Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.
metaphornoun afigure of speechin which a word or phrase is applied to anobjectoractionto which it is not literally applicable: •a thingregardedasrepresentativeor symbolic of something else,especiallysomethingabstract:
Design is symbolic in essence and conceptual in origin. Design is the metaphor for Life - a self contained, unified network in complete and abstract coalescence, a paradoxical amalgam meant to represent something else in a symbolic manner. Design's metaphors are linked to everything considered to be humanly imaginable. Design represents both the perspective of an observer and the context, i.e. situation, in which the observation or experience takes place. The relationship between observer and the observed generate a variety of intimations, which are symbolic in character and interpretation.
"As a plant produces its flower, so the psyche creates its symbols."
Carl Jung
Life appears before our awareness symbolically. You might say Life and Design are synonymous.
symbolicallyadverb:1purely in terms of what is being represented or implied:2as or by means of a symbol or symbolism:
Design serves many purposes and is intimately associated with a wide array of meanings. The word "sign" is clearly marked in the English spelling of design. Design is figuratively embodied in the form of a sign or symbol.figurativelyadverb:1used to indicate a departure from a literal use of words; metaphorically:we left a lot of peopleliterally and figurativelyin the dark|[sentence adverb]:Ididbump into—figuratively speaking—quite a few interesting people. 2 ina style representing forms that are recognizably derived from life
Design Consciousness is both tangible and intangible - a phenomenon that symbolically characterizes the relationship between meaning and purpose. A sign becomes a symbol by engaging an undeniable and engaging awareness, a feeling made apparent by means of observation. A sign becomes symbolic by means of resonating within the subconscious of an observer.
A sign is the guiding light of the ego - a symbol, the guiding light of the soul.
* * *
"Part of the human Self or Soul is not subject to laws of space and time."
Carl Jung
Design is a catalytic language of visible and invisible means.
The language of Light remains unspoken. Design embraces the unspoken word.
Design creates a multidimensional resonance between fields of energy, i.e. the seen and the unseen - coherent configurations of a vibratory nature made appropriate/designed for the context in which they are observed. Design is fundamental to the creative process.
coherencenoun1the quality of beinglogicalandconsistent:2thequalityof forming a unifiedwhole:
Design facilitates the transformation of energy from one "state/field" to another. Design embodies the concept of focus/attention with respect to generating a balance/harmony between interdependent conditions. These situations create environments/situations that are potentially synergetic, synchronistic, emergent, and/or entangled while centered in the moment. Design creates the fulcrum between Life and Light, and is instrumental in creating the most appropriate relationships for the situation at hand. Design is a formative process.
These symbolic relationships appear to be animated by virtue of energy being in continuous motion. When appearing to be stabilized in the relative form of a network/field, vibratory energy (Light) will give the impression of "materializing", i.e. taking on a geometry in the form of a pattern of connections/relationships unique to the circumstance in the moment.
Note: a hologram is a good example of this transformation of Light energy into an observable "form" of its own. Form is a shadowed re-presentation of the energy that streams between certain virtual positions (fermions?), static locations of past impressions that together append to each other in the mind and heart of the observer. An observer initiates the shape/response to every situation by means of the imagination responding to the urges of an intuition typically based in a belief system padded with experience. This point of transition and transformation harbors the potential for further substantiation into matter, if so desired by the designer.
Design represents a silent language that creates and develops a multidimensional bridge between the Source of Light and the phenomenon we know as Life. Design provides the conduit between form and formlessness. Design brings to Reality the connection between Life and our perception of it. In other words, Design re-presents the presence of a Creative Source, a field of deep attachment and connection at the heart of Life. We are all sources of energy in our own right, all focusing upon a variety of designs and designations of our own while traveling a number of autonomous paths patterned about coherent resources ... each an active participant in a network of Light.
Design creates the fulcrum between Life and Light, and is instrumental in creating the most appropriate relationships both in meaning and purpose.
fulcrumnoun(pluralfulcra|-krə|orfulcrums)the pointonwhichaleverrestsorissupportedand on which it pivots.•a thingthatplaysa central or essential role in an activity, event, or situation:, DESIGN AND THE OBSERVER“Thus, bearing in mind that thought struggles incessantly against the treachery of language and that what we observe and describe is the observer himself, we may nonetheless proceed to investigate the successive phases in our becoming human beings. Throughout these phases, the experience (das Erlebnis) of ourselves as an intensity (imaged and felt as a “god”, lha) setting up its own spatiality (imaged and felt as a “house” khang) is present in various intensities of illumination that occur within ourselves as a “temple.” A corollary of this Erlebnis is its light character manifesting itself in various “frequencies” or colors. This is to say, since we are beings of light we display this light in a multiplicity of nuances.[33] In the above block quote the trikaya is encoded as: dharmakaya “god”; sambhogakaya “temple” and nirmanakaya “house”. 33. Herber V. Günther (1996). The Teachings of Padmasambhava(Hardcover ed.). Leiden, Netherlands: E. J. Brill. pp. 115–116.
