June 10, 2012

A Macro and Micro Awareness of Self

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

Meaning and purpose combine to create the concept of self … a product of the relationship between divergent frequencies made within the constraints of three-dimensional space/time. All expressions of awareness are products of a dualistic relationship. Holographic references and perpetual imaginings all stem from a common virtual field, a field that when symbolically referenced also creates a contextual backdrop where certain situations are realized for the purposes of  refinement and expansion. Some of these events/experiences are very meaningful to the observer and have been described/defined as being synchronistic in character. 

Fields of energy, light and information are either absorbed or reflected, attracted or repulsed by other fields that have congregated from within this common quantum field. Each hologram is designed to generate a series of associations for the purpose of internal expansion and/or contraction. Energy is either separating or coalescing with and/or within other holographic fields, which in turn create a tumultuous vibratory field/state of changing frequency and oscillation. What appears to be chaotic in essence is an example of  dissimilarities and/or imbalances, utterances of incompatible consonance from within the enigmatic construct of this quantum field. Manifestation, i.e. the externalization/extension of what humanity describes and exercises as the imagination, is founded upon the intentions and aspirations to know oneself by means of a common design or harmonious resonance yet to be discovered within the essence of an unknown and enigmatic Presence.

consonance noun agreement or compatibility between opinions or actions:    the recurrence of similar sounds, (vibration) ** especially consonants, in close proximity (chiefly as used in prosody).     Music a combination of notes which are in harmony with each other due to the relationship between their frequencies. ** my inclusion. 
Energy, light and information can be absorbed and/or reflected, transmuted and/or transformed with intention or indifference. Such alterations likewise change the macrocosmic field of holographic re-presentation, i.e. the imagination, while being sustained within a quantum field of virtual potential described as a Source, the Zero Point Horizon, center, i.e. the Tao. Life is based upon these symbolic relationships, i.e. situations that are designed to allow energy to flow freely, to divert, emerge, expand or contract. 

Relationships are based upon blueprints that entertain the possibility of achieving a greater expansion of consciousness through awareness. In three-dimensional space/time these opportunities appear in the form of holograms, multi-dimensional, designed and symbolically patterned within the quantum field/context of virtual potential and probability. In other words, what appears to be tangible is a holographic representation designed to be made conscionable within the constraints of a specific context, a context whose genesis originates from within a virtual field of unknown origin, aka quantum. 

These forms of energy are expressions of being-ness consciously asserting a pattern/s of energy within the constraints of 3D space/time; an awareness seeking to achieve balance within its own field consciousness by virtue of a design made self-evident at magnitudes that go beyond the parameters of knowledge and understanding. (This observation is based upon the concept of parallel universes made within the constraints of three-dimensional space/time, and is highly contingent upon multi-dimensional states of observation and reference)

Each hologram is a re-present-ation, a patterned intention or desire projected upon the parametric constraints of a particular blueprint that is in itself, an expression of wholeness and unity - an expression designed with a meaning and a purpose, a pattern of light energy that can unite elements, fields, forces, substances, species, universes, dimensions, galaxies, etc. through coherent resonance.

The concepts and ideas surrounding Life are wholly dependent upon a series of patterned relationships. Resonance allows information, light and energy to flow with little manipulation or distortion - all is dependent upon the observer.

Resonance brings attention/awareness to the signs along the path - signs that point the way. So, in this regard resonance has a purpose. From the POV of an aware observer these same signs similarly embrace the potential of becoming symbolic in character.  This latent transformation of energy becomes realized by means of coherent resonance. Coherent resonance brings meaning to Life.

And it is upon this premise that a field of virtual potential is slowly revealed. Internal coherency and resonance, i.e. balance, is key to opening a door to greater wholeness - an omnipresent network of energy discovered and never before realized. The observer and the observed become one.
omnipresent   widely or constantly encountered; common or widespread:  (of God) present everywhere at the same time. adjective: ubiquitous, all pervasive, everywhere; boundless, infinite; rife, pervasive, prevalent, far-reaching
Every form of creation becomes substantiated by means of vibrating within certain frequencies, references, parameters and patterns, i.e. blueprints, originating from a contextual field of virtual potential and change.  

