June 19, 2019

Toroidal Origins: Part 1

Conceptual impressions surrounding this article are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context, network or post.

Design is very revealing. Design overlaps the known and the unknown. Limitations and opportunities (opposites) are afforded us by means of our own drive and desire to make real all that we could ever imagine. We possess the power to bring into “reality”, i.e. consciousness, our own point of view. This ability separates us from other organisms inhabiting the planet. We meet this challenge by means of intention, projection, fortitude and skill, qualities that allow us to design and reflect upon what we've created for ourselves. What we design contributes to both a subjective and a collective evolutionary process made apparent in reference to our own level of awareness/consciousness. We distinguish ourselves from each other simply by choosing what we want, create, say, think and do. 

However one principle remains ... we desire to design/create a world/reality made in reference to how we perceive and interpret it. It is what humans do ... we create within a contextual reference that only we can perceive and interpret for ourselves. In essence, we each bring to fruition our own interpretation of the world. When exchanging our views with others we subconsciously attempt to discover our place in an ever-changing puzzle we call Life. We are constantly searching for the meaning and the purpose in support of our efforts when, in actuality, we are constantly revealing these truths to ourselves in everything that we create/design. 

The drive to make manifest our desires originates from within. Our desire for growth and expansion implore us to strike out beyond the borders of consciousness. We search for ideas and concepts that support us in our quest for balance and understanding. These desires inspire us to explore and discover who we are, where we came from and where we might be going. Once revealed our desires introduce us to levels of consciousness never before encountered. What we create/design tenders that which we never knew before. 

Desire and intention will gradually unveil life's meaning and purpose in a fashion only you will understand. You are capable of observing and interpreting every situation in order to design a particular response in a manner you deem appropriate. These impressions have been created by and for our selves. We are active players in the creation and definition of change ... at all levels of awareness. Focused, piercing, centered and electric, like an arrow reaching to hit its target, our quivers are full at every moment.  

Every creative gesture meets resistance by virtue of the medium, i.e. the context, in which it is played out. Our aspirations will, at times, experience opposition causing them to wobble and miss the target. Our result is not always what we imagine, but rather a culmination of consequences/forces that may have affected our original intent. The power of control is finely woven into the fabric of many belief systems and institutions that maintain their power and presence in 3D space/time. They typically appear as micro fields of resistance/substance that affect the flight, impetus and power behind every creative projection.

At times our desires and intentions seem to spiral out of control making us miss our target. Situations change, focus and intention wanes and at times our desires falter. Observations appearing outside our selves characterize conditions that lie symbolically within. 

Intent and desire can be likened to an electric current. Appearing to be generated from an unknown central source this l
aser like concentration of energy is focused and intentionally targeted. This creative gesture demands self sustaining permanence, persistence, continuity and perseverance in order to be realized in relative matter. 

Attributes giving substance and sustenance to the more objective spheres of creative engagement soon begin to generate an attraction of their own. Over time forces generated within the confines of this spiraling projection of energy create a magnetic field about its original path and desire. Substance appears to emerge and materialize into form by means of an attractive series of patterns created by the complementary field, i.e. relationship, established between them. In other words, a magnetic response tothis electric directive transpires about certain patterns that collectively give form to our intentions. Thoughtful desires and intentions attract certain patterns of matter/substance/energy to its source. 

This same process permeates the universe. The design behind every creative performance unifies its most appropriate parts into a single whole, while every ensemble can likewise be identified by means of its most distinguished parts.  Designs generated from such patterns are absorbed at every level of consciousness. What appears to be turbulent is likewise the causal source/agent in support of the push for harmony, balance and wholeness.  

Greater awareness/consciousness is made palpable by means of the magnetic attraction that describes a "form" as we currently perceive it. Consciousness viewed from a three dimensional perspective is realized by means of sensing these vibratory "disturbances" from within the context of the event being observed. Lower frequencies appear more opaque/substantial/solid/material. In essence, these "forms" of energy bridge both the intangible, i.e. holographic/aetheric, and the tangible, i.e. material/substantial. 

The design process brings form to what it means to be a creator. Design affords us the tools required to make our dreams come true, along with the symbolic guidance needed to expand upon that version of consciousness/reality you personally identify as your own. 

In essence, virtual "substance" representing a state/field of quantum vibration, alludes to the idea that energy, within this frame of reference, is symbolically neutral in content and context. Energy appears to be polarized simply because of certain discernible constraints inherent to the observer/perceiver.  The quantum (aetheric) field is neutral. It is neither negatively or positively charged until your intentions/desires are made manifest by means of your own intuitive skill and instincts. What you determine to be real is made apparent before your consciousness solely by your intention to do so. 

