November 19, 2011

The Design Paradox

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

Humanity exists at the cusp between the paradigms of science and design. An awareness of design is derived from the interaction, interference and integration of virtual energy that when viewed holistically, contributes to the formation of what we believe to be reality. Interestingly enough, we “know this to be true” so much so that we are constantly striving to prove this statement to ourselves.

Consciousness is more a feeling, i.e. an impression, and when viewed in its entirety, consciousness is more than just a thought. Consciousness is the product of series of referential re-cognitions made within the constraints of our own virtual field of awareness. These cognitions are symbolic and metaphoric in character and together contribute to what we interpret to be reality.

Consciousness is an expression of what we believe to be real, a holographic imaging process composed of inputs and outputs sprinkled about concrete points of awareness; positions of stability and locations that harbor a limited perspective, knowledge and understanding of the whole.

The e-motion (energy in motion) generated from an unending assembly and disassembly of virtual energy provides the stage for a holographic concept of oneness that similarly circumscribes the process. Knowingness is the product of a progressive awareness made within the constraints of time, an accumulated affect of many experiences symbolically discovered within the holographic fields of our own making. To expand in consciousness is to accept and respond to the experiences that present themselves to us, i.e. situations along the paths we have chosen, designed and created for ourselves.

Design appears before our awareness in the form of symbols that bring meaning to what we observe and experience.

Design is paradoxical … a holographic experience intrinsic to the observer and the observed, consciousness and the subconscious, order and chaos. Without design there would be no meaning, Life, movement, relevance to nature or purpose of intent. Design affords us the opportunity to witness and experience the vibrations (signals/cosmic pulsations) that emerge symbolically from the abyss of the unknown, i.e. the Source, in the form of impressions that are made apparent within the contextual framework of what we create.

Virtual fields of awareness resonate either positively or negatively, either absorbing and/or rejecting all or part of what affects them. Stimuli from other “sources” affect every designation. Therefore, consciousness appears as a measureless, changing virtual field of our own making, perceived in the form of a hologram that is composed of qualities we perceive to be mental, physical and emotional in character.

Consciousness penetrates all forms of energy due to the holographic nature of the imagination. Because of design we are able to comprehend and interpret these impressions symbolically. 

Collectively awareness gives rise to a dualistic circumstance perceived to possess the qualities of both the known and the unknown, which are fundamentally holographic in character and are felt to exist. That which is unknown is the Source, the unit. The unknown is an internal constant.

Relative form can only know unity, which is a holographic construct of the unit (Source). Both qualities are symbolic in character and fundamental to understanding design and the process surrounding its’ manifestation.

The universe is a virtual soup of “substances” coagulating and dispersing into relative forms through the thought process we describe as the imagination. Virtual fields of energy permeate each other to varying degrees, i.e. frequencies, and give relative credence to the most appropriate holograms interpreted as being “real” within the contextual constraints of space.

Virtual fields appear in the form of designs that are both relatively objective and subjective. Typically the field of context found to be most appropriate is interpreted as such symbolically and is responded to with a hologram specifically created for the situation at hand.

The perpetual projection of these signals, i.e. frequencies, from both within and outside the fields that give relative form to the cosmos, demonstrates the fact that everything is impermanent. Permanence is an abstraction supported by holograms created merely for the purpose of giving relevance to the concept of time. Life is dependent upon design’s capacity to sustain motion through a wide variety of formations. Design provides consciousness a degree of stability by both categorizing and combining awareness into experiences of importance, e.g. the archetypes.

Without the continuous flow of energy into and out of every virtual field of holographic awareness there would be no foundation for expansion and/or contraction. This is why the creative process is the most vital element responsible for consciousness becoming aware of its self. 

Design affords consciousness a feedback loop made apparent by what it creates. Creativity is stimulated by desire along with the imagination (thought) to provide Life sustenance through design. By exercising our desires through a positive and creative imagination, humanity broadens its’ conscious horizons.

Together fields of virtual energy have the potential to create an identifiably larger field of awareness by congregating around a common frequency, i.e. unity, to which all forms can resonate.

Within every form is hidden the holographic fragments that together give it sustenance.

The purpose of sharing a common frequency is based upon survival. Frequencies that are projected out and about the surrounding environment, i.e. field of context, influence all fields and formations within its “range of influence”. Survival demands that designed forms resonate within the constraints of their contextual environment and in this fashion, share in the creation of a common focus and awareness. Images, along with their counterparts, thoughts and feelings, remain in flux by changing within the context by which they are felt and perceived.

Certain microcosmic fields of virtual energy are involved in specific functions within every macrocosmic field. The complex nature surrounding human consciousness finds the emergence of an even more complex set of mental and emotional qualities. Form describes the “essence” of a virtual field and design provides the linkage between microcosmic contributors made relevant by the imagination and through holographic collaboration.

The virtual field we describe as the mind, along with its counterpart the emotions (heart), create a personal point of reference used to perceive all holograms viewed within time/space.

Edited: 11.28.2013, 10.16.2014, 01.11.2017, 06.13.2017, 02.24.2020, 04.02.2021
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2013 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. Fair Use Notice. AI usage is prohibited.

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