March 29, 2017

The Mind of Hermes

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The mind plays tricks on itself. Hermes personifies a quality of mind that disobeys conventional behavior and in turn, becomes an intimate participant in many creative orchestrations.

The Hermetic mind is conditioned to break the rules, confuse issues and push the envelope. Some of these infusions are malicious in their desire to produce a favorable result. These objective are ego based and products of a lower mind, i.e. a lesser developed consciousness. It is often the trickery of the fox that gets him into trouble. The mind can be foolish, cunning and unwittingly humorous in its’ desire to bring to fruition the focus of its own intentions/attention*. At times the Hermetic mind appears to fool itself without a clue, especially if its objectives are misplaced. The mind can easily contradict what it knows to be true and righteous. This becomes vividly apparent by virtue of the mind's relationship with consciousness, i.e. Source/intelligence.

*Note: Please consider the words attention and intention. Focusing one's awareness about a desire brings a-tension along with its in-tension. Vibration increases, one's heart beats rapidly and the mind's imagination accelerates. These are physical responses felt in reference to a projection of energy.

This issue becomes apparent when certain events are experienced while remaining impervious to the mind. The senses can and will, play tricks with the mind. The field or state of awareness prescribed as the "mind" is embraced within the influence of a virtual Source, i.e. an Intelligence that appears to contain all we could ever experience. But does it really? Intelligence is conditioned at certain levels of awareness and dimension ... by virtue of the imagination. Likened to the lyre, ideas and feelings surrounding every note will naturally multiply. Together they contain the potential of generating an even greater composition. The objective of this imaginative gesture is to generate, i.e. materialize, a most intimate link between the observer and the Source (see The Design Archetype), i.e. which is the context in which the event is experienced. To be unimaginable is to be un-conscious.

The mind can be both a joker and a trickster, changing roles when juggling its awareness (focus) between the qualities of the intuition and the intellect. The design mind is substantiated in the imagination. It is quite clever, mischievous and child-like. At times the design mind can challenge the world by using unorthodox methods that both disguise and defend its own interpretation of the world. The creative mind is rebellious in character. The design mind can at times be en-light-ened. However, there is no guarantee that awareness will broaden within the context of experience.

In addition to poking fun at the status quo, the creative mind possesses a natural tendency to bring to awareness certain elements that appear flawed and in need of change. New methods and systems become apparent to the design conscious mind. The imagination's tendency is to question, devise, generate and explore. This course of action illustrates the desire of the mind to penetrate into the un-conscious and through Hermes steal a glimpse into the workings of Olympus. The Hermetic mind becomes the link between the worlds of the conscious and the unconscious and will likewise disguise and/or disclose all that is real.

Hermes is the personification of the mind, i.e. the medium