February 12, 2008

Energy Transfiguration

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

The mind acts as a field of cyclic conversion as energy transforms from formlessness into form and back again. Our mind, our emotions and our senses create the medium, i.e. context, for transmission, transfiguration and transformation. The concept of mind takes position of both receiver and transmitter. The mind along with our emotions can be found within the field of the intuition as feeling as a "quality of mind".

Energy in motion (EIM) is perceived, observed and linked by means of design through pattern, signs, symbols, metaphor and analogy. All "forms" of energy are made conscionable through awareness.  Designs is made symbolically apparent in what we create in 3D spacetime.

Energy that enters your awareness has been designed into patterns that vibrate at a particular frequency. They appear within a context or field of reference for your review and perusal. Certain patterns may or may not resonate with you, they may not appear to be significant from your POV. For some reason they don't match up due to the fact that you vibrate to a different set of frequencies whether they are written, spoken, or heard. Relevance can only be felt and rarely measured.

To be design conscious is to be aware of the symbolic patterns that shape your being; patterns that give you substance and sustenance to your reality, as well as warranting your attention and observation of patterns of energy that exist beyond your own vibratory constraints. The ability of consciousness to differentiate one form from another also helps determine the degree of separation needed for a free flow of energy throughout the universe.

The concept of consciousness gives relevance to the idea of it appearing as a field in perpetual transition, transformation, and transfiguration, i.e. change. The concept of design consciousness creates the context in which such an energy can be realized and made apparent. Consciousness vibrates in a wide variety of levels/magnitudes/frequencies. It is within the parametric constraints of every field/form that energy in motion can be highlighted, transformed and transfigured.

A single primordial energy emerging from a common undifferentiated Source, can affectively contain and create a countless number of alternatives within a field of its own vibratory influence. Our awareness partakes in the creation of a vast limitless vibratory realm described as being quantum. Our consciousness partakes in the evolution of this field. No patterns/designs exist in this field until we actively interact with it by means of our desire to know. In other words our drive to reveal the unknown is what helps contribute and give relevance to its presence. We live and contribute to the essence of this quantum field by means of interpreting, transforming and transfiguring its potential into individualized patterns that effectively reflect certain qualities that bring expression to our own level of consciousness.

To this degree energy in motion (e-motion) originating from within this common Universal Source, is designed to reflect upon every iteration and configuration that might emerge from the recesses of its own design. These expressions in relative form describe the threads that together create the fabric of a Universal Consciousness given relevance by virtue of what it designs and creates. The quantum realms that can be entered by means of our imagination and interpreted by means of our intuition affords us the opportunity to create and design our own path towards greater enlightenment and awareness. No longer will you fall victim to the hidden forces that want to control you. Design allows you to discover the meaning and the purpose in support of your own Truth.

(photos J. Vourlis)
Edited: 11.29.2013, 01.11.2017, 07.06.2019, 06.03.2020, 02.25.2023
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL https://designconsciousness.blogspot.com/ is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2008 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice.) AI usage is prohibited., You are invited to visit https://designmetaphysics.blogspot.com/.  Now visit Design Consciousness on https://www.pinterest.com


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