency/field that exists just beyond the reach of our cognizance and understanding. Some define this reflective state of awareness as being metaphysical in nature. Likened to quicksilver, we just can't seem to pin this realm of re-cognition down within the current scientific strappings that surround our consciousness. When appropriately linked, energyin-form-ation can appear to resonate to a relatively untapped condition of awareness defined as the subconscious. This appears as a field of energy just beyond mind's reach; a kind of awareness that vibrates at a higher frequency and greater magnitude than wakeful consciousness.  This dimension communicates to us symbolically and through metaphor.

Sharing creates certain frequency patterns (programs) that when vibrating in unison,establish a vibratory matrix designed for adaptability and communications. This is a network based upon commonly shared vibratory threads. These attractive forces appear to originate from a central core or point of origin, a well spring, or primordial resource, if you will; a mindful awareness in the process of unifying a microcosmic derivative of its own intelligence within a moment of 3D space/time. 

Are we mindful products/designs of this same imaginative Intelligence? Are we active participants in a symbolic design exercise, avatars of our own making, co- creators experiencing situations where the parts and the whole are actually one in the same? The design in support of this premise invites benevolent change at a rate never before experienced solely for the reason that change is not only an integral part required for expansion, but also for the reason that such a macro re-presentation of consciousness is more apt to survive the throws of perpetual expansion. This is how every resourceful form of intelligence might best be viewed, interpreted and sustained in the future.

Are we participants in the creation of a specific kind of beauty made sentient within the constraints of a particular strata of 3D space/time?  Is evolution a design process that allows us to become cognizant of our own reality/beauty by means of attaining certain degrees/levels of awareness (vibration)? Doesn't this validate the fact that this is a choice of our own making? Does the quantum field/experience afford us the opportunity to learn more about design as co-creators? Beauty reveals a multitude of hidden treasures veiled within the presence of every sensation. Collectively these radiant impressions harbor the potential for creating a harmonious balance between all the senses. 

Beauty is patterned about the focus of the observer. Beauty is made known by means of an observation made in reference to a particular context or field. Beauty re-presents itself in the form of a reflection, a quality found to be an integral part of every observation. Hence the phrase, "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder." Beauty, Truth and Goodness will remain hidden if not symbolically represented within the blueprint of the observer/designer. 

Truth, Beauty and Goodness are ascriptions, each acting as a catalyst for the other. Beauty is the electricity that underlies the magnetism required to draw (attract) the likenesses of Beauty into the conscious field of the observer. Each ascription harbors a comparable electricity (frequency) hidden within a personal quantum field of unimaginable potential. Each ascription harbors an attraction of its own, relishing the opportunity to create the spark that brings forth a magnetic field that surrounds them. Truth, Beauty and Goodness have an inherent attraction to each other. Together they create a purity beyond re-cognition. 

ascription | əˈskripSH(ə)n | noun the attribution of something to a cause:
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On Being with Krista Tippett   January 7, 2021

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Beauty might be described as a derivation emerging from a common field, patterns of energy multidimensionally linked together to bring sustenance/energy/form before the consciousness of the observer. Beauty can be both tangible and intangible. Beauty is felt by virtue of a harmonious resonance between the observer and the context in which that particular "idea of beauty" is observed. Beauty is both recognized and reflected from within the conscious field of the observer. 

Truth, Beauty and Goodness can be found if you stand down and observe yourself from within.

Like most everything in the universe Beauty might best be described as a particular pattern of energy-in-motion. We've apparently "designed" these archetypal states of awareness for our own purposes, each having their own meaning and purpose. Together we've vaguely interpreted and given collective relevance to that which we feel is representative of Truth, Beauty and Goodness. Bottom line is we define our concept of reality from within our core Truth, a center surrounded by a mental, emotional and physical field symbolically characterized as being human. (Kama/Manas)

Energy of every kind of human distinction/frequency moves through every idea of reality we've ever had, while simultaneously changing or reinforcing every experience along the way. You possess the power to willfully focus on and discover what is beautiful, what is truthful and what is good by choice. These are conscious decisions based upon intelligence, resonance, experience, meaning and purpose. 

You are imprinted with thoughts, feelings, and experiences along with multitude of belief systems that instill and perpetuate them. Quantum consciousness expands upon the concept of multidimensionality.

In order to design within a multi-dimensional field (quantum) one must take the POV of both a particle and a wave. 

