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Consciousness allows us to master the concepts of space and time. Consciousness affords us the opportunity to
be cognizant of the events and experiences we observe and experience. These
events however are interpretive in nature, illusionary in context and symbolically bundled to fit the personal inclinations, interpretations and impressions of the observer. Yet every observation made within the constraints of consciousness appears to be real. This impression of reality is undermined by the fact that energy is in perpetual
motion and that every observation is impermanent, momentary, transient and holographic in character. What then is real?
Space and time create the reference required for an event to be experienced. Likewise space and time are governed by observation. Design
allows for the integration of time with space. Design affords
consciousness the opportunity to bring meaning and purpose to every event and experience. Design is instrumental in creating form and invites movement from both within and beyond every field of energy in motion.
The field we describe as
consciousness permeates all that is, has been and has yet to become. Design allows consciousness to become aware of itself by means of symbol, metaphor and analogy. These events and experiences appear within the matrix and background of dimensional space and time.
Consciousness is fluid-like. Consciousness is both electric and magnetic, micro and macro in scale and supports the concept of "reality" by means of establishing a context in which one's own awareness of events and creation can be experienced. Light is a symbolic representation and figurative metaphor for what we describe as consciousness. When observed microcosmically light is qualitatively re-presented in the form of a wave. When viewed quantitatively light is re-presented in the form of a particle. Both attributes are part of a design made apparent within a framework we view, interpret and describe as light.
Consciousness is fluid-like. Consciousness is both electric and magnetic, micro and macro in scale and supports the concept of "reality" by means of establishing a context in which one's own awareness of events and creation can be experienced. Light is a symbolic representation and figurative metaphor for what we describe as consciousness. When observed microcosmically light is qualitatively re-presented in the form of a wave. When viewed quantitatively light is re-presented in the form of a particle. Both attributes are part of a design made apparent within a framework we view, interpret and describe as light.
Consciousness is represented
in every design. Both design and consciousness appear virtual
in character while being sensed in the context of a particular form, feeling or awareness.
Consciousness is an amorphous field of energy in motion capable of integrating, permeating and
characterizing all forms of light by means of awareness. When viewed microcosmically and from the dimension of 3D space/time, consciousness appears to be dualistic in nature. When viewed macrocosmically consciousness appears to have no beginning and no end.
"... the search for a neural correlate of consciousness provides a project that is relatively tractable, clearly defined, and theoretically neutral, whose goal seems to be visible somewhere in the middle distance. Because of this, the search makes an appropriate centerpiece for a developing science of consciousness, and an important springboard in the quest for a general theory of the relationship between physical processes and conscious experience."
Design brings identity to consciousness. Forms are attributes that symbolically qualify and quantify every intention by means of substantiation, i.e. embodiment. These figurative articulations make themselves apparent at all levels and dimensions of consciousness, i.e. space/time.
Forms are patterned about specific frequencies that create, surround and engulf every symbol, e.g. language. These symbols are metaphors that harbor, recognize* and/or respond to different meanings and purposes, i.e. designs. Design will pattern these expressions into a variety of densities, i.e. states of substance/ plasma ... from the intangible to the tangible.
* Cognize: to perceive or become aware of.
Every "state" is an expression of energy-in-motion, i.e. light. Every state propagates its own light ... symbolically. Every state is a design held together within the parametric constraints of space time. Every state is a consequential product of change. Every state appears temporal in reference to its original source. Every state re-presents change in the form of a pattern of photons. Every state that appears to emerge from within the depths of the unknown is a momentary impression observed from within the parameters of space time. Every state is observed from a particular POV. In essence, every state, i.e. form of light, re-present a holographic moment (impression) in time and space conjured up by a desire and intent (meaning and purpose). This is a function of the imagination. This is a function of design.
Design brings identity to consciousness. Forms are attributes that symbolically qualify and quantify every intention by means of substantiation, i.e. embodiment. These figurative articulations make themselves apparent at all levels and dimensions of consciousness, i.e. space/time.
Forms are patterned about specific frequencies that create, surround and engulf every symbol, e.g. language. These symbols are metaphors that harbor, recognize* and/or respond to different meanings and purposes, i.e. designs. Design will pattern these expressions into a variety of densities, i.e. states of substance/ plasma ... from the intangible to the tangible.
* Cognize: to perceive or become aware of.
Every "state" is an expression of energy-in-motion, i.e. light. Every state propagates its own light ... symbolically. Every state is a design held together within the parametric constraints of space time. Every state is a consequential product of change. Every state appears temporal in reference to its original source. Every state re-presents change in the form of a pattern of photons. Every state that appears to emerge from within the depths of the unknown is a momentary impression observed from within the parameters of space time. Every state is observed from a particular POV. In essence, every state, i.e. form of light, re-present a holographic moment (impression) in time and space conjured up by a desire and intent (meaning and purpose). This is a function of the imagination. This is a function of design.
Reality, as we know it, is a perceptual construct, shaped by consciousness, intention, and design. What we experience as solid and real is actually a holographic projection influenced by observation, awareness, and imagination. The more we understand this process, the more we recognize that existence is an ever-changing, fluid interplay between energy, space-time, and form.
