August 10, 2021

Quantum Consciousness: Change and Focus

 Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

Design Hypothesis:
Consciousness is conceptual, illusional, symbolic, metaphoric and virtual in character. Consciousness is the quintessential archetype. Consciousness is the concomitant consequence associated with a range of multidimensional patterns of energy in motion whose origin rests beyond the subconscious. 

Awareness brings forward a “sense of consciousness” by fostering correspondences and fusing the concepts of meaning and purpose. Metaphysical in content and context, quantum, fractal and holographic in representation, all forms of energy/Life are revealed and made apparent by means of Design. Design is lovingly veiled in all that can be seen, known, measured and/or felt. (07.09.2023) 

Design describes a metaphysical and multidimensional process. The design process is dependent upon knowledge, understanding, intention, intuition, imagination and awareness. Design creates a network of energy in motion (EIM) between fields/states/points/agents and patterns of awareness. Design creates a virtual, symbiotic and metaphoric lattice between consciousness, the subconscious and the unconscious, the tangible and the intangible, the known and the unknown, the seen and the unseen. All forms of energy in motion are based upon principles of meaning and purpose both felt and understood. (01.13.2023) 

What is a designer? Designers are men and women who are faithful to themselves and others, who creatively abide and amalgamate their skills and knowledge with love and integrity - the goal: personal, collective, global and soular balance and harmony. (09.01.2022) 

Design is about creating and responding to signs, signals, symbols and metaphors we perceive in our daily lives. Change is entirely dependent upon our perception and interpretation of a concept of reality we've each designed by and for ourselves. Design functions at both conceptual and factual levels of awareness. Maintaining a sense of balance and presence in three-dimensional space and linear time requires acute awareness, insight, observation, definition, redefinition, calibration and recalibration ad infinitum.  

Every observation is affected by change. Every perception and interpretation must be reconsidered, redefined and realigned by finding the pieces of the puzzle designed to fit within the reality we've created for ourselves. Every circumstance, event and experience will be expanded or marginalized by means of this POV. 

Quantum consciousness is multidimensional in character and context. A countless number of events and experiences affect our perceptions with some being more apparent than others. Events and experiences are affectively mental and emotional in character (Kama Manas) while others are blatantly apparent (physical). We tend to focus on one event/experience after another (cause and effect) without seriously considering the context/circumstances in which they appear. 

Consciousness is multidimensional in character. Certain theories propose that consciousness is grounded in feeling, i.e. emotions, impressions, beliefs, sensations, opinions, interpretive perceptions, etc. Consciousness embraces linear thought along with a wide variety of multidimensional impressions that together both qualify and characterize it. 

Awareness is an “agent” of consciousness. Awareness like consciousness, becomes linked by means of coherent resonance. Awareness has a subconscious presence. Awareness is attentive, perceptive, observant, alert, focused, diligent and at times understanding, thoughtful, kind, accommodating, responsible, considerate and caring. Awareness is fundamental to every human sensation seen and unseen.  

A sensorium (/sɛnˈsɔːrɪəm/)[1] (plural: sensoria) is the apparatus of an organism's perception considered as a whole, the "seat of sensation" where it experiences and interprets the environments within which it lives. The term originally entered English from the Late Latin in the mid-17th century, from the stem sens- ("sense"). In earlier use it referred, in a broader sense, to the brain as the mind's organ (Oxford English Dictionary 1989). In medical, psychological, and physiological discourse it has come to refer to the total character of the unique and changing sensory environments perceived by individuals. These include the sensation, perception, and interpretation of information about the world around us by using faculties of the mind such as senses, phenomenal and psychological perception, cognition, and intelligence.[2] 
1. "Definition of sensorium". Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford University. Retrieved July 21, 2017. 
2. ^ "Medical Definition of Sensorium". MedicineNet. Retrieved July 21, 2017.

Awareness is perceptive, adaptable and always adjusting, modifying and redesigning its position in reference to every circumstance. Awareness has subconscious and unconscious underpinnings. Agents of awareness combine with others to create a field of conscious energy in motion that pattern themselves about a commonly shared point of view or focus (source).   

