October 19, 2007

Particle Wave

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The famous physicist Max Planck suggested that at times when observing electromagnetic energy in the form of light, particles sometimes act as waves and waves sometimes act like particles. He also suggested that energy is radiated outward and absorbed in the form of particles called photons. These photons are packaged into bundles or chunks called quanta. In essence, Planck discovered that the world truly has a dual nature even at the nuclear level.

Planck also suggested that the energy level of each quanta (photon) is dependent upon the frequency of its radiation illustrating that energy actually behaved like a particle. Further experimentation then demonstrated that particles similarly act like waves. All forms of electromagnetic energy therefore appear analogous before our consciousness in the guise of being either a particle (form) or a wave (formless)

Consciousness can similarly appear to behave both as a particle and a wave. In essence the concept of design consciousness is founded upon how energy is observed, behaves and is witnessed.

In the universe photons of light could be considered as having the same qualities as virtual photons of light due to the fact that such quanta are being emitted and absorbed from a variety of sources that together could contribute to what might be interpreted as relative "substance" to a conceptual field described as consciousness. The difference between a particle interpretation and a wave interpretation is that a particle interpretation could be readily detectable to the observer whereas comparatively a wave interpretation of the same event might be unobservable and/or undetectable.

What would be detectable from a wave interpretation of an event are qualities that might be considered moderately invisible or felt. An example would be events and experiences that are associated with or are made in reference to, mental and/or emotional situations, i.e. designed expressions,in the form of dance, art, music, architecture, etc. The origin of these distinctions remains somewhat hidden yet can be articulated in the form of a common gesture, action or artifact.

These expressions are mutually inclusive and symbolic representations of two distinctly different qualities sharing a common meaning and purpose, i.e. consciousness. Spurned on by desire and guided by the mind this mutually beneficial undertaking, the wave becomes the particle as the particle simultaneously becomes the wave. Please refer to the post titled “Kama Manas“ where this concept is further described and discussed.

Edited: 11.29.2013, 01.24.2017, 11.12.2021, 08.07.2022, 09.22.2023
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