December 7, 2014

Design Metaphysics: Intuitively Felt

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

The intuition describes the process of looking within. The intuition is an integral part of design and the design process. By means of contemplation/meditation an observer is afforded the opportunity to expand their field of consciousness beyond the constraints of 3D space/time. Design and its dependency upon the imaginative use of the symbol is a channel for greater knowledge and understanding. These are moving targets that can only be found within the parametric constraints of an always changing perspective (POV). The intuition can go beyond the constraints of thought by virtue of the design process. 

The intuition appears to have a mysterious origin and could be interpreted as the condition of a “higher” mind, i.e. a thought process unhindered by the impositions of a rational mindset. The intuition carries a POV that is cast with an emotional flavor that can be best felt rather than explained.

Feelings act as a gauge or barometer. Feelings have the potential to guide and bring into awareness differing points of view (POV). We typically describe these feelings as being part of an intuitive prompt designed to describe a certain intangible impression. Feelings also mark an attitude or position upon which future choices can be made. Every event harbors the opportunity to expand or contract our field of awareness. Every event affords the occasion to attract and thereby channel a facet of consciousness once left unknown. Feelings by virtue of the intuition allow for an expansion of consciousness by focusing emotionally upon the situation at hand. Intuition's purpose? ... to perfect and heighten one’s own "sense" of personal awareness through experience. 

Design lies hidden within the geometry of Life. Design consciousness reveals an awareness of this fundamental principle by means of the symbol. Design appears to originate from a conceptual Source that permeates every dimension of space/time. The concept of a virtual source is disclosed by means of a series of intuitive impressions (feelings/experiences) that together describe and bring into fruition a particular awareness by means of identification. This creative task is fulfilled by exercising a certain degree of resourcefulness. Design consciousness is what brings both a meaning and purpose to these intuitive revelations.

There seems to be a direct correlation between experience and intuition. The reliability of one's intuition depends greatly on past knowledge and occurrences in a specific area … This is not to say that one with a great amount of experience is always going to have an accurate intuition (because some can be biased); however, the chances of it being more reliable are definitely amplified.”
Eugene Sadler-Smith. Inside Intuition. 2008

Design’s potential rests in the transmutations that occur between form and formlessness. Design's strength rests in the imagination. Design creates the bridge between the old and the new. Design is an integral part of a subconscious field (state) based upon what is considered both meaningful and purposeful.

"When you return to the awareness that you are consciousness and that you are consciousness that molds to your focus and is eternally abundant you create a new relationship to this moment. Even though you might not distinctly perceive things beyond your physical state, without hearing or sight you still can have a feeling, a sense of your own expansiveness and you can have a sense of how your consciousness can just expand infinitely.
Your awareness is the host in which all experiences arise and this can be more real to you as you tune to the subtle energy you are. Then you can see quite clearly that all of the conflict and all the challenges are temporary arising within this awareness. Everything you want to be different can actually arise differently within your awareness. You can also see that everything can be resolved in your awareness. All the beauty of life can be known within your awareness.  At any given moment there is so much going on and rising up which is beautiful and benefiting you and everything that is and that in essence all of it is rising and falling away and yet the perpetual thing is your awareness."
Design subconsciously assimilates into awareness (personal field) all that can be selectively experienced. The intuition absorbs and integrates experiences and events of importance through vibratory means. The intuition does this symbolically. Design allows for the realization of the feelings that enter into and emerge from the intuition. Design holds the symbolic keys to both the conscious and the subconscious, the visible and the invisible.

It is imperative to know that every attempt in explaining these concepts shall fall short in full understanding due to parameters inherent to every language. Design attempts to describe a multi faceted space, i.e. consciousness, where every internal and external fractal surface, side, point, face and plane act as both a source and reflection of an intuitively felt intelligence made intrinsically evident by means of a metaphorical image-ination. Paradoxically at the foundation of a Design Consciousness is an awareness that can only be intuitively "felt" and never fully understood in 3D space/time. 

The intuition is multi-dimensional in scope and vibrates at frequencies that perform beyond the parameters of material awareness. The intuition gives cause to what has been designated as a "feeling". Feelings appear to be a combination of many frequencies appearing to originate from a common Source or point of origin (POV). Interestingly enough however, Consciousness seems to harbor a multitude of such "re-sources". Generally these components demonstrate the characteristics of being mental, emotional and sometimes material in context. Such a generalization is due to the constraints intrinsic to 3D space/time and humanity's tendency to compartmentalize and qualify experiences within the parameters of linear time.

