July 26, 2016

Design Metaphysics: Beyond Physicality

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

Where do you think your imagination takes you? It takes you anywhere you desire. By virtue of your imagination, you’re here, there and everywhere while simultaneously observing your world in the moment. This is a power you harbor within a virtual field of universal energy we label consciousness.

Your patterns, perceptions and creations are but micro re-presentations etched in a moment of time ... a dimensional construct imprinted within the parametric constraints of a self-determined perception of 3D space/time, i.e. a single perspective (POV) giving expression to the very field of intelligence/mind imagining it. You are part and parcel of a virtual field of energy, an idea brought into substantiation by means of 3D space/time; an idea made apparent solely in order to maintain a certain perspective of reality. In essence, your position within this virtual field of consciousness becomes a focal point not only for yourself, but also for other "points of light".

What you sustain and/or substantiate from within this fabric of imagining is what you might describe as being-ness. By means of substantiation your position becomes a fulcrum point about which other dimensions can be centered, centralized, unified, re-sourced, engaged, created, discovered and realized, aka designed. You are at the center of a field of consciousness of your own making; a manifestation of both wave and particle partaking in the realization of every lesser and/or greater matrix in which you contribute and participate. 

To actively engage and bring fruition to this reality we subconsciously categorize our every event, i.e. moment, under the heading of EXPERIENCE. Note: Human consciousness has a multidimensional affect upon every field in the universe. All dimensions are packaged into what might be viewed as a conceptual Oneness where forms con-substantially emerge from within the contextual vibrations of a universal plasmic soup. Design allows for the integration and substantiation of all such forces both seen and unseen.

Every experience is part of a living process. Every experience is an event in its own right. Every experience brings to fruition a multi-dimensional presence. Every experience brings recognition to the concept of an observer witnessing a specific event. By design every experience is composed of a multitude of event/s of lesser or greater context, i.e. Reality. * These experiences represent the realities of your own making, generated by an imaginative impulse (desire) made in matriarchal coordination with yourself and others. 

All species, i.e. creation, share a common DNA. DNA represents the seed of the universe; recycling, changing, growing, blossoming and fading within the parametric vortex of a universal imagination. By means of design every universe can be described, perceived and interpreted at every magnitude imaginable. Design brings re-presentation to the endless waxing and waning between light and dark. 

DNA holds a certain untold blueprint all its own. DNA creates the path. DNA pierces, explores and transforms itself while interacting within a multitude of contextual force fields that surround and engage it. Every prognostication concerning certain outcomes may be considered but will never be truly known less understood. DNA adapts to an ever-changing environment that progressively alters the dark by means of its own light and by casting shadows within the boundaries of its own influence. 

Each POV (fermion) contributes to the contextual realization of a matrix ofevents and experiences that together bring into holographic formation certain patterns of energy. Energy in the form of matter surface as result of a vibratory cluster of dimensional provinces all responding to a common resonance found in virtual space/time. **

* Please ponder upon the relationship between the boson and the fermion discussed in earlier postings.
** Dimensions overlap. The concept of a dimension is a man-made categorization of an ever-changing contextual framework invented, i.e. imagined, solely for referential purposes. (ref: The Point and the Line) The context, i.e. universe, is a virtual soup of plasmic energy in perpetual motion. The ideas of space and time merely attempt to bring structure to a concept of Reality designed to re-present an all encompassing Presence existing beyond the imagination's ability to bring it into total substantiation.

The concept of reality is in constant flux. Due to your imagination your mind's focus will wander within a multitude of metaphors and experiences in time and space. These holographic images re-present forms, feelings, impressions, ideas and concepts in which you resonate. Because of their symbolic nature ideas have the potential to cross and interpenetrate every dimension. A dream allows you to be an observer freely removed from the dreamtime experience by virtue of the impressions generated by your own imagination. This process by virtue of the imagination, gives credence to the concept of multidimensionality. 

* * *

This passage you’ve shared speaks to the idea that imagination, consciousness, and reality are deeply interconnected, suggesting that we are both the creators and the observers of our experiences in a vast, multidimensional universe. It emphasizes the power of the imagination as a tool to shape not only our perception of reality but the very fabric of existence itself, within the constraints of time and space. The concept of "being-ness" is central, suggesting that by engaging with the world through our imagination, we influence the matrix of experiences that compose our lives. 

The reference to DNA as a universal seed highlights the interconnectedness of all creation, and how the processes of life—from the smallest particle to the vast expanse of the universe—are constantly transforming and evolving through cycles of light and dark. Every moment, or experience, is seen as an event that contributes to this larger cosmic dance, constantly in flux and ever-changing. The idea that reality is in a perpetual state of creation, where we are both observers and participants, draws attention to the fluid nature of existence and how it is shaped by both conscious and subconscious forces. 