Such high levels of frequency have been defined as being quantum in quality, definition and character. The field in which it is recognized is highly malleable, responsive and symbolic in content and substance. Directives easily enter and creative gestures effortlessly imprinted and absorbed. It is a realm directed by the intuition and the imagination. The quantum describes a field easily electrified by means of the intentions and desires projected within it.  

Today we continue to label, i.e. designate, certain attributes we believe/determine to be necessary in order to function and better understand our world. At this point in our human evolution most ideas concerning reality surround certain age old concepts/patterns determined to assure our survival.  

One of the primary differences between the laws of physics and what is currently being noted when entering the quantum, i.e. metaphysical world, is that certain physical rules, laws and principles don't necessarily always apply. The collective and observable world no longer functions in a linear and "orderly fashion" at a quantum (aetheric) level. Ideas still appear to be tethered to an observer/perceiver/designer/creator, only the context has changed in a manner that re-calibrates and re-defines every encounter. 

Each person is the source of their own reality. Each reality stems from our own individual perception of it. This proposition implies that we are each engaged, and have become active participants in, a natural separation of consciousness within the human species. Those that collectively agree upon certain realizations will naturally separate from those that exercise a more quantum POV. You are currently witnessing this phenomenon while it "materializes" before your consciousness every day.    

The chaos appearing outside the realm of our current consciousness is tempered by the strength of an internal sense of power, stability, strength, love and intuitive awareness. Quantum energy is moved by more than just observation. Quantum energy is moved by more than what can be physically sensed. Quantum, change, energy-in-motion, high vibration/frequency and design are synonymous.

Quantum energy is moved by more than what is purposely observed, but also by what is meaningfully perceived within the designed constraints of every situation and circumstance.

Consciousness has been compartmentalized in all things felt. Awareness is a derivative of Consciousness - one might call it a spin-off.

This awareness is a separate and identifiable sensation that can be distinctly felt, it is a powerful source of energy we call upon for guidance that lies within. This awareness is nothing new. It has always been around while consciousness has kept abreast and in resonance with the human evolutionary experience.* 

Design at this level remains a powerful energy. It describes an all encompassing consciousness once known, felt and religiously exercised by our ancestors. Electric in its quality and magnetic in its attraction, design favors a deep and comprehensive understanding of truth, beauty and goodness in the form of meaning, purpose and balance. Every design has a meaning and a purpose in support of its Presence in every dimension seen and unseen. Design brings expression to a unique sense of consciousness courageously and harmoniously reflected in every civilization. 
* Design like consciousness, is always changing. Examples of Design Consciousness are reflected in every creation/form of energy-in-motion. Human consciousness is in constant flux, waxing and waning in awareness, i.e. a reflection of the collective consciousness exercised in every tribe/civilization human.   

Over time we may begin to realize that this is the way it has always been or much rather, what it was supposed to be. The outer/objective world should never be supported if it doesn't recognize the realization that every action/design must take into account the interests and needs of a greater Consciousness. This more embracing awareness is beautifully reflected in the natural designs of the planet. 

Other dimensions can be influenced by any conscious "agent" ** that embraces and in turn gives precedence to, their own state of awareness. Every dimension harbors the potential of becoming attracted to the impulses/desires of another creative agent. Human consciousness marks the dimensional mid-point of a larger system of energy, light and information that favors all systems within its range/field of influence, a position deemed necessary in creating balance and harmony upon this planet.
** All forms of consciousness, which implies every configuration of energy, light and information both seen and unseen, are design agents. Design agents both collectively and individually possess the ability to change every circumstance both within and beyond human imagining. Design agents are both visible and invisible, often resonate into a collective consciousness/field that identifiably gives meaning and purpose to the very qualities that define them. 

Design as it should be properly understood, affects all forms of energy at every magnitude imaginable and beyond. Design tends the portals and creates the paths that allow human consciousness to expand and be properly integrated into a network that brings Life not only to the planet, but also to the Universe. 

Intention is determined by means of attraction and attraction by means of intention. Both intention and attraction override all forms of perception and observation. We decipher these forms of attraction and intention as a feeling.

Edited: 06.19.2019, 10.27.2019, 01.30.2020, 03.15.2020, 12.08.2021, 03.16.2022, 04.03.2022, 07.04.2022, 12.05.2022, 03.24.2023, 07.31.2023, 08.18.2023
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