“Feelings are the language of the soul. They tell us what the soul wants us to look at now. They lead us to greater and deeper understandings. They are the doorway to wisdom. They are wisdom itself, cloaked in the garment of our illusion.”
Neale Donald Walsch     

Multi-dimensional interpretations will sometimes appear irrational when observed from a POV located within 3D space/time. Such realizations exhibit a major challenge to the scientific method and its dependency upon observation (mind) and measurement (form) alone as being the only instruments capable of comprehending and/or defining reality. The scientific method is dependent upon the construction and revelation of fact, yet every contextual framework (POV) will change and so must every observation/definition/reference. Yet science is just one methodology amongst many that can be intuitively triggered to reveal the truth that reflections (fields) of both a lesser and greater magnitude of Consciousness do exist. 

The intuition is a method used to synthesize consciousness into a single impulse by intertwining and thereby melding, energy, light and information into a single focus or force. This process is typically driven by a need/desire to bring into fruition a concept (theorem) often held close to one's heart. 
“… a feeling "is simply a thought that you hold about something. An emotion, on the other hand, is "an eruption, an emergence, an expressing of that thought in a particular way." Emotions make thoughts real by putting them into action. Emotions are "out-picturings" in physicality of an inner idea that exists only in the non-physical. Emotion is energy in motion (e + motion). It is what you do with the feelings you have.”
Emotion (energy-in-motion) is at the heart of design. Emotion (meaning) describes the quality of an original pulse (heartbeat) that has given form to the meaning of fullness, i.e. meaningfulness. Creation is "felt" in the heart and provided a purpose by virtue of the mind. This single impulse is both felt and construed as being "one in the same". To return these energies back to their source is an act of unification. Design represents this reflection in a symbolic manner.

This all encompassing and synthesizing force is a metaphor for an unknowable and unifying strength purposely turned inward to be intuitively felt and symbolically experienced. 

Design brings forth an awareness of one's multidimensionality. Design brings forth the qualities of a feeling that is intuitively uncovered and emotionally expressed in a symbolic form. Design gives precedence to this synthesizing process by affording the observer an opportunity to change one's POV within a endless sea (field) of eternal modification, i.e. consciousness. The common Source that brings together all that can be thought, desired, felt and configured is a force that is focused upon expressing its Oneness by means of its own virtues.

Design allows for the relationships that bring forth the concept of a multidimensional consciousness made accessible by means of the intuition. And only by virtue of the intuition can a state of harmony be comprehended. The unit (Source) is a multidimensional and conceptual construct composed from a fusion of qualities intuitively observed, experienced and felt by means of design. 

“If you look within rather than only without, however, you discover that you have an inner and an outer purpose, and since you are a microcosmic reflection of the macrocosm, it follows that the universe too has an inner and outer purpose inseparable from yours. The outer purpose of the universe is to create form and experience the interaction of forms—the play, the dream, the drama, or whatever you choose to call it. Its inner purpose is to awaken to its formless essence. Then comes the reconciliation of outer and inner purpose: to bring that essence—consciousness—into the world of form and thereby transform the world. The ultimate purpose of that transformation goes far beyond anything the human mind can imagine or comprehend. And yet, on this planet at this time, that transformation is the task allotted us. That is the reconciliation of outer and inner purpose, the reconciliation of the world and God.”
Excerpted from Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth, pages 279-282
© copyright 2008-2015. Eckhart Tolle . All rights reserved. 

The intuition will color what is observed and experienced. Images change and disappear before a mental framework shaded by the feelings of the moment. The symbols remain as the context alters in reference to the situation at hand. Connections intuitively felt and subconsciously understood await re-cognition and an image-ining within the constraints of 3D space/time. The imagination brings into comparative formation (hologram) the desires and needs of what is intuitively felt. It is all part and parcel of what it means to be a designer. 
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"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."

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Be assured you will not discover all the answers to your inquiries here. Continue to investigate into your role of observer and creator of a design of your own making. Be aware of the by-products and outcomes that surround your every choice and decision.
Edited: 12.08.2014, 12.10.2014, 12.18.2014,12.20.2014, 01.22.2015, 02.07.2015. 05.16.2015, 05.25.2015,01.11.2017, 06.16.2018,10.26.2019, 02.23.2020, 07.07.2020, 01.02.2021, 01.23.2021, 04.18.2022, 11.28.2023
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