September 11, 2007

Forms Come and Go

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

The design process does not discriminate, distinguish, separate or categorize. The design process is impartial. Once becoming an observer we realize that energy is a constant and that balance brings progress to the universe.

Forms come and go. Forms of energy are attracted to their most appropriate configuration of energy, light and information. Every construct in 3D space/time harbors its own specific reality. All phenomena encase the potential for a symbolic dialogue between meaning and purpose. After observation elements, i.e. events and experiences, are either discarded or maintained based upon focus, resonance and observation. Interestingly enough ideas surrounding the concepts of meaning and purpose lead towards the generation of even more ideas in the form of energy in motion (e-motion) being made apparent during the design process. 

Design is cyclic in nature. Meaning and purpose emerge symbolically both prior to and upon exit from the parametric constraints of time and space. Meaning and purpose are the fundamental concepts that bring reference to the duality of life in all forms of energy in motion.

An original intention will for the most part, change according to a series of internal and external forces stemming from an unknown field or source, e.g. the unconscious. It is imperative to understand that design will substantiate its presence in 3D space/time by referring to the many forms of energy, light and information that symbolically appear as indicators of a virtual source beyond consciousness.
(The Source, the Mystery, the Universe, the Unknown are all synonymous with the Tao.)

Investigative research into quantum theory implies that everything is energy and form part illusionary. The design process demonstrates that energy in motion (e-motion) is fundamentally symbolic in character and founded upon circumstances of attraction that allow it to find its own course towards unity. By nature energy tends to connect and come together while simultaneously dividing within the context of an event or experience. The active focus in this equation is the presumption of there being an observer/perceiver in the dialogue along with the realization that all things are changing. 

All systems of energy divide and separate from within for purposes of adaptation, reconfiguration and survival. Energy divides from within by means of an attractive drive to maintain "balance through unity". Balance is gained by virtue of retaining a constant flow of energy, light and information. All energy agents/forms maintain internal and external correspondences (designs) for purposes of balance and harmony i.e. survival. Some of these agents are more complex in structure and cohesiveness than others. Examples of differentiation in 3D space/time separate the tangible from the intangible, the seen from the unseen. Each design blueprint is based upon contextual circumstances and are always changing about "contextual circumstances". All representative agents of energy in motion are conscious in their own right, symbolic constructs perceived and observed within the constraints of their own focus and circumstances. Harmony must be preserved within the context of every symbolic representation of change (design) if unity and/or harmony are to be experienced and/or maintained. 

Energy seeks balance by means of adapting to its own design blueprint, a pattern meant to expand by adapting within every situation made evident within its observable context. Energy becomes united solely to be perpetually reconfigured while in the cyclical stages of expansion and contraction. The only difference between these "situations" is the context in which they occur ... and it is within the context of three dimensional space/time that these changes become most apparent, i.e. made aware.

Awareness is made most apparent when experienced within the parameters of a dualistic context, i.e. space/time, yin/yang, meaning/purpose, love/fear.  Awareness contributes to the expansion and contraction of consciousness, which is a conceptual by-product of the dialogue. 

Exclusion brings about division thereby separating the observer from what is being observed. For humanity to allow the ego to take precedence over the position the observer invites imbalance into the equation. This situation demands that a designer not judge, but rather strive to reveal and bring balance to all forms and patterns of energy in motion both tangible and intangible.

Consciousness harbors space and time. Design reveals its meaning and purpose.

Edited: 07.15.2013, 01.29.2017, 01.24.2021, 08.18.2023
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2006 -2023 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice) AI usage prohibited. You are also invited to visit, and and

September 8, 2007

The Co Existence of Opposites and the True Observer

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument or network.

The duality of meaning and purpose give structure to the concept of wholeness. Design is symbolic of an interpenetrating singularity where meaning and purpose appear as result of a simple point of view. Nature does not judge. That which exists just is. Typically it is our mind and our emotions that get in the way.

In order to truly observe and understand and phenomenon we must be able to consciously integrate what we observe by learning to transcend the illusion created by the notion of duality. The concepts of meaning and purpose contribute to a form of paradox that declares all phenomenon to be both dualistic in quality yet singular in context. Meaning and purpose categorize and thereby qualify the concept of design. Such qualifications are based upon a subjective, i.e. e-motional, interpretation presented in a symbolic way. Energy presented within the context of a duality describes design as being both mental and emotional in character. Without question the context in which design is considered and/or made apparent is achieved by how we symbolically and metaphorically interpret and in turn respond to the world.

All awareness presents itself symbolically. Design consciousness allows us to make note of the differences. Design affords the opportunity to sense and measure the context, i.e. matrix, that contributes to its substantiation. This situation hints at an important aspect concerning design. Differences demonstrated between how we think and feel about an event or experience provides us the opportunity to expand beyond the boundaries of our own consciousness. By minimizing our willingness to judge we are able to share our awareness without attachment. We expand in consciousness by means of perception and observation, i.e. awareness, of the world. Throughout the design process we learn more and more about what it takes to become a true observer. The design process is symbolic in nature. The process can only be realized by design. Design brings reality to Life.