* * *
Design opens the door and creates the paths necessary to enter the metaphysical. Design allows both science and art to explore and expand beyond the constraints of the physical world. Design is the only way in which to enter dimensions other than 3D space/time. Design gives the "dream state" the structure necessary to explore its riches in balance and a harmony. A design guided by the intuition gives precedence to the imagination.
Forces in the form of photons both attract and repel each other. When attracted they re-present unity, integration, harmony, solidarity,
concordance, singularity and uniformity. When attracted photons appear to
propagate from within a more expansive, brighter and intense light.
When repelled a design appears to represent separation, motionlessness, stasis, dormancy, lethargy,
lifelessness and darkness. Considered from a holistic point of view light appears to retain its neutrality throughout the process. From the perspective of 3D space/time Light, i.e. consciousness, brings reference to a Design that appears to emanate from within the depths of the unknown. It is the choice of the observer to determine if the source is an expression of Light or merely an impression cast within the shadow of the same.
Alessandro Fedrizzi - Professor of Quantum Physics, Heriot-Watt University, Massimiliano Proietti- PhD Candidate of Quantum Physics, Heriot-Watt University November 16, 2019
“ … in
the micro-world of atoms and particles that is governed by the strange rules of
quantum mechanics, two different observers are entitled to their own facts. In
other words, according to our best theory of the building blocks of nature
itself, facts can actually be subjective.”
* * *
Observation 'substantiates' every concept and idea of reality. Awareness in conjunction with the imagination allows an observer the opportunity to experience the concept of reality in the form of an idea.
Design brings forward the meaning and the purpose supporting every observation,
experience and event. Events and experiences are made both tangible and
intangible by design.
In essence, observations are symbolically re-presented in every form as a vibratory simulation, i.e.
hologram. What appears to be virtual in character is made apparent by the senses. Variations are figuratively differentiated by means of a symbolic
coherence and/or incoherence between the observer and the context (field) in
which the event or experience appears.
The concept of a “source” represents a contextual field of virtual origin. It is a synthetic expression of one’s own sense of creation
stemming from a fractal image of holographic proportions. It is a concept, an
idea bearing witness to one’s own creative consciousness.
Light in the form of both a wave
and a particle bring to awareness the symbiotic relationship
between qualitative and quantitative states of consciousness. Each re-presents a
different universe. Each brings an expression to a parallel universe that when
joined together give meaning and purpose to the concept of light symbolically interpreted. Waves and particles merely give expression to a series of
impressions (waveforms) that when brought together give meaning and purpose to a phenomenon
that permeates and defines the universe.
When observed quantitatively light can be categorized into a broad spectrum of expressions. When viewed qualitatively each frequency voices a
meaning all its own. Design allows every interpretation to blend metaphorically for purposes of greater understanding from every point of view. In this fashion
design brings form and expression to what we describe as change. Change is made
manifest by means of an event and/or experience. Change is a
symbolic event metaphorically expressed and figuratively understood.
A dynamic can be born of two
elements of equal measure and potential. There will always appear to be a spectrum of
variation generated between two or more "sources". Every formation stemming from a common source (macro) is made
apparent by virtue of the microcosmic articulations, i.e. qualities, created within
and about the contextual constraints of every force field. Magnitude is merely
a perception based upon an observer’s POV.
Realizations are based upon a measure of entanglement brought to reason by means of observation (POV).
Events and experiences could be described as frozen frames of light brought to realization by means of symbolic resonance. Images are made discernible through the transmission of light between referential points, i.e. fermions/particles/positions/states of energy. These are holographic utterances, i.e. vibrating
by-products, of a fractal universe of energy-in-motion. The concepts of space and
time which include the realizations, materializations and imaginings that together bring
essence to every field, resonate to similar qualities, i.e. frequencies, harbored within the field of every observer. The concepts of space and
time are realized, i.e. sensed as being real, solely in reference to the symbolic vocabulary of the observer.
Light can be pixelated by
means of vibratory resonance. Within the parameters of space and time this
event can likewise become a distinguishable part of a recognizable field in the
form of energy in motion. The transition between light appearing as a wave and
light appearing in the form of a particle and from the POV of 3D space/time, is a specific
event made cognizant by means of a resonance between the observer and the geometry (matrix) of the pattern being observed.
“You collapse waves into particles through your intentions and preferences, and all that energy then becomes vibrational reality. The vibrational reality you
intend is embraced by the vastness you are and thus amplified through the
attention of all that you are (and all that we are). Thus this creation gains
momentum and gestates and alters the Oneness that is by expanding it. Creation
starts to orchestrate all the things to bring about the new creation that you
have generated through your focus and your sustained resonance with this opens
up the flow for what you've created to be realized in your personal reality.”
Ailia Mira
Photons, i.e. bundles of
light, are either attracted or repulsed by means of inclination. Light fashions
itself into holographic patterns when
viewed from 3D space/time and is designed as result of a combination of vibratory
re-sources. These patterns eventually collapse about pre-conceived patterns imposed upon them by virtue of observation and that for all intents and purposes, symbolically combine into their most appropriate formation by means of analogy and metaphor.