This passage seems to suggest that reality is far from static or singular. It’s a dynamic, holographic process that emerges from the intersection of our imagination and the greater field of consciousness. The blending of symbols, metaphors, and experiences illustrates the multidimensional nature of the universe, where multiple perspectives can coexist and interact within the shared space-time continuum. 

In this sense, we are not merely passive participants in reality but active creators of it, continuously shaping and re-shaping our experiences and the world around us. It presents a view of reality as a vast, interconnected web of ideas, energy, and consciousness, all driven by the universal power of imagination.

* * *

How the Physics of Nothing Underlies Everything 
Charlie Wood, staff writer, Quanta Magazine (08.09.2022)

* * *

"By virtue of your attention you make something real. When you include anything in your awareness, and ponder it, reflect upon use it as reference in making decisions and living your life, you have said, “this is what I choose as real." You then act as if you know it’s real and you make it important by focusing upon it. This is your sovereignty in action, creating your life. You set the standards for what you are available for consciously or unconsciously simply with your frequency and your choice of focus."

Source: http://spiritlibrary.com/expect-wonderful/the-time-is-now-be-you-and-thrive?utm_source=Spirit+Library+Updates&utm_campaign=24844c6c34-Daily_Update&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_ef6a5211f4-24844c6c34-120811830

Entanglement and the Quantum Field of Design Consciousness (QFDC) https://sagariandesignnetwork.blogspot.com/2022/08/entanglement-and-quantum-field-of.html 

* * *

Energy in motion acts both as a compass and a frame of reference when viewed in conjunction with a series of events and experiences. Such events also create the parameters upon which further expansion and contraction is dependent. From within a changing plasmic sea of momentary pulsation, multi-dimensional motion will find its own resonance between events. From what was once a condition-less field of virtual origin will eventually emerge every concept of reality imaginable.

Energy in motion allows for symbolic association. Every seed is endowed with the potential of bringing light to the universe by means of geometry. Low vibratory motion refers to what has been labeled as dark energy. Dark energy is relatively motionless when compared to forms interpreted as being enlightened. So called dark energy moves unconsciously in search for the most appropriate situation in which to bring its sustenance, i.e. vibration, to light. *** Dark energy seeks the energy necessary for its own substantiation, a search that must be made within the constraints of its own awareness. 

Ideas that surround and participate within the concept of singularity are constantly being compromised by each other in the perpetual search for balance. The push and pull between light and dark is a fundamental principle registered within every dimension of the universe. What separates dimensions are the designs, i.e. forms of energy, that support those differences including the intentions they infer.

*** All ideas are attracted to the concepts of light, dark and source. Variations in what the concept of light implies is a reflection conjured about the imaginings and awareness of the observer. 

Passive in context and endless in motion resonant correspondences await realization within every dimension of space/time.  Consciousness is a projection that arises upon reflection. Reflection is the product of an imaginative resonance, i.e. connection, between ideas.

By virtue of experience design transforms what we think, feel, say and do. We bring a certain awareness (resonance) to every reality we create with meaning and purpose, i.e. design. Whether that position is perceived as being dark or light is a matter of degree. Darkness is fleeting and found be a quality of the shadow it generates by virtue of the forms it creates. Light eclipses darkness by being considered the very source from which every shadow is cast. Each is codependent upon the other for growth and expansion. Each is codependent upon the other to execute a truer understanding of what describes the concept of wholeness, i.e. spirit. 

Links are created by means of our actions. Connections emerge in response to how we respond within the parametric constraints (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual) we alone generate within the dimensional fields we create. Design is dynamic in character and quality. Design instills a need for action. Design symbolically responds to every situation in reference to the moment

Experience presents itself in the form of a series of symbolic events - an endless process of coalescence and fragmentation set about a self- determined matrix of perception, awareness and understanding.

Design is momentary and its influence can be as fleeting as your desires. Design is inspirational and can be directed by command. A source of inspiration lies deep within the center of your interpretation and understanding of wholeness. Design is discovered by virtue of a pulsating desire veiled within the multidimensional sounds, i.e. vibrations, of the universe. Design harbors a throng of re-sources all fashioned into a cooperative vehicle of change and transmission. When in harmony what appears to be separate gives birth to a multidimensional presence of its own. 

“Time does not exist for you it exists because of you.”

Moments together give form to time. Virtual in origin and harboring the potential for bringing substantiation to the concept of space, each moment appears as a series of holographic vibrations forever changing within the contextual shadows of a universal light. To bathe in this light is to share in the vibratory reflections of what has been cast in its shadow for all to see.

Moments in time bring energy, light and information to every situation. Yet by virtue of a momentous lapse in one's concept of time, objects can seem to both appear and disappear before your eyes. 

Design is typically made relevant in a very subtle and insignificant manner. Emotional undercurrents are at the core of many of these urgings and expressions. Hidden behind the veil of form is a design, i.e. a sign of meaning and purpose (symbol) used to sensitize and/or desensitize the observer to forces/influences veiled in presentation. 