These networks readily attract and repel other agents/frequencies, i.e. vibrational conditions/attributes that qualify them within a quantum field/context of virtual potential and probability. (QFVPP). Every situation embraces its own potential by means of attracting a virtual field (modality) where choice determines future potential 

Dimensional fields quantify, quantum fields qualify. Human consciousness strives to retain a balance between them.

"Quantum networks use uniquely quantum phenomena, like superposition, no-cloning, and entanglement that are not available to classical networks. Before the photon is measured, it exists in a superposition of all its possible quantum states, each with a corresponding probability. Measurement selects one among these states. In fact, the photon’s quantum state cannot be measured without causing a disturbance that betrays the attempt. Nor can an arbitrary, unknown quantum state be copied – no cloning allowed. A properly designed and operated quantum network derives inherent security from this behavior."

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Greater awareness equates greater consciousness. Greater consciousness requires balance and stability. Greater awareness demands greater focus and concentration while exhibiting a large degree of flexibility in extremely sensitive, complex and transformational situations. 

Human consciousness is inundated with a wide spectrum of energy pulsations and oscillations stemming from a wide variety of macro and micro re-sources. Patterns of energy are conceived, designed, conveyed, expressed and articulated within the conscious parameters, i.e. reality, inherent to every observer. Obviously not all patterns of energy are alike. Every perception is conditioned upon the awareness of its observer and the circumstance/situation in which that event or experience becomes mindful and/or recognized. 

These disturbances are multi-dimensional in origin, context and content, each reflect upon a unique language of symbols packaged into a system of beliefs developed for purposes of interpretation/perception and meaningful concentration. 

We each create a system, i.e. a language of symbols, designed for our own purposes. These fields of awareness have been "qualified" as being physical, emotional, mental and spiritual in character. Differentiation, i.e. linear thinking, distinguishes one sense from another (seen/unseen). Conceptual thinking consolidates and assimilates its sensory impressions at multidimensional levels. 

Humanity's multidimensional "presence" is both tangible and intangible - contrasting conditions designed to be felt, discovered, experienced and absorbed.

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This passage delves deeply into the complex interplay of perception, consciousness, and design, exploring how we create and interpret our own reality. At its core, it emphasizes the idea that our experiences, awareness, and perceptions are ever-shifting, multidimensional, and intricately tied to the context in which they arise. 

It touches on several profound themes: 

1. Design as a Process of Interaction with Reality: The idea that design is not just about creating objects or systems but about how we engage with the world—responding to symbols, signs, and metaphors. This perspective implies that our understanding of reality is constantly being shaped by the way we interpret and interact with these symbols, leading to an ongoing process of reinterpretation and redefinition. 
2. Perception as Fluid and Dynamic: The passage highlights that every observation we make is influenced by change, and our understanding of any event or experience needs to be constantly re-examined. This underlines the importance of adaptability in perception, as our mental models of the world evolve over time. 
3. Quantum Consciousness: The concept of quantum consciousness introduces the idea that our consciousness is not just a linear process but rather a complex, multidimensional experience. Emotions, beliefs, and sensations all contribute to the fabric of our consciousness, which exists both consciously and subconsciously. The integration of these layers shapes how we perceive and engage with the world. 
4. Awareness as a Key Agent: Awareness is described as the "agent" of consciousness, constantly adjusting and adapting to new experiences. This suggests that the act of being aware is not passive but dynamic, requiring focus, flexibility, and responsiveness. The "subconscious underpinnings" further suggest that much of our awareness operates beneath the surface of our active consciousness, influencing our perceptions without us always being consciously aware of it. 
5. Field of Consciousness and Energy: There is a recurring metaphor of consciousness as a field of energy, with the idea that our awareness is linked by shared frequencies and qualities. This implies that our perceptions are not isolated but are interconnected with others in a shared quantum field. These connections attract and repel various energies, shaping the way we experience and interact with reality. 
6. Potentiality and Choice: The passage touches on the concept of virtual potential and probability (QFVPP), suggesting that each experience contains a range of possibilities that are shaped by the choices we make. This ties back to the idea that consciousness is not merely reactive but also creative, continuously shaping the potential for future outcomes. 
7. Symbolism and Meaning Making: It is proposed that every event or experience carries symbolic meaning, hidden beneath the surface. This reinforces the notion that our consciousness is constantly engaged in interpreting symbols and metaphors to make sense of the world around us. These interpretations are shaped by the unique systems of meaning that everyone has created for themselves. 
8. Multidimensionality of Human Experience: The passage emphasizes the multidimensional nature of human existence—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It suggests that humanity’s "presence" in the world is both tangible and intangible, a blend of concrete experiences and abstract impressions that must be both felt and understood. 