Desire is dualistic in quality. Desire has both a mental and emotional value emanating from what appears to be a common source. Together they act as a single force whose intention is to penetrate the void we describe as the unknown. Time and space create the context required for this vibration to materialize and be brought to awareness. Balance by means of harmony can be brought to fruition by giving expression to the virtues of synchronization and not necessarily compromise.
Time stops and space
disappears in every synchronistic moment. Awareness of the moment brings
forward the opportunity for balance and harmony. Meaning and purpose are found
in silence and can be duly separated from the unknown by means of design. Design
guides us in the journey towards harmony and balance. Design brings meaning and purpose to every contextual situation. Design encodes everything that is intimately felt while not fully understood.
A synchronistic moment creates a time of awakening, an alerting awareness, i.e. impression, upon the consciousness of an observer. A synchronistic moment might likewise be described as a symbolic and enlightening 'spike of awareness' thrust into time for a sake in the future. Space completes the duality of spacetime by providing the most appropriate context for your next chosen experience.
sake: cause, purpose, aim, objective, goal, motive, for purposes of, in interest of, in order to achieve, with something in mind, benefit, interest, welfare.
All is vibration.
Mind in its relationship to
emotion brings reference to the existence of both a lesser and greater field of consciousness. Together they create
the impulse required to arrange and re-arrange every event and experience relative to the present situation. Mathematics re-presents a system of symbolic codes designed to harbor a variety of patterns and geometries stemming from a single zero
point, i.e. “source” presumed to end at an event horizon. All knowing is incorporated into a grand matrix that exists beyond the concept of individual awareness. Truth, beauty and goodness are concealed in a dream that can only be made apparent by design.
Time and space participate in
the creation of the context in which consciousness can be made apparent. Light is transfigured into components that are virtual in origin and holographic in character. These apparitions, i.e. dreams, reflect upon nature. They likewise mirror a legion of realities lying beyond the
parametric constraints of 3D space/time.
Due to entanglement every
spark of light can be randomly aroused by means of a series of unexpected interferences
that can, in turn, create disturbances in the composition of the whole. Ignorance ushers in many consequences surrounding every event and experience.
The concept of "universe" might be
interpreted as being holographic in character. Every universe contributes to a mix of multiverses by virtue of the contextual quality it has brought to Light. A designed field of consciousness is measured in
units of magnitude and scale, complexity, resourcefulness, beauty, ingenuity,
talent, goodness and inventiveness all wrapped into a package of awareness.
The multiverses describe “ten thousand things” by virtue of symbol and metaphor. The Tao remains changeless, beyond Source without identification.
“Goodness, truth and beauty
have a resonant self evidence.”
T. McKenna
Design allows us to control our own light (projection) by virtue of changing our source and thereby our POV. Design can
bring things together or break them apart to where truth, beauty and goodness can reach beyond the eyes of every beholder.
* * *
This text explores the philosophical and metaphysical role of design, consciousness, and light in shaping perception and reality. Here’s a clear synopsis:
1. Design as a Gateway
- Design is a bridge between the physical and metaphysical realms, allowing both science and art to transcend limitations.
- It structures dreams and intuition, guiding imagination towards harmony and balance.
2. Light and Consciousness
- Light, as both a wave and a particle, represents different states of consciousness.
- Attraction and repulsion of photons symbolize unity vs. separation, light vs. darkness.
- Consciousness influences perception—light can be seen as originating from awareness or as an illusion.
3. Observation and Reality
- Observation validates reality, making abstract concepts tangible.
- Reality is holographic—a vibratory simulation perceived through symbolic coherence.
- The concept of a "source" is a synthetic expression of creation within a fractal universe.
4. Time, Space, and Change
- Light connects qualitative (meaning) and quantitative (measurement) aspects of reality.
- Time and space create the framework for experiences and realizations.
- Change manifests through design, expressed metaphorically and symbolically.
5. Synchronization and Awareness
- Synchronistic moments (meaningful coincidences) create spikes of awareness.
- Awareness allows for balance and harmony, while design encodes deeper meaning.
6. Multiverse and Consciousness
- Reality is holographic, with multiple universes forming a collective consciousness.
- The multiverse is symbolic, constantly shaped by perception and experience.
- Design enables individuals to shift their perspectives, altering reality and perception of truth, beauty, and goodness.
Core Idea:
Everything is vibration, and consciousness plays a role in shaping reality through design. The universe is a holographic, symbolic structure where perception determines meaning, purpose and experience.
The author generated this text in part with GPT-3, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model. Upon generating draft language, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the language to their own liking and takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.
* * *
“To believe is to accept another’s truth.
To know is your own creation.”
* * *
Edited: 03.28.2017, 05.11.2017, 12.12.2017, 03.05.2018, 10.22.2018, 07.04.2019, 10.26.2019, 02.13.2020, 03.06.2020, 07.24.2020, 01.28.2022, 05.24.2022, 06.06.2023, 08.02.2023, 08.06.2023, 09.22.2023, 04.24.2024, 11.21.2024, 02.13.2025
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