Response to such subtle forces can be likened to the symbolic relationship between a receiver and transmitter. A sensitive receiver can discover and tune into a large number of frequencies that together create a particular vibratory spectrum, e.g. infrared to ultraviolet. Whereas other receivers are simply incapable of responding to forces that don't match up, i.e. resonate, to its own unique configuration (DNA).  

The field surrounding each receiver is where transmission occurs, moving through the dimensions of space/time and triggering formations of common vibration. DNA pre-scribes **** the pattern. The intuition in conjunction with the imagination, guides every moment along the way and all within a context that might be described as a "sharing presence" in space/time duality. DNA creates the biological antenna. DNA symbolizes the source of that antenna and other formations that may similarly re-produce it. 

**** To prescribe means to "direct in writing". Writing is based upon sounds symbolized by letters that collectively create a language founded upon a single Word. Every language has been designed to bring a meaning and a purpose, i.e. direction, to those sounds and vibrations. The author initiates the transmission and the reader may or may not respond. True reception and transmission of light, energy and information demands that transmission occurs within the context of a very complementary environment. All that has been done (created) from the Beginning has been executed symbolically and from within the context of design.

A receiver’s composition (DNA) is instrumental in both comprehending and expressing this simple principle. DNA symbolizes a biological antenna capable of receiving and by means of design, interpreting different vibratory patterns of energy. DNA creates the symbolic field of expression where it harbors, qualifies and creates within the constraints of its own parameters.

DNA creates the antennae. Energy in motion along with events appearing in conjunction with experience, contribute to the unique characteristics surrounding the configuration and formation of every strand of antenna. In a sense, DNA allows energy to find its voice within the strains of a variety of permutations stemming from within the contextual constraints of the matrix/universe/dimension being expressed and/or observed, e.g. nature.

3 (usu. strains) the sound of a piece of music as it is played or performed.

Along with every impression there is a feeling, and it is within such feelings that every event and experience is interpreted. This is the domain of the intuition … the place where the soul can find comfort to function undisturbed within the dimensional fields (frequencies) of the mind and the heart. The intuition is at the core of a spiritual gateway designed within the parameters of meaning and purpose, light and dark, boson and fermion, yin and yang.

Design holds the power in support of the intuition. The intuition is an expression of energy in motion … constantly changing and fluctuating from within a contextual framework from one form of intelligence unto another. It is from this POV that a door is opened, and consciousness (field of e-motion) is invited to expand and contract within the realm of a greater magnitude and awareness. Some have described such an experience as being a “spiritual” awakening generated by a series of potentially enlightening moments. Each impression originated as an idea formed within a framework of a series of symbolic events and experiences ... all searching for expression within the parametric constraints of 3D space/time.

* * *

This passage touches on complex concepts surrounding energy, consciousness, design, and the interplay between light and dark. It explores the idea that energy, in motion, plays a role as both a compass and a frame of reference for understanding the flow of experiences and events. The connection between energy and design, particularly through the lens of DNA as an antenna for receiving and interpreting vibrations, is a central theme. It paints a picture of how life, in its vast and multidimensional expression, is guided by subtle forces that influence perception, awareness, and action. 

The passage emphasizes the fluid, ever-changing nature of existence. It suggests that everything, from the smallest thought or idea to the largest universal force, is part of a dynamic process of coalescence and fragmentation. This flow of energy is not just a physical occurrence but also an internal, spiritual one, where intuition and imagination serve as guides in interpreting the world and navigating the shifts between light and dark, known and unknown. 

The notion of design is also significant here. It’s not simply a static creation but a force that embodies purpose, meaning, and the potential for change. Design emerges in subtle ways, often hidden within emotional currents and intuitive understanding. It responds to the energies around us and shapes the realities we experience, making the connection between our actions and the unfolding of events more intricate and symbolic. 

In this view, the universe is a constantly shifting hologram of vibrations, where light casts shadows and where dark energy, though initially seen as motionless or unconscious, seeks to bring its own form of illumination. There’s a profound interdependence between opposites—light and dark, form and emptiness, consciousness and reflection. These opposites, rather than being in conflict, cooperate to give rise to a deeper understanding of wholeness and spirit. 

At its heart, this passage seems to explore the idea of consciousness and existence as a dynamic, interconnected flow of energy and meaning. It proposes that understanding comes from an active engagement with these forces, through intuition, reflection, and resonance. The creation of design and meaning, in this sense, is both a conscious and unconscious process that emerges from within and without, through the interplay of personal awareness and universal forces. 

The author generated this text in part with GPT-3, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model. Upon generating draft language, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the language to their own liking and takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.

