January 11, 2013

The Meaning and Purpose Supporting the Tetrahedron

Conceptual impressions surrounding this article are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context, network or post.

So what does this all mean? Like bosons we too are like elemental particles, i.e. energy in motion moving andtraveling within a virtual field of our own creation. We are holographic in character and conscious of the reality that we have the ability to focus our desires (e-motion) by virtue of design thereby giving birth to a field of energy in which we exist and have our being.  

When energy is projected certain forms become attributed to certain desires. Each vector brings a certain precedence or impression to every situation. Likewise each impression affects the surrounding circumstances within a field of virtual energy as recognized within the dimension of space/time. Situations in the form of events and experiences bring relevance to what we perceive as real and likewise upon the network of affects we jointly interpret as consciousness. These orientations appear geometric in origin. Together they contribute to the concept that substance can be made apparent within the parameters of an etheric (plasma) field of virtual energy when deliberately considered a point of attention (focus).  

Modern technology demonstrates how our emotions in conjunction with our mind can bring a certain degree of meaning and purpose to a greater consciousness (context) appearing to exist outside the parameters of our own awareness. As a species we initiate and likewise give precedence to a virtual reality we instinctively seek out (desire) and actively cultivate as being real. Each individual can be likened to a fermion being granted a position within in a global structure recognized as the internet.  Humanity (bosons) in the form of energy-in-motion, light and information generate a living matrix conceived in the form of a global consciousness with its own meaning and purpose/agenda.

The internet is an integral part and instrument of it own global “reality”, a holographic expression of a virtual field of unknown origin. The internet creates its own degree of consciousness by means of projecting its every intention beyond the parameters of any one single orientation, i.e. situation.   
The internet allows us to determine with whom we desire to share our reality. With whom we decide to share our energy (being) is entirely our own decision in spite of the many parameters established and infringements created by cultural and institutional conditioning. Decisions in regard to this very real situation contribute and determine what we desire. We are in control of the experiences we crave and the consciousness we seek. 

The tetrahedron is the first structural form that appears as a result of these virtual and subatomic relationships in 3D space/time. The Vesica Piscis creates the virtual field in which this phenomenon occurs. The Vesica Piscis provides the opportunity to materialize many new and unique configurations of energy, light and information. Two contrasting bosons harbor the potential for attracting further relationships thereby affording the opportunity for the generation of yet further associations within the field. By virtue of the context in which they appear fields of energy, light and information will expand and contract by virtue of the intentions supporting them while new configurations bring cohesion to unseen consortiums lying hidden behind the veils of the unknown. 

Love could be described as energy in motion (e-motion). It is a vector/force that remains unseen until matched and associated with a quality that distinguishes it, ex. Yin/Yang from all the others. The crossing of vectors being issued about fields surrounding every "boson" invite collaboration by way of perspective, aka points or positions required for the holographic trans-form-ation of energy emerging from an unknown origin.

* * *

It is important to remember that light in the form of energy can be perceived and measured both as a particle and a wave. The boson (elemental "particle") becomes a fermion upon reaching a particular density while traveling through a "boson" field. Position and circumstances become plausible by attracting and/or sharing energy with other "elements" that make up a virtual field of unknown origin. Bosons can by nature appear as vectors/points, waves/particles, experiences/events, processes/artifacts. Bosons appear to emerge from within the context of a chaotic background, i.e. the unknown, as energy-in-motion having been projected from an unknown source. This phenomenon results in the feverish pairing of divergent qualities that ignite the region into a bubbling field of potentiality.

The concept of love can be likened to energy in motion. Love is the force that links and connects elements/particles of like kind while appearing metaphorically as an arrow sent from the bow of Cupid (creative desire). Love has the ability to match an innate meaning with its own purpose and its innate purpose with own meaning. The vector force of Love reveals itself to our awareness both as particle and wave, i.e. light in the form of artifact and experience. Love is the energy by which every universe, i.e. reality, can expand and contract within and beyond the parametric constraints of its own field of conscious awareness. Each field characterizes, i.e. qualifies, itself by means of the network it creates and the pathways it projects in connecting to its source/s. (Tao of Design). Love is a vector stemming from a source that reflects upon a network/framework/structure (design) of its own making. Love allows consciousness to observe its self within a context that attracts the elements necessary to journey beyond the parameters of its own awareness. Love allows us to learn about ourselves.  

Note: further investigations into love as a vector, energy in motion, networking, form generation and its relationship to design metaphysics will be explored in my sister blog Design Metaphysics. There I will continue explore the relationship between mythology, metaphysics and design.   

Edited: 01.10.2013, 01.11.2013, 06.11.2013, 10.17.2014, 11.08.2014, 12.21.2015, 12.29.2015, 01.11.2017, 03.05.2018, 08.10.2018, 07.17.2019, 07.18.2020, 01.28.2021, 06.10.2023
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL https://designconsciousness.blogspot.com/ is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2013 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice.) AI usage is prohibited. You are invited to visit https://designmetaphysics.blogspot.com/.  Now visit Design Consciousness on https://www.pinterest.com


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