January 19, 2016

An Introduction to Design Thinking

Conceptual impressions surrounding this article are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context, network or post.

Design thinking is the new normal.

It is best to begin our investigation into design and the design process by considering the fact there are certain principles proven to be self-evident when observing the concept of design from a human level of consciousness. These postulates create a foundation from which we can base future investigations into design. They form a set of guidelines from which a greater understanding of design can be woven and made functional. These postulates are flexible and harbor many opportunities for change and advancement. It remains up to you to determine if you share such points of view. 
postulate suggest or assume the existence, fact, or truth of (something) as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief 2 (in ecclesiastical law) nominate or elect (someone) to an ecclesiastical office subject to the sanction of a higher authority, a thing suggested or assumed as true as the basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief  Mathematics an assumption used as a basis for mathematical reasoning.

An important note to consider when contemplating upon design is the realization that in some fashion we've all been "conditioned" in how to view the world and ourselves. This simple fact is inescapable. Our culture, environment, society, institutions, including our family and friends, all contribute to the formation of our belief system. Our points of view (POV) are strongly rooted in how we've been trained and taught to perceive ourselves and others.

Belief systems construct patterns in our minds and give precedence to certain viewpoints concerning reality. These POV contain ideas * we have chosen to believe as containing certain indisputable truths. Belief systems also harbor the tendency to limit knowledge by negating and/or ignoring certain issues that support the beliefs of others. In essence, belief systems assist us in making certain choices in the attempt to make sense of the world. 

Unfortunately belief systems aren’t capable of including every point of view … they aren’t meant to. Some belief systems make it difficult to reach beyond our own self-imposed constraints. Some distort and/or impose their perspective upon the many natural systems made evident in the universe/environment that surrounds us. Many belief systems are highly influential and controlling. Yet every system has its own interpretation concerning issues that surround the concept of "truth" in addition to what is perceived to be real. Yet design thinking brings to our attention the fact that everything is connected ... including every belief system imaginable.

Humanity is an integral participant in the manifestation of energy, light and information into its most appropriate form within the constraints of 3D space/time.

Pre-requisite: An open heart and an open mind
First of all in order to fully explore the mystery behind the meaning and purpose of design thinking it is imperative that we possess an open mind and an open heart. This position is instrumental in both creating and perceiving the multitude of relationships that can be discovered between elements, experiences and/or events. Design’s symbiotic quality also possesses the capacity to subjectively personify relationships in a manner that can effectively change life's experiences. Each relationship offers a meaningful expression between countless issues brought to light as the result of every situation. 

If we become aware of the multitude of symbolic associations brought before our consciousness we should also be capable of learning from them. This requires that we possess sensitivity to the patterns that emerge in life as result of these designed relationships. 

It’s the relationship between elements that is of greatest importance. It is why design thinking is the catalyst behind all creative thought.

Consciousness cannot eliminate the simple fact that the concept of awareness is something we all possess, and that what we think and feel are reflections of who we are. Sensitivity to design thinking by virtue of its symbolic power, becomes appreciated once an awareness of its function and meaning becomes felt and experienced by virtue of a synchronistic moment. Life is our instructor and design helps create the on-going lesson plan for us to follow.

Questions: Are you willing to look at your world from a different point of view? Are you willing to put your own beliefs aside in order to consider and/or ponder upon a situation from a different perspective? Are you willing to consider the ramifications that may result from your position? Be honest. Are you willing to purposely open your mind and your heart to the world?

Design thinking brings a certain structure to our journey towards self-awareness. Design thinking supports us along the way by bringing to our attention the de-sign posts upon which we make our choices and decisions. Design thinking tugs at an intuitive knowledge and awareness we have seemingly ignored or forgotten. What we deem conscious is the product of a series of patterns we ourselves have created, accepted, substantiated and repeatedly followed over time. What we experience today are the remnants of a series of systems we've designated as worthy of believing.

Design thinking brings meaning and purpose into our lives. It is through design that we discover who we are by conveying to ourselves our true nature. Over time design thinking has demonstrated itself as being the means and the instrument by which we can discover the mysteries of our own soul.

Design thinking encourages us to "wear someone else’s moccasins" by becoming sensitive, aware and willing to accept and adapt to change. The ability to empathize is instrumental in creating the symbolic and complementary connection between elements. As stated earlier, design thinkings' symbolic power has the capacity to personify our relationships by understanding the world in a manner that can intimately affect our life.