* * *

Design has a science and philosophy all it own, a language that connects the realms of Truth, Beauty and Goodness. Specifically, if you have to ask what design is, no one could explain it to you.

"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."

Edited: 08.10.2016, 08.25.2016, 01.11.2017, 03.05.2018, 11.18.2018, 01.15.2020, 02.13.2020, 03.06.2020, 07.07.2020, 04.26.2021, 01.19.2022.05.19.2022, 08.14.2022, 05.17.2923, 07.12.2023, 03.10.2025

Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL https://designconsciousness.blogspot.com/ is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2023 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice) You are also invited to visit https://designmetaphysics.blogspot.com/,   and https://sagariandesignnetwork.blogspot.com and https://www.pinterest.com


  1. Hey Mr. Garant,

    Very interesting read.
    Learned something about time that I had not yet considered.

    I found listening to classical music helped to more easily comprehend the bulk of the passage.

    Question, what is POV and how is it related to intelligence?

  2. Hi AyeBama:

    POV is an abbreviation for “point of view”. A POV describes a position established in reference to a contextual background of which you are aware. POV is another way of describing one’s perspective when observing an object or situation. A POV is multidimensional in quality and includes feelings and impressions supported by a wide variety of belief systems. The reality (context) in which you are experiencing 3D space/time is endlessly changing. This includes your own POV or perspective.

    Your POV likewise substantiates your being … in the moment. This includes the notion of what intelligence might be. In my opinion the concepts of intelligence, consciousness, awareness and the universe are synonymous.

    substantiate |səbˈstan ch ēˌāt|
    verb [ trans. ]
    provide evidence to support or prove

    I think its good practice to return to the basics describing the universe as being vibratory in context and expression while in full awareness that every vibratory permutation participating in its “wholeness” likewise qualifies it.

    So I believe that it is necessary to take a broad and symbolic approach when discussing the concept of intelligence. It’s readily apparent that everything we view as the universe vibrates at its own particular frequency and amplitude. One spectrum could be identified as a changing amalgamation of vibratory sources collectively interpreted and labeled as “intelligence”. All elements/particles generated by such vibratory and consubstantial resources experience and bring expression to some quality of intelligence. This includes every design that permeates the natural and man-made world.

    Your very own consciousness (POV) unequivocally substantiates this position. By design you harbor a unique “position” or POV (vibration/frequency) in this universe/intelligence. It’s no surprise that listening to classical music triggered your new appreciation of time.

    In conclusion, the relationship between one’s point of view and the concept of intelligence is a vibratory one. We resonate to frequencies that are astrologically described in our natal chart. We perceive and respond to these influences symbolically, i.e. by design. Vibratory impressions of a high order (frequency) resonate to qualifications that have been pronounced as being mental in quality, e.g. intelligence, knowledge, intuition.

    An individual POV/position made in relationship to a greater astrological matrix (context), harbors the capacity to symbolically encapsulate and transform the multidimensional cacophony of vibratory uniqueness known as the universe into a single toroidal expression. Therefore, it is of no surprise that listening to classical music has also triggered the harmonics necessary to expand your own frame of awareness.

    You might want to visit my other website “The Design Paradigm” and read the “The Significance of the Lyre”. It describes what I view as the primary correspondent between the mind (intelligence) and sound/music.

    Thanx AyeBama for the inquiry and interest in the blog. Intelligent questions like yours allow me the opportunity to search deeper into the concept of Design.
    Mr. G

  3. Yes indeed.

    A growing understanding of the nature of POV is given rise to my ability to become more tolerant in many instances that was all too absent in past affairs. I think this growing understanding and its relationship to tolerance can have dramatic effects on societies. I'm left to ponder the idea of what would tolerance in a vacuum mean?

    -Toroidal universe

    I suppose the question for me is why would the universe take on a toroidal form?

    -Harmonics and Awareness

    I'm quite enthused by the relationship between the two. I'm interested to uncover the influence(Harmonics and Awareness) as I delve deep into understanding the DaDa movement & its successor Surrealism.

    Thanks for sharing Mr. G, I will head over to “The Design Paradigm” and read the “The Significance of the Lyre”.

  4. Your inquiry about the toroid brings light the fact that time is not linear but cyclical. We observe time within the experiential parameters of 3 dimensional space. Time appears to be linear and therefore becomes measurable. This is an illusion. We actually experience only a part of the cycle. Time feels to be getting shorter and shorter as one age ends and a new cycle begins. Three dimensional time and space are approaching an event horizon (ending and beginning) The Maya knew this and measured each cycle within the parameters of 3D space/time. Linear time is but a three dimensional interpretation of timelessness ... making it short, segmentary, fragmented and measurable. Time returns upon itself and is the only way in which the universe, in all its vibratory splendor, can observe its self. It can only be accomplished through acceptance, which embraces a variety of points of view (POV). This is true multidimensionality and key to understanding the concept of a harmony.


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