July 6, 2008

Analogical Correspondences

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The capacity to perceive the world symbolically lies at the highest level of acquiring knowledge because it requires combinations of reasoning, intuition, perception and observation. Every event is an expression of a multitude of differing computations all changing at varying degrees. There is no such thing as permanence.

Consciousness naturally adapts to each and every circumstance, even in the midst of diversity. Each symbolic interpretation acts as transmission of energy that perpetuates change. We essentially imagine our world, including the very concept of consciousness that we’ve come to believe perceives it. Within this imagining is energy in the form of relative substance (matter), meaning (emotional) and purpose (mental). These are fundamental attributes of a consciousness whose mind is the very Source that imagined it.

Consciousness expands in its own awareness due to its capacity to adapt, extrapolate and make connections. Design consciousness relies heavily upon analogy, metaphor and paradox, all methods of cognition that take the perspective of the observer more so than that of the perceiver. Interpretation, learning and creativity are highly dependent upon this capacity for pattern recognition.

Design consciousness brings into manifestation those symbolic qualities that allow awareness to reflect and ponder upon its own construct of reality. Analogy and the application of the imagination, connect to a world of virtual particles allowing design consciousness to bring to realization situations that are not always immediately apparent. This allows for a wide range of interpretation and insight concerning every circumstance, while simultaneously multiplying the connective potentiality surrounding each relationship.

The ability to create analogies is characteristic of an observing consciousness. The ability to find key symbolic elements that substantiate and help define and describe an “experience” is fundamental to design consciousness. All situations change and any astute observer is all too aware of it. An observer is extremely perceptive and possesses a natural capacity to exercise symbolic organization and representation. In addition, an observer has the ability to make the most appropriate symbolic correspondences in the moment.

The interaction between analogy, metaphor and paradoxical thinking are themselves examples of design thinking. They are all deeply symbolic in nature and quality. Perception underscores the process of observation, which includes the potential to trigger further realizations through the mapping process. Any situation once perceived and later observed in retrospect has the potential to enhance and redefine the experience thereby expanding awareness.

Perception feeds observation as observation likewise compliments further perceptions. Perceptive origins are essentially sentient in character while observation is more conceptual. In essence, we first imagine our world virtually and then respond to those virtual imaginings by creating our own structures around them.

This process depends upon the capacity for subjective representation and interpretation, which rests upon the conscious ability to perceive and observe the world symbolically. Design thinking is essentially an abstract thought process that attunes itself with changing situations by both perceiving and observing them symbolically. We essentially imagine our world including its substance (physical), its meaning (emotional) and its purpose (mental)
Knowledge is as dependent upon perception as understanding is to observation. Every situation is a new situation and two situations are never exactly alike.

The lack of knowledge and understanding brings difficulty to any situation. The inability to appropriately change when perceiving and/or observing a particular circumstance, often reveals a highly structured and rigid thought process that for the most part, is unsuitable.

To observe a “situation” means to capture the feeling both mentally and emotionally. This becomes the data upon which current and future choices are discerned and absorbed. No single observation can embrace every single option or scenario - it never will. The Universe holds the options (QFVPP) and its' design are the context and patterns you choose for yourself both individually and collectively. 

Design resolutions require group coherence, resonance and balance, whether between mind and emotion (feeling), individuals, states or nations.
Efforts need not be towards the full discovery of a particular solution, but rather defining and redefining the next step, i.e. objective, towards reaching a goal - for the moment. 

Edited: 11.28.2013, 10.16,2014, 01.11.2017, 08.04.2020, 12.07.2021, 05.24.2023
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL https://designconsciousness.blogspot.com/ is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2008 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice)  AI usage prohibited. You are also invited to visit https://designmetaphysics.blogspot.com/,   and https://sagariandesignnetwork.blogspot.com and https://www.pinterest.com


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