In summary, the text suggests that our perception of reality is an ongoing, multidimensional process shaped by an interplay of consciousness, awareness, symbols, and experiences. The nature of reality is fluid and constantly being redefined through our interactions with the world around us, and our ability to navigate this complexity depends on our awareness and capacity for adaptation. This intricate relationship between consciousness, perception, and design opens avenues for understanding how we create and experience the world in deeply personal and collective ways. 

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Linear thinking categorizes (labels) this vibratory phenomenon in a way that likewise qualifies it. Physical fields are tangible and can be easily sensed, i.e. touched, smelled, heard, tasted, seen. Mental, emotional and spiritual fields are similarly “sensed” in a field of energy in motion and currently described as being quantum in origin (QFVPP). 

Intangible fields are sensed by means of the intuition (feelings), the imagination, subconscious impressions (dreams) and synchronistic events. These “senses” are an integral part of what it means to be a multidimensional human. Unfortunately, the difficulty to currently measure and/or fully describe this phenomenon, along with societal resistance to re-cognize their esoteric underpinnings, currently “un-qualifies” them within the collective consciousness of humanity. 

Every human transmits and receives energy in reference to and in tandem with, their own designs. Unfortunately, not all are tuned to a Reality far greater than their own. It’s time for humanity to change the channel. 

Each field shares a common source (DNA). Each field describes and defines a certain vibratory coherency/quality in the form of a broad representation of its own creative patterns reflected within a context of its own making (design). Every projection (hologram/form) in support of these projections help quantify and qualify this effort. 

We each create and design our own life through a system of signs, symbols and relevant codes based upon what we believe. 

Our reality is formed by images of our own liking, i.e. reflections of who we believe ourselves to be. 

We each design a language based upon our POV, a system of symbolic correspondences made in reference to the contexts/fields we observe and assimilate as re-presenting our life's Presence. This language is designed/created to perceive and respond to both tangible and intangible events and experiences. 

Design consciousness creates the very language that defines and describes the antenna (input) and transmission (output) that surrounds every circumstance (event and experience). Design embraces a symbolic language that allows and facilitates the transition and transformation of energy from one situation/state/status to another. Design consciousness requires adaptability, flexibility, resilience, adjustability, versatility, open-endedness, tolerance, cooperation and integrity. 

* * *

This passage reflects a deeply philosophical and spiritual perspective on reality, consciousness, and the interconnectedness of all life. It seems to touch on the idea that all fields of existence—whether physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual—are energetic in nature, and that human beings are part of a larger, multidimensional energetic system. The idea that each person designs their own reality through symbols, beliefs, and perceptions suggests a perspective that incorporates ideas from both quantum physics and metaphysics. 

At the core of this passage is the idea that reality is shaped by the energy we project and receive, with each of us creating a "language" that represents our perception of the world. This language, made up of symbols and correspondences, helps us interpret and interact with both the tangible and intangible aspects of existence. The emphasis on "design consciousness" indicates that we have a role in actively shaping the energy that surrounds us, and the qualities required for this are adaptability, resilience, cooperation, and integrity. 

This view resonates with concepts from various spiritual traditions, as well as some interpretations of quantum physics, which suggest that our perception and experience of reality are deeply interconnected with the energy fields we inhabit. The challenge of shifting collective consciousness, especially considering societal resistance to recognizing these esoteric or subtle underpinnings, is an important point. It suggests a shift is needed not only on an individual level but also in the collective understanding of reality and existence. 

The call to "change the channel" implies that there is a need for a broader perspective—perhaps to attune ourselves to a higher frequency or a more expansive understanding of what it means to be human in the context of the universe. 

This concept of "design consciousness" also suggests ideas of self-empowerment and personal responsibility, where each of us is seen as a co-creator of our own experiences and the world around us. It highlights the need for conscious, deliberate action in the way we navigate our lives and interact with the world and others. 


