September 18, 2011

Metaphoric Templates and Contextual Fields

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

Information in the form of photons is extracted from a quantum source via the implementation of a metaphoric template (DNA). Before fragmentation or separation can occur, information is extracted from this holographic field and imprinted with a wide variety of comparable templates that originate from within the energy field of a primary source, i.e. a unit. A unity is the product of a unit and acts merely as a frame of reference in order to perpetuate the concept of duality in all known universes.

“The monad according to Pythagoras is the one in terms of the total, or the all. The monad is different therefore, from the unit as there is this same difference as between unity and unit. A unit is one. A unity is one. But the unit is a one separate or dissimilar from other things. A unity is a one, which is a total of all other things in itself. Therefore, the monad (the Tao) is one in the terms of wholeness."

Manly P. Hall, Creation and the Singularity
(my parenthesis)

It is from, and in reference to, these templates (patterns) that the drive to seek wholeness, i.e. knowing, can be symbolically identified. Changes in the states of relative substance, i.e. “matter” is the natural by product of this energy conversion.

Expansion, change and self-awareness have no meaning if experienced outside a contextual framework. Context accompanies the concept of realization to the field of energy in which these templates exist, participate and have their influence. In other words, design consciousness has little effect, i.e. resonance, with forms not patterned about common qualities, i.e. frequencies that have been given countenance within the parameters of a quantum field of awareness.

The molecular world of chemistry clearly describes and measures many elements, i.e. unities, that when observed within the context of space/time, can bring about “material” change. The product of an energy exchange can appear to be meaningful if it is shown to be compatible with other frequencies and thereby will resonate in unison within the constraints of a common field of expression.

In their “natural” state the elements of hydrogen and oxygen create a liquid we perceive as water. In combination each molecule resonates to the other and in turn, manifests into its most appropriate form, which may be a gas, liquid, or solid. The end result is based upon the field, i.e. context, in which they appear and interface. * In essence, each elemental unity is responding to the constraints and qualities of the field, i.e. situation, in which they appear.
* Take into account the realization that each element is the “product” of a virtual field. Virtual fields provide potential in the form of “substance”, which when appropriately designated (structured) affords the concept of consciousness' relative form, i.e. unification.

Space is filled with “substance”, i.e. virtual material contained in an assembly of quantum fields all containing the potential to manifest into relative form based upon the parameters (qualities) inherent to that field.

Virtual particles are patterned about templates of quantum energy projected from a unified core. Each pattern appears to be created with a specific purpose. Each pattern is part of a larger blueprint to which is prescribed by intent (designated) a series of goals and objectives (designations).

These designations appear as a series of symbolic events due of the attributes surrounding the concept of time. Both the template and the process that gives each template its relative expression within the parameters of a holographic field, will always appear in the form of a duality.

Note: Fields of containment are both macro and micro in scale and influence in relationship to a finite observer (unity).

Two hydrogen molecules and one oxygen molecule share quantum energy both in the form of information and “substance”. Their relationship (designation) brings into relative manifestation the substantive qualities that identify them as a “unity” acting in unison while striving within the contextual field in which they exist and have their being. Each unity (element) may appear as a unit (whole) at some level of awareness. However, in this situation each element is in the process of resonating with the other in a perpetual state of “balancing”. ***

Each element is influenced by the other thereby sharing specific qualities that are now (ref. time) a “property” of what has become the relative culmination of the relationship. (This association has corollaries with the idea of being and becoming.) Two identifiably separate and unique templates appear to be one, the result of which is the potential to “materialize” in the form of gas, liquid or a solid.
*** The state of balancing induces movement, which typically describes Life. Energy in all its forms describes and demonstrates a perpetual quest towards wholeness, i.e. balance, both internally and in context. This is exemplified in consciousness’ search for the zero point.
By design energy gives expression to the dance of Life; by design energy exhibits a universal drive towards balance and wholeness. In effect we are conscious merely of the transformations of this unifying force and the “intentions” that appear to originate from within the mysterious confines of a primary source, i.e. unit.