Light and information are terms used to describe two forms of energy. There is much more to be discovered about energy than merely describing it as the ability to do work. A true understanding of energy emerges from within.

ORIGINmid 16th century (denoting force or vigor of expression): from French énergie, or via late Latin from Greek energeia, from en- in, within+ ergon work.

Projections/ideas conceived in reference to these patterned images, also reveal the symbolic limitations ingrained in the process of substantiation/manifestation. Every projected image/idea stemming from the imagination, is made in reference to an ever changing blueprint. Due to constraints inherent in every template/blueprint/plan, variations/permutations will naturally occur. This is a common event. Design consciousness invites change and can likewise become revolutionary in its context - Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution is a prime example.
permutationa way, especially one of several possible variations, in which a set or number of things can be ordered or arranged:      Mathematics the action of changing the arrangement, especially the linear order, of a set of items.

What is considered purposeful and meaningful, i.e. designed, is a symbolic projection of an internal presence - a cryptic energy made apparent/real by means of a process designed for the purposes of transformation. In reference to humanity, this process appears before our consciousness when we witness/observe/register our own experiences and interpretations of reality every day.  These preplanned configurations of light, energy and information are designed and created with a desire and intention “in mind”. 

cryptic having a meaning that is mysterious or obscure:      (of a crossword) having difficult clues which indicate the solutions indirectly(of coloration or markings) serving to camouflage an animal in its natural environment.

Consciousness both defines and identifies “itself” by disseminating/dispersing its energy into an array of vibrational frequencies, wavelengths and oscillations patterned about specific imagery, thoughts and feelings having been symbolically represented within a realm of experiences.

imagery: visually descriptive or figurative language, especially in a literary work:    visual images collectively:      visual symbolism
In reference to humanity these vibrations appear/feel to be physical, mental, emotional and spiritual in character and quality - patterns of energy that arise from deep within the unfathomable complexities of a quantum field and symbolically brought forth/forward/into manifestation by virtue of the imagination. 

In design there exists a relationship between the observer and what is being observed, that includes the context/field in which the observation is made.

It must be taken into consideration that the concepts, images and forms of energy re-presenting humanity are also holographic in character - acting  both as receivers and transmitters of energy at magnitudes beyond the constraints of three-dimensional space and time.

All images are purposeful and meaningful. All images/forms of energy appear within the context of a specific pre-conceived image created/designed within a perpetually changing field of virtual potential. This virtual field permeates every universe - the harbor for a multitude of unimaginable impressions, i.e. symbolic reflections and demonstrations of its own patterns, qualities and design characteristics. 

Due to factors of enormity and complexity both internal (micro) and external (macro) impressions are endlessly changing the harmonics of this ubiquitous field of virtual energy. Life is the product of an endless ex-change of energy emerging from within the depths of this common essence/soul. 
oneself: (also one's self) pronoun [third person singular]    1 [reflexive] a person's own self     2 [emphatic] used to emphasize that one does something individually or unaided:     3 in one's normal and individual state of body or mind; not influenced by others:

The concepts of time and timelessness create certain constraints unique to and representative of, a particular universe and/or dimension. Within the constraints of 3D space/time, time is described as being linear in character - framing a series of experiences where both virtual (imaginative) and substantial (formative) concepts, ideas and impressions can be created, experienced and if determined appropriate materialized. 

Design acts as a conduit for the symbolic transmission, transmutation and transformation of energy, space AND time. As we fluctuate within this virtual field of potential energy we likewise strive to interpret, search and soulfully identify who and what we really are. Design brings desire, substance, expression and inspiration to the path towards greater awareness/consciousness.
Edited: 09.25.2013, 11.28.2013, 10.17.2014, 10.02.2015, 01.11.2017, 12.10.2017, 09.13.2020, 09.08.2020, 04.05.2021, 04.16.2023, 11.22.2023, 01.19.2025
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL http://designconsciousness.blogspot.com/ is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2013 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. Fair Use Notice. AI usage is prohibited.

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