An observer is a witness to an event. A witness gives evidence to a phenomenon, event or personal experience by means of confirmation and/or supporting evidence. This process is heavily dependent upon the belief system/s initiated and employed by the observer. Confirmation, verification, testimony, corroboration, authentication, substantiation, evidence, and validation should be key in proving an event to be real. Yet due to the multitude of belief systems we support, encounter and are engaged in Life. The idea of defining who an observer might be still remains controversial.
It is upon this premise that we must prepare to broaden our current understanding of Light, Life and Design. We need to acknowledge the fact that any understanding of what we think and/or believe consciousness to be will continue to expand and contract (change) by virtue of these beliefs, levels of awareness, events, experiences and our POV in the moment. We need to understand that consciousness is a design of our own making.
It is difficult to escape the realization that design is an integral part of consciousness, our inputs and outputs are mental, emotional, physical and of a nature that is difficult, if not impossible to fully describe or conceive. Every impression describes a particular type of energy-in-motion that is symbolic in character, essence and expression, the most subtle being "spiritual" in nature. The most inclusive impressions are delicate, thoughtful, compassionate, insightful, upright and responsive. These impressions have been described as our "feelings", which are intuitively perceived (input) and imaginatively expressed (output).
ethernoun (alsoaether)Physics,archaicaveryrarefiedandhighlyelasticsubstance formerlybelievedtopermeateallspace,includingtheinterstices betweentheparticlesof matter, and to be the mediumwhosevibrations constituted light and other electromagnetic radiation.
We commonly share and describe our concepts of reality within the parameters of three dimensional space and linear time. We become aware/cognizant of our consciousness by means of implementing design's invisible language of signs and symbols - and learn more of the meaning and purpose in support of these impressions through metaphor, analogy, allegory and simile. These subtle impressions are packaged and geometrically configured by means of attraction and assembled in the form of words, images, feelings, thoughts and substance. These impressions may be tangible or intangible, felt or ignored. In other words, all correspondences are meaningful exchanges of energy between agents and designed by the observer/s for the purpose of being "present in the moment."
Reality is symbolic in nature, a dualistic impression of every relationship we've created for ourselves within the parameters of observation and interpretation. Light and its opposite, the absence of it,* create a range of corresponding representations and relationships we believe and typically label as being real.
Light/Design, Light/Life and Life/Design are conceptual fields of energy seeking balance within the influences of each other. The power behind these correspondences is the urge/pulse to expand into the inner workings of a greater unknown (QFVP) searching for a common re-Source that would complement their relationship and bring balance to a greater macrocosmic network. The attractions (coherencies) supporting these relationships/pairings harbor the genesis for further growth, re-production and expansion.
* The opposite of Light is the absence of Light. The range between these opposites is darkness. Pure darkness is an oxymoron and therefore meaningless.
Interactions between fields of energy are symbolically represented in the symbol of the Vesica Piscis and is emblematic of the urge and desire to join opposites by creatively designing, i.e. unifying and thereby expanding from a position of duality. Blueprints, patterns and forms of energy support this expansion. These are patterns designed to be tangential in their meaning and purpose and metaphorically re-presented within each individual context ref. The Flower of Life.
Note: It should be remembered that these events are being perpetuated within a quantum field of virtual potential (QFVP) where change remains constant.
Each field overlaps the other together creating an identity and relevance to a central field of awareness simply by means of their symbolic relationship. Together these fields of energy symbolize the creation of a single common unity, a Source/Consciousness comprised of three qualities/fields of Energy that together bring into fruition a particular meaning and purpose. They are individually and collectively archetypal in essence. A coherent resonance/connection is configured between them,** sharing their essences in the the creation of a "form of energy" that represents and strives for the symbolic internalization of harmony through the process of materialization, i.e. Design.
** patterns of coherency are vibrationally attributed to the context in which an event or experience becomes recognized and/or registered in the form of awareness.
This internal field seeking balance and harmony has no containment other than what might be considered to be symbolically represented by the "unknown" (QFVP). This field implies the existence of an infinite Presence that reaches beyond what might be considered "observable". A quantum field of virtual potential reaches beyond the constraints of three dimensional space and time - there is no one single "language" that can fully describe and/or define it at this time within the contextual constraints of what might be considered the "field of human consciousness".
Design also signifies a process. Design harbors the potential to further open the door into the unknown, however ... you alone are the only one who can open it. I propose from a human POV, that in the future the concept of Design and in turn Reality, will become self contained and synergistically apparent solely to enlighten our "field of consciousness" in a fashion that cannot be fully measured in the moment - sparks of awareness (light) that need no measurement.
"The Tao that can be described is not the everlasting Tao. Design merely inspires one along the Way."
Consciousness might best be viewed as a virtual field of light, energy and information - yet words so often get in the way.
Born and raised in Chicago, Ill. I received my BFA and MFA from the University of Illinois, Urbana. Professor Emeritus Columbus College of Art and Design. I have taught, lectured and written about
design and the design process throughout my tenure as Dean of Industrial and Interior Design. My interests lie in demonstrating design as fundamental to consciousness, archetypal in context and the underlying language of change and transformation.
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