If the context of this relationship changes so too will its design connotations. The binding force that brings unity to the relationship is dependent upon the context in which it exists, e.g. when water turns to ice and steam. Identifiably the exchange of energy has changed due to the context in which the relationships occur.

In a three dimensional universe what is described as heat brings fragmentation and separation while cold brings gradual solidification within the contextual fields in which it occurs. Higher frequencies allow for rejuvenation, exchange, reunification, and transmutation while lower contextual and vibratory frequencies lead to material form, stabilization, structure, matrixing, conditioning and concretization.

Each change allows for rejuvenation at quantum levels of perception. Energy both penetrates and migrates beyond the parameters of the three-dimensional world. Our field of awareness just happens to be “unified” as energy in all its forms passes through our frame of reference. With that being said, design helps illustrate why water is a universal solvent due to its capacity to unite with and/or disassemble other templates, i.e. unities, within the holographic field of space/time. The fact that humanity is composed of 75% to 90% water identifies it as both a receiver and transmitter of energy working in combination with other elements in a perpetual dance and search for balance, wholeness and harmony.

By nature each element (H & O) has the potential to become a gas, liquid or solid. ** Energy in the relative form of an “element” emerges from what has been described as a virtual field of quantum energy. Whether an element “pattern” appears to take relative form (solid) or relative formlessness (gas), is based upon the context in which it exists and within the constraints of the field in which it is observed (3Dspace/time).
** Remember that both Oxygen and Hydrogen have the potential to respond and resonate to other elements within in the family of distinguishable energy structures (points, unities) appearing within and giving relative substance to our field of awareness, i.e. consciousness.

Within the context of three-dimensional space/time, changes are reflected back to within the parameters of the holographic field appearing as the “product” generated from the original intention. This is an example of the design process, which entertains the influx and elimination of frequencies that affect the symbolic transformation of all energy templates projected onto and therefore creating a holographic field. What we describe as the objective world (hologram) creates the necessary format (stage) for this exchange and symbolic expression, which naturally encompasses both a meaning and a purpose, i.e. an intention. Symbols create the links and the pathways required for the exchange.


Water Drop Image Source 

* * *

Note: It must be remembered that this phenomenon occurs within constraints that are inherent to all fields of symbolic expression (duality) … where both consciousness and design become integral expressions of the same intent. Every form gives substance and meaning to an intention. Every impulse is designated to bring a sense of wholeness to fruition. Similarly, upon becoming self-conscious each form acquires the knowledge and achieves the necessary level of awareness that allows it to perceive itself as “being”, and should be interpreted merely as an expression (intention) originating from one’s own concept of oneness as it stems from a symbolically perceived source or unity.

In essence, that which is perceived to be inside (self) is but a holographic imagining of an intention that has been reflected back to its’ self. These projected imaginings are symbolically portrayed and represented as forms, emotions and thoughts. The concept of time is essential in contextualizing this imaging process.

The quest for self-knowledge is universal and will always remains an integral part of the unknown, which is not “out there” but rather “in here”. Design merely affords consciousness the tools necessary to realize and discover this fact for itself.

The zero point is a relative term; a mysterious unit that exists beyond knowledge … symbolizing the unknown. Within the field of consciousness the zero point takes the opposite position to self- awareness without which there would be no motion, movement, Life or design. Duality is fundamental in knowing life’s unknowing, which in turn gives reference to the Tao and that which has been described as the zero point.

What we “design” are holographic expressions of self that are meant to discover the mysteries of an unknown that lies both within and outside ourselves.

For the sake of perpetuating the qualities of that which cannot be described, i.e. the unit, the monad, the Tao … each relative form of light/energy has the potential to expand by the blueprint and path it has designed its’ self to follow. The “substances” and “potential” to do so lies within the virtual realm of a quantum consciousness in which the template is imprinted and designed to change over time.

Without question design is fundamental to the universal phenomenon we describe as consciousness.

Edited: 11.28.2013, 10.16.2014, 05.15.2016, 01.11.2017, 12.18.2018, 07.19.2019, 01.28.2021, 04.24.2021, 08.24.2022
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