March 28, 2008

Synergetic Synchronicity

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Design consciousness is both inclusive and exclusive. Consciousness is dynamic. Design makes consciousness relevant and self evident. Consciousness is multidimensional. There are a multitude of impressions both tangible and intangible that affect our awareness in time and space at any given moment. Consciousness is sympathetic to them all.

Sympathy is a type of attraction that can coalesce all forms of energy into a singularity. Consciousness attracts elements of like kind. Design brings into balance form and formlessness by means of signs, symbols, metaphor and analogy.

Because of natural diversity, i.e. modulation, typically associated with multidimensionality (quantum consciousness), every design appears unique. Patterns associated with discordant values outweigh the similarities they share with others, ex. matter/anti-matter. Pattern sharing supports the idea that Consciousness is sympathetic in nature and diversity describes a certain degree of discordance between elements of "like kind."

Design has an affinity for allowing change and customization in order to create the conditions necessary for balance and harmony. Differences are important and should, in certain circumstances, outweigh similarities when innovation and evolutionary progress remain the goal.

The position of observer brings forward  challenges that are loaded with consequences, most of which are unexpected. Many circumstances appear without resolution. An observer, however, steps within and away from the discord solely in order to better comprehend the entire circumstance, i.e. situation, picture within constraints.

Reductionism focuses on the parts, some of which are measurable, reactionary and unimaginative. Whereas the imagination observes and is more conducive towards rendering a more acceptable and holistic perspective. This position allows the observer to freely create, survey and participate in experiences beyond limits and constraints of space and time. 

Design brings balance to every circumstance by effectively creating what might be considered a synergetic opportunity made special for the most opportune, i.e. synchronistic, moment.

Observers are based in knowing and believing, which together create the relationship required for change. 

An observer's POV is based in knowing, understanding and feeling, a perceiver knowledge, emotions and opinion. 

An observer functions in the now and the future. A perceiver functions in the now and the past.

An observer focuses upon phenomenon that has no measure. A perceiver is overwhelmed with constraints.

A perceiver primarily looks outward. An observer primarily looks inward. Both share in the act of balancing.

A perceiver sees only the parts. An observer sees the relationships between them. 

Consciousness functions both as a perceiver and an observer. Design creates, references and reveals the patterns and relationships between them.

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This text explores the intricate relationship between consciousness, design, and perception. It presents consciousness as a dynamic, multidimensional entity that is shaped by both tangible and intangible influences. Here’s a breakdown of the key concepts:

Key Concepts 

1. Consciousness
Inclusive and Exclusive: Consciousness encompasses a broad range of experiences while also isolating specific elements.
Dynamic Nature: It is not static; it evolves based on the impressions it receives.
Multidimensional: Consciousness operates across various dimensions, influenced by diverse factors. 

2. Sympathy and Attraction:
Sympathy: Described as an attraction that brings together similar energies into a unified whole.
Balance of Form and Formlessness: Design harmonizes tangible and intangible aspects through symbols and metaphors. 

3. Diversity and Uniqueness:
Natural Diversity: Variability in consciousness leads to unique designs.
Patterns of Discordance: Differences often overshadow similarities, emphasizing the complexity of relationships within consciousness. 

4. Design and Change:
Affirmation of Differences: Innovation requires valuing differences over similarities.
Conditions for Balance: Design facilitates harmony and adaptability. 

5. Role of the Observer and Perceiver:
Observer: Engages with both knowing and believing, focusing on relationships and holistic understanding.
Perceiver: Limited to the past and constrained views, focusing on individual parts rather than connections. 

6. Holistic Perspective:
Imagination vs. Reductionism: Imagination allows for a more comprehensive understanding beyond mere measurement.
Synergistic Opportunities: Design creates moments that align with the needs of the present, fostering transformation. 

The interplay between observation and perception enriches our understanding of consciousness. Design plays a pivotal role in revealing patterns and relationships, creating a framework that allows for innovation and balance. This dynamic relationship suggests that our experiences are shaped by both the internal (observer) and external (perceiver) aspects of consciousness.

The author generated this text in part with GPT-3, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model. Upon generating draft language, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the language to their own liking and takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.

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"Endowed with "minds" ... humans are uniquely able to survey successive experiences and detect reliable patterns, thereby discovering over time such subtle workings of Universe ...

Bernard D. Beitman M.D.    March 27, 2023   Reviewed by Lybi Ma

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Edited: 11.29.2013, 01.11.2017, 07.04.2019, 06.04.2020, 01.25.2023, 03.30.2023, 10.26.2024, 11.16.2024, 11.29.2024
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