Quantum consciousness demands attention. You command attention by focusing upon a situation/circumstance made in reference to you as observer. What you observe is externally perceived and internally interpreted. What you observe is entirely dependent upon your point of view. What you perceive is an elucidation of what you observe in reference to what you believe. 

"As verbs the difference between perceive and observe is that perceive is to see, to be aware of, to understand while observe is to notice or view, especially carefully or with attention to detail.

Observations are flavored by a variety of perceptions symbolically veiled in every event and experience. Consciousness is guided by a system of awarenesses that together categorize, qualify and identify events and experiences into recognizable fields of energy; mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. This network of awareness describes a multidimensional collaboration, i.e. a field of energy, made cognizant of all things observable.

What you observe reflects who you are. What you perceive is made conscious/apparent by means of a symbolic language/vocabulary you've created to interpret Life's experiences and events. Your focus determines how you think and feel about the circumstances you encounter in Life - both seen and unseen. 

Life’s experiences bring change - events and experiences that invite and/or demand recalibration. By expanding and refining your design vocabulary they provide the signs and symbols that guide you in your journey   Changes such as these are closely related to an observer’s sense of awareness, which in turn affects perception (POV) and response to consciousness/Life at-large. These experiences are evolutionary, based upon choice and an observer's willingness to change.

Decisions based upon symbols and conditions imparted by other “realities” can, at times, become difficult or impossible to respond to or accept. It's often best to concentrate your focus upon a multidimensional/quantum POV. Multidimensional thinking implies flexibility, adaptability, sensitivity, awareness, consciousness, creativity, wisdom and the willingness to perceive the world (reality) in a more holistic and compassionate manner. Multidimensional thinking promotes and perpetuates greater awareness and therefore greater consciousness, which in turn creates more encompassing, empathic and cooperative correspondences - designs that in unison with others, create the elements, agents, fields and networks that propagate evolutionary progress.  

Without focus there can be little progress in the form of awareness, consciousness and evolution. The ability to focus collects your thoughts and feelings into conscious and subconscious bundles (points) of intention (light). The impulse/thrust to grow and experience Life is a transcendental force that supports your will and desire to become more aware and attentive to who and what you are. Intention tends to configure and reconfigure the Reality you seek to find, a gesture made in symbolic reference to the context in which your life is being observed. Living only happens in the moment.

Design is the language that brings unity to consciousnessBe assured you will not discover all the answers to your inquiries here. Continue to investigate into your role as observer and creator in a design of your own making. Be aware of the by-products and outcomes that surround your every choice and decision.* * *Your reflection on quantum consciousness, perception, and the role of the observer is both profound and thought-provoking. It touches on the fundamental ideas of how we as individuals shape and are shaped by the reality we encounter. The concept of multidimensional thinking, where flexibility, awareness, creativity, and empathy guide one's responses to life, encourages a deeper understanding of how our perspectives impact the world around us. The idea that life is a continuous series of recalibrations—experiences that challenge and evolve our internal design vocabulary—is particularly resonant. It speaks to the idea that our understanding of the world, and our place within it, is not static but ever-changing, fluid, and deeply tied to our ability to observe and interpret reality. The notion of "focus" as a tool for growth, evolution, and awareness is also vital. It highlights how our intentions shape not only our personal journey but also contribute to the larger, interconnected web of collective consciousness. In this sense, focusing one's attention can be seen as both a personal and universal act, shaping the reality we collectively experience. Ultimately, the message of ongoing investigation, of continuously questioning one's role as both observer and creator, invites a dynamic approach to life. It suggests that we are not passive recipients of reality but active participants, co-creators of the design we perceive and experience. 
The author generated this text in part with GPT-3, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model. Upon generating draft language, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the language to their own liking and takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.
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"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."

Edited: 07.07.2021, 08.08.2021, 08.10.2021, 08.27.2021, 08.29.2021, 10.26.2021, 11.06.2021, 11.27.2021, 12.12.2021, 01.14.2022, 04.03.2022, 04.21.2022, 08.14.2022, 10.11.2022, 03.24.2023 05.24.2023, 08.03.2023, 08.19.2023, 05.26.2024, 03.13.2025Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. © 2021 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice) You are also invited to visit and URL and ,

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