Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.
The interpretation that our mind is located solely in our brain is simply invalid. The unique qualities of imprecision, variation, diversity and selection are paramount to the functioning of the mind and fundamental to creative thought. Experiences that first may appear incomprehensible are not always meaningless when we spend time to reflect. There always remains a particular focus, a selective attention and an embedded search for meaning in our subjective interpretation of the world. Experiences are weighed differently throughout life, yet seem to share a common yearning to bring meaning and a value to self. This natural capacity to categorize experiences, both subjectively and objectively, is imprinted in our mind largely for the sake of knowing.
From a subjective point of view, knowledge appears to have been an assemblage of opinions, facts, knowledge and understanding. Through experience, the mind discovers itself as the focal point of knowing. The creations of mind, along with modifications honed from experience, give allegiance to an internal dynamic we perceive as self. Connections and new patterns are added and simultaneously integrated into the mind as long as knowledge is allowed to enrich and nourish the expansion. Mind’s design, i.e. its’ focal point of knowing, is the field in which the "knowing self" plays, develops, learns and grows.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: "Whether you wish it or not, your meaning is made of others' meanings, and your taste of others' tastes...For you live not by the things, but by the meaning of the things." (In The Wisdom of the Sands. {Citadelle trans. S. Gilbert} New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1948, p. 263).
"You give birth to that on which you fix your mind. For, by defining a thing, you cause it to be born, and then it seeks to nourish, perpetuate and augment itself." (Ibid. p. 269).
Source: C. Anton
The mind instinctually brings together all experiences made to be known and felt ... both seen and unseen. These perceptions are symbolic in origin and character, together actively fashioning what could be considered a fundamental awareness, or collection of awarenesses. These relationships need not be causal or related to an objective world; rather mind’s knowing will always take precedence and remain paramount throughout this subjective journey.
What is of interest when discussing the relevance and importance of design and design thinking is the suggestion that the accumulations of all these “experiences” must in some manner, validate what is perceived as consciousness. Yet consciousness is something we cannot describe directly other than through a limited and subjective framework. Consciousness is something that can be known, observed and realized while still remaining an allusive mystery when trying to describe it.

All mental and emotional contexts appear to be non-conscious in character, yet can be induced and/or provoked by conscious events. Both conscious and non-conscious events are symbolically interwoven through meaning and purpose to create a “stream of consciousness”. In essence, experiences are designed events. Consciousness by nature must be considered a multi-dimensional experience.
Edited: 11.28.2013, 01.11.2017, 05.04.2020, 03.25.2023
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