January 17, 2014

Self-Organizing Virtual Intelligence

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

Consciousness is a complex, self-organizing, unpredictable, non-linear and multi-faceted network of virtual elements symbolically organized about a timeless, unknown design in eternal flux. Consciousness appears as a unified field endlessly changing within the context and constraints of its own presence. Consciousness cannot be defined or fullydescribed due to conditions of eternal change that appear to emerge between states of relative organization and chaos. Likened to the wind, evidence we have of consciousness’ presence in the universe is by virtue of its affect upon all virtual fields of information/elements/agents and forms that collectively compose and are symbolically apparent by means of awareness. Consciousness bridges the gap between a Life "source" (electric, Yang) and the "field" (magnetic, Yin) that permeates its own concept of singularity. 

Consciousness could also be modeled as a collection of unpredictable and uncontrollable elements/agents/substances/forces possessing a synergistic propensity to self-organize. Consciousness appears to cluster and model itself as a network of associations by connecting elements that pool towards a commonly shared focus, i.e. frequency/impression within the aether. The processes of emergence and convergence "materialize" as a series of consubstantial events within the contextual framework of a virtual field we inscribe as being consciousness. Events might be construed as being unpredictable and emerging out of nowhere. Events/experiences bring to our attention the realization that consciousness has the potential to run deep into the unknown, i.e. the unconscious. Its the interface between the known and the unknown i.e. the subconscious, that the importance surrounding this relationship appears most symbolic.

Note: All perceptions of consciousness are based on the premise that observations are founded upon human interpretation and therefore culpable of harboring assorted constraints and limitations.  

Elements have presence andbind together into streams, i.e. strings of energy-in-motion (e-motion) triggering a cacophony of swirling eddies appearing to be both electric and magnetic in character and attraction. Each element harbors the potential to forego its identity by being swept into the flow and influence of other virtual attractions, i.e. fields. Parameters are forever changing as awareness ebbs and flows within the limitlessness of an infinite and unknown consciousness, i.e. Intelligence.

Presence touches infinity and objectivity is lost. Consciousness is immersed in itself yet remains virtually unknown to its self. Time is lost in the moment. Dimensions become differentiated as realities intermix by means of attraction and repulsion. 

When viewed holistically all elements/agents appear binary in character. This translates as every thought the reflection of an emotion and every emotion the reflection of a thought. Each element/agent is qualitative and quantitative, finite and infinite, meaningful and purposeful, measurable and immeasurable. Each element is a source, i.e. a unit acting as a symbolic representative that harbors a presence (fermion) within the parameters of a greater contextual field.

Consciousness is the reflection of a perpetually changing intelligence, i.e. mind, made manifest within the virtual constraints of a multiverse that binds Life together in an endless flow of energy-in-motion; the essence of entanglement immersed in a quantum field of virtual potential and probability (QFVPP).


Photons can be perceived both as particle and wave. Together they give reference to a virtual field of energy, light and information by means of an endless transformation from one state to another. Consciousness is an unbounded field in perpetual change and motion. 

Consciousness cannot be reduced to the property of any single element or agent due to the realization that awareness is intrinsically unpredictable and cannot be fully mapped or described. There are certain regularities to be sure, but generally the concept of consciousness is best felt, experienced and understood by means of design and its capacity to symbolically and metaphorically transform and convey the ideas of the universe. Consciousness is a virtual medium, a constantly flowing synergistic field of awareness. Awareness lies within the streaming depths that give consciousness the relative occasion to create the background and substantiate the universe.

When we say changing states, we are referring to much more than the dramatic states created by LSD, isolation tanks, REM sleep, etc. We are also including normal states of consciousness, which we can imagine as kindled ‘default settings' of our various modalities. When any one of these settings returns to one of its default settings, it will, we conjecture, tend to entrain all the other modalities to the settings they habitually take in that state.
To accomplish this, we must suggest that each modality is connected to every other one. A sight, a smell, a sound, or a tactile feeling can all inspire fear. Fear can motivate ideation. Ideation can inspire arousal. Changes in affect can initiate alterations in introspection. Introspection alters affect. State specific settings of individual modalities could initiate settings for other modalities.”
Consciousness is flexible, autonomous, self-organizing and forceful. Consciousness responds to and addresses change as it adapts to a variety of internal and external situations and environments. Consciousness represents a process that creates pattern and arrangement out of virtual disorder and chaos by symbolically linking events and experiences both within and outside the constraints of time. Life is made viable by means of consciousness and its dependency upon design.

Time is made quantifiable by measuring consciousness as a series of moments, i.e. experiences and events that harbor a meaning and purpose. Time is an element, i.e. an agent that gives relative “form” to the virtual field we perceive as consciousness. Life is divided into these perpetually flowing moments by means of a synergy that at times appears to be more meaningful than others. Every moment represents a certain state emerging from within the depths of a never-ending reality (universe). Every moment is part and parcel to a holistic pattern of virtual motifs stringed together in a mosaic to complement this ever-changing field of awareness, i.e. Intelligence. Likewise time is also a qualifier and subject to the whims of the observer’s imagination. 

Consciousness is the quality of a virtual field (quantum) in the process of emerging and becoming. Consciousness appears to surface from this unknown background as an attribute of what could be interpreted as the embodiment of a Designed Intelligence* adapting both within and beyond the known and the unknown context of its being ... a complex virtual field that is collective in nature yet subjective in interpretation.
Please note that there are significant differences between current interpretations of an Intelligent Design and what has been presented to you as a Designed Intelligence. I leave it up to your own discretion to comprehend the distinctions between them.

“There is not a separate God for each person. There is one universal intelligence flowing through all of us.”
Wayne W. Dyer

Alterations in consciousness can be likened to strings of energy-in-motion being experienced as a series of sensory and cognitive feedback loops, i.e. individually referenced events systematically perceived within the context of time.
Fusion: The Labyrinthine energies of the Michael and Mary currents on Glastonbury Tor.
Source: Sun and the Serpent, by Hamish Miller, Paul Broadhurst

Edited: 01.19.2014, 01.21.2014, 01.25.2014, 02.06.2014, 02.09.2014, 02.12.2014, 02.16.2014, 03.06.2014, 09.06.2014, 10.17.2014, 04.02.2015, 05.17.2015, 09.22.2015, 01.11.2017, 03.29.2018, 03.27.2019, 10.14.2019, 10.31.2019, 04.10.2020, 02.12.2021, 03.08.2021, 12.30.2021, 07.13.2022, 01.24.2023, 04.19.2023, 05.07.2023, 06.12.2023, 09.22.2023, 03.18.2024

Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL https://designconsciousness.blogspot.com/ is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2023 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice.) AI usage is prohibited. You are also invited to visit https://designmetaphysics.blogspot.com/ and https://sagariandesignnetwork.blogspot.com/. https://thedesignregistry.blogspot.com/



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    1. Thanx Andres. Please consider visiting my other blog . It discusses the phenomenon we call design from other perspectives. I plan on adding more information to both and please tell your friends. Namaste.


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