November 16, 2007

Design Science?

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument. context or network.

Science is merely one expression of  the design function. Science is based upon the language of mathematics which corresponds to theory, experiment, investigation, translation and the transformation of energy in motion from one state to another. 

Design embodies all forms of energy, light and information and translates these impulses/ impressions into signs and symbols. Impressions made apparent through the scientific method emerge as nuggets of facts and knowledge. Together this information leads to greater understanding within the parameters of a mathematical language. Scientific observation, experimentation and discovery are symbolically communicated via the language of mathematics. 

Design is all inclusive. Symbols have the power to cross barriers, link opposites and integrate the known with the unknown. Symbols have the power to measure the immeasurable and peek behind the veil of the unseen. 
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Design rests at the center of what might be considered reality. Design forms the symbolic fulcrum between consciousness and the subconscious. Design is at the center of every search for what we determine as being real. To be cognizant of this Reality is to begin to understand the the relationship between design and consciousness.

Reality is viewed and interpreted both within a subjective and objective frame of reference. Scientific investigation has demonstrated that the observer has influence on what is being observed. The observer is an integral participant in every phenomenon. 

Objective and subjective events and experiences are of equal value and cannot be ignored when attempting to explore the concept of reality. Design attempts to take into account every element that might expose the observer to a symbolic event. Please visit “Design Consciousness: Kansei and the Tao” where the interchangeability between yin and yang is discussed.

By Margaret Wertheim    Jan. 30, 2023
In this way of seeing, Descartes’s ‘I’ – the human self – became a problem. At least for science. Not that anyone ceased to feel a sense of their own self – as if that were even possible. Rather, there was no way to talk about a self within the terms of science. Increasingly, proponents of science took to saying the self is an illusion, or even a delusion. A key component of this philosophical shift is that the in the age of physics, reality itself has come to be construed as the space of matter in motion. Now, if we want to claim something is real, we have to be able to pinpoint its co-ordinates in space and say “Ah it is here".
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- The "blind spot" in science that's fueling a crisis of meaning / Adam Frank, Marcelo Gleiser, and Evan Thompson

Science’s purpose is to investigate into the workings of the universe whereas design’s purpose is to bring balance to the virtues of meaning and purpose. 

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Science, art and philosophy partner in acquiring a design consciousness. Mathematics is the language of science. Math like every language has little relevance until applied and practiced both literally and conceptually. 

Design is semantic and symbolic in character, the primary conveyor and facilitator of all energy, including every idea that embraces the concept of consciousness. 

Design is an archetypal energy in perpetual motion perceived, described and defined as change. Design by virtue of its symbolic nature is the executor of consciousness, a role that assists in the relationship between the known and the unknown, the tangible and the intangible.

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By Philip Goff. Nov. 7, 2023
"Your consciousness is what it’s like to be you. It’s your experiences of color and sound and smell; your feelings of pain, joy, excitement or tiredness. It’s what makes you a thinking, sentient being rather than an unfeeling mechanism. 

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Definition of Design Science 

Design science rests upon the scientific method being interpreted in a symbolic manner while simultaneously remaining aware and receptive to all surrounding attractions, i.e. impressions, influences, present and past events, patterns, formations, networks, structures and experiences that may influence the event being observed in the current moment … or not. Design Science is highly intuitive. 

Design science describes a symbolic investigation into Reality that is both focused and broad in scope and application. Design Science: 
 1. Equally and symbolically weigh and assesses all systems of energy in motion from both a subjective and collective point of view, i.e. observation, especially in reference to potential and probable outcomes. 
 2. Symbolically accrues and evaluates all past situations and outcomes (experiences) in a categorical fashion, including symbolic references to earlier contexts and patterns, i.e. an algorithm logging the concept of change in order to improve predictability and appropriately respond to present and future change. 
3. Accrues and evaluates all synchronistic, synergistic and cohesive events and experiences. 4. Observes, responds and interprets every event and experience in a symbolic fashion in order to exercise the design “process” in a balanced, appropriate and adaptable manner. 
5. Design science virtual in context and content. Observations are symbolic in character, gestation and interpretation and follow the scientific method. 
6. Information is shared by means of signs, symbols and by virtue of analogy and metaphor found to be both individually and collectively coherent. 
 7. Design science recognizes and responds to a belief first by accruing self- knowledge, i.e. awareness, through Intelligence. 
8. Design science strives to be both meaningful and purposeful. 
9. Design Science’s quest is to discover and attain a balance of Consciousness by means of a symbolic Awareness and response to change. 
10. Design science is subjective, collective, responsive, creative and ambient in nature. 11.13.2023

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Without the symbolic impetus supporting the internal attraction between the observer and its creator, consciousness can only retreat into the dark abyss of not knowing. Consciousness grows when together the observer and creator become aware they are participatory agents in the realization of a larger design, network or singularity.

ref: I Ching

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"To believe is to accept another's truth. 
To know is your own creation."

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Edited: 11.29.2013, 08.25.2015, 01.23.2017, 09.07.2022, 03.21.2023, 05.17.2023, 09.23.2023, 11.22.2023, 11.28.2023, 03.17.2024
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2006-2022 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. Fair Use Notice.

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