Something to know rather than believe in
The following postulates attempt to prepare our mind for material yet to be presented. Each visitor should determine for themselves the beliefs they are willing to bring to the design experience. Please understand that there are no right or wrong POV when it comes to understanding the concept of design. In design thinking there are no right or wrong answers. Each of us will naturally resonate to what we both know and feel to be appropriate for ourselves an impression made in reference to the situation at hand.

There is no need to defend your position in design. Everything is in constant flux so there really is no-thing to defend. What was once black can instantly change to become white surrounded by shades of grey. Design thinking brings to light the symbolic correspondences reflecting a universe that can be both measured and hidden. Every elemental represents a pattern of energy unlike anything or anyone else. In every moment every form of energy is in the process of becoming an integral part of a multitude of design patterns never known before to exist. 

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"Thoughts always seek their freedom, never answering to one master. They seek free rein and free range trying to avoid all restraint. Thoughts transcend time and space allowing themselves to be birthed again and again into new forms. Thoughts can be kept captive like a genie in a bottle but not for long, they always seem to find a way out."
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

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We can only be who we are. We can only believe who we are in the presence of the moment. We can only be sensitive to what we have experienced in the form of a presence partially shackled within the constraints of space and time -no more, no less. This kind of honest introspection is instrumental in bringing enlightenment to the design experience. Truthfulness and integrity are of upmost significance in the virtuous expansion of any consciousness implied human.

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“Humanism is a philosophical outlook, but in itself is a minimalist one, deliberately so because a key requirement of it is that individuals should think for themselves about what they are and how they should live. Standardly, a philosophy is a full fleshed-out affair, consisting in a detailed view of the world, of humanity in it, of the relationship between human beings and the world, and with human beings with each other. All the great philosophies have a metaphysics that underwrites the ethics they urge. But humanism requires no commitment to teaching beyond its two fundamental premises, and it imposes no obligations on people other than to think for themselves. Because it does not consist in a body of doctrines and prescriptions, backed by sanctions for believing in the former and not obeying the latter, it is as far from being like a religion as anything could be.”
A.C. Grayling, The God Argument: The Case Against Religion and for Humanism

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    There exists a nameless mystery from which all things appear to have their being. All things are alive and an indication of this single Life force. Everything seen and unseen is vibratory in character and resonates into and from this same common source.
   Design is universal, multi-dimensional and a symbolic expression of this single force as it resonates in all things seen and unseen. Design thinking qualifies this universal source by means of signs, symbols and metaphor.
   Design thinking illustrates and describes the process of self-empowerment and self-realization by bringing to our awareness the qualities of a universe of our own making in everything imaginable.
   The paths we follow are the manifestations of our dreams and the artful creations of our own lives. Design thinking creates the dimensional structure, i.e. frequency modulation, etc. in which our lives and dreams can be realized in space/time.
   Everything is illusionary and symbolic in content and context while simultaneously remaining vastly relevant in our quest to know the meaning and purpose of the universe. This process is approachable by virtue of knowing ourself by means of design thinking, i.e. man - wo/man - hu/manity ... know thy self.
" "If spiritual science is to do the same for spirit that natural science has done for nature, it must investigate quite differently from the latter. It must find ways and means of penetrating into the sphere of the spiritual, a domain which cannot be perceived with outer physical senses nor apprehended with the intellect which is bound to the brain." 

   Change is an essential element supporting the concept of design and design thinking. Design thinking makes life incredibly simple through the use of signs symbols, metaphor and analogy.

HackerNoon, Marty Groover 

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“ "What humans can do is change the data by adding to it. They cannot alter Prior Data, but they can enlarge the database. They can put into their memory banks new and important information on Everything in Life -- including life itself. When they do this, they create a New Beginning in the Mental Process of Data Analysis through which they make their choices and decisions. They start out from a different place. They do something by this process that is crucial to behavior modification: they alter their perspective. 
   It is important to understand that Perspective is Everything. It is not a little thing. It is everything. Perspective is the way we look at things, and the way we look at things absolutely determines the way we see them”. 

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“To believe is to accept another’s truth. 
To know is your own creation.” 

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     Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL https://designconsciousness.blogspot.com/ is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2016 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice.) AI usage prohibited. You are invited to visit https://designmetaphysics.blogspot.com/ and https://sagariandesignnetwork.blogspot.com/

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