(Photo J. Vourlis)

Edited: 11.29.2013, 01.30.2017, 01.24.2021
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2006 -2020 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice) You are also invited to visit, and and


Desiring Observer

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument or network.

Metaphor allows for the creation of a series of potential connections, associations and relationships between elements. Design brings into realization the existence of an awareness of being, i.e. consciousness, by means of vibration and frequency. Consciousness is dependent upon design in all its forms, e.g. sound, language, beauty, knowledge, etc. to be perceived, sensed, observed and loved. Design expressed in a never ending series of symbolic patterns (matrixes) create the connections and realizations that exist between the elements and forces of energy in motion. These elements attract, pattern themselves about an intention, harbor substantiation bringing form to the universe.

Initially when striving to know the universe we tend to focus on form and materialism as sensed in 3D space/time. We use all our senses to connect and describe the universe. The universe (QFVP) creates the context where human awareness/consciousness expands and develops over time. One might describe consciousness as a network of experiences culminating in a virtual field of enlightened states of awareness.  Gradually and over time (evolution) these experiences will develop and establish a variety of symbolic associations, which in turn, evoke patterns of mental and emotional perception, interpretation and response. These observations are highly dependent upon an enlightened sense of self consciousness and awareness.

Every experience is designed for the purpose of bringing unity to a multidimensional concept described as a Creative Source being made virtually cognizant through a coherent resonance in which we are innately conscious and aware. 

Design requires that we take the role of an observer to learn, identify and bring to fruition that which we actively perceive by virtue of our awareness. Humanity mimics the universe. The patterns of the universe become apparent by means of a series of experiences made transparent within the parameters of 3D space/time. The symbolic and metaphorical interpretation of reality allows for a more benevolent, adaptable and tolerant interpretation of every event and experience. This rendition of reality is self organized, approachable, benevolent, attractive, receptive and designed by implementing our own power of self awareness. The universe is a conceptual and metaphorical re-source of great inspiration, imagination, creativity and vision. The universe is the product of a cosmos made apparent and approachable by means of design.

We begin with an e-motion (desire/intention) triggered by a perception or observation. Introspection requires observation, subjective examination and a sensitivity to change. In 3D space/time change appears to take an evolutionary and somewhat linear path. 3D space/time pre-scribes a dimension of sequential learning and expansion. 3D space/time seems to harbor the concept of duality, i.e. meaning and purpose. 3D space/time seems to circumscribe the concept of a systemic mid point between consciousness and the unconscious. The subconscious provides a symbolic filter (membrane) that allows for the transition and transformation of energy from one dimensional experience to another. Humanity is by nature multidimensional.

The first, second, third and fourth dimension (time) describe a contextual environment that somewhat seamlessly overlap each other. Further exploits into other dimensions require the exercising of a greater awareness by means of design. These new pathfinding adventures require greater preparation and greater flexibility in the form symbolic, metaphorical, conceptual and wholistic thinking, feeling and design. When appropriately coordinated together they give rise to the desire to explore even more inclusive dimensional states of higher frequency and vibration. 

To design in the light of the Tao allows you to become a more creative re-source and facilitator of universal influence. This is accomplished by means of directing, patterning and materializing energy  into its most appropriate form. By design many of these impressions will appear before our consciousness synchronistically and already sensed and seasoned with feeling and emotion. An active and intimate communication with the subconscious will symbolically reveal and guide you along a path towards a greater knowledge and understanding of the unconscious. 

Human nature appears to seek and discover the mystery and meaning of Life yet remains unable to cohesively respond to and/or wisely communicate with it. Design creates an unspoken language consisting of symbols that invite consciousness to discover its own identity by means of awareness. Design gives precedence to a process that harbors the option to expand beyond the constraints of human awareness. The design process demands empathy, truth, compassion and integrity - design is a loving enterprise.

In order to accommodate a systemic growth and expansion in consciousness an observer must be sensitive and alert to every relationship and association tangible and intangible. These relationships are conveyed by virtue of a series of symbolic associations between elements, events, organisms and experiences. This particular POV will emerge by purposely resonating to the heartfelt patterns already present within the field of the observer. Consciousness is a matter of interpretation made apparent by experiencing a truly unique POV. In reference to 3D space/time, in-form-ation, light and energy can likewise be holographic in character while likewise functioning as a field of transmission and transformation for a wide array of vibration and frequency. 

Fulfillment becomes realized by virtue of the events and experiences to which we resonate. There lurks the potential for achieving greater consciousness by means of recognizing the symbolic undercurrents inherent in every tangible and intangible event. The observer is both a transmitter and a receiver of energy in motion, a participant in a process designed to reach greater understanding, wisdom and consciousness. 

To be design conscious is to observe the world with compassion and non-judgement. To be design conscious is to create merely for the joy of it. 

(Photo J. Vourlis)

Edited: 11.29.2013, 02.01.2017.01.24.2021, 09.03.2021, 08.09.2022, 09.01.2023
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2006 -2020 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice) You are also invited to visit, and and

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