An idea stemming from your imagination willfully allows you to be guided and/or directed by virtue of your own efforts. These multidimensional images emerge from within the vapors of a quantum field of change/energy, images which harbor the potential of becoming real in a manner that could never be imagined.

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Designing with the brain in mind: A deep dive into neuroaesthetics     
by Martina Sartor in UX Collective  July 3, 2023
"When we see something beautiful, different parts of our brain work together to process this experience. The orbitofrontal cortex, which helps handle our emotions, gets more active when we see things we find pleasing. At the same time, the visual cortex, which manages the things we see, 'communicates' with the orbitofrontal cortex, making the experience even more enjoyable.
There's also the ventromedial prefrontal cortex that checks how much we value what we're seeing based on our personal likes an past experiences.  And then we have the anterior cingulate cortex and the posterior cingulate cortex. They make sure our emotional response fits with the beauty we're seeing, making the experience even stronger."

“Supersymmetry, if correct, will be a profound new embodiment of beauty in the world. Because the transformations of supersymmetry turn substance particles into force particles, and vice versa, supersymmetry can explain, based on symmetry, why neither of those things can exist without the other: Both are the same thing, seen from different perspectives. Supersymmetry reconciles apparent opposites, in the spirit of yin-yang.”

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Quantum levels of consciousness harbor the opportunity for affective change by means of facilitating the energy, light and information required for manifestation. Every reality is a unique expression of its own, patterns of vibration (energy in motion) whose core impulses/impressions are reflected from within its own contextual realm of awareness. 

Truth, Beauty and Goodness each describe an aspect of the Design Archetype. Each is transformative by nature. Together they create a principled framework for human evolution. Beauty can be felt and made apparent subjectively, collectively and at the same moment.* Beauty can be and felt at the same time and in the same space - signs and symbols designed to effectively and affectively contain and direct a transfer of energy in motion, light and information between resources within the context being observed.** 

* Being in the moment has major quantum ramifications. Beauty allows the concepts of space and time to be subjectively, collectively and instantaneously contained in the moment. Beauty has the power to complement both the known and the unknown by means of enacting one's consciousness to fully observe, focus and respond to the observable, the unobservable and the unknown. Beauty in any form, is endowed with the power and ability to purposely and meaningfully tap into humanity's full potential at levels never before experienced. In Beauty, Truth and Goodness will unhesitatingly follow.

This vague impression appears to be holographic in character. It represents a concept or idea that may or may not resonate within the structure/field of your own psyche. By being a creator/designer by means of reflection you possess the option to accept, reject or change everything before you.

** Hopefully you have begun to realize that the observer and the what is being observed are one in the same. What is created and what is observed are designed and brought forward by the imagination into a multidimensional/quantum field of energy-in-motion - a turbulent field of perpetual change. 

The concept of as above so below is centered about a common vibrational force (idea) purposely cast into this quantum field solely to discover the most appropriate path towards making it real, i.e. manifestation. This is part of the design process and its active implementation of sign, symbol and metaphor. 

Beauty aligns energy. Beauty brings balance by means of its symmetry between meaning and purpose. Beauty anchors awareness by design. Beauty is of the highest order, an expression of purity forged into its most appropriate and relative form. Beauty is a conduit, an expression of love unifying all within its aura. Beauty once observed is always felt.

At this time in our evolution Beauty remains the strongest stalwart of the three axioms supporting the concept of Design. Truth and Goodness may be individually discovered, but neither are as easily felt, collectively apparent and powerful as Beauty. 

Truth and Goodness are easily cloaked, seemingly unreachable and often hidden from observation, whereas Beauty is more readily sensed merely by being in its Presence. 

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Isabela La Croix,  Published in Bootcamp, Sept. 11, 2023
Yann Pineill & Nicholas Lefaucheux
Louis Charron, Published in UX Collective

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You cannot find wisdom without knowing beauty. In knowing beauty comes meaning and purpose.
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"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."

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Edited: 06.21.2019, 09.16.2019, 12.16.2019, 02.13.2020, 02.29.2020, 04.21.2020, 05.06.2020, 10.24.2020, 01.11.2021, 01.23.2021, 04.02.2021, 04.20.2021, 12.13.2021, 08.09.2022, 03.24.2023, 04.15.2023, 06.12.2023, 07.10.2023, 08.06.2023, 01.11.2024, 03.25.2024
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2023 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice.) AI usage is prohibited. You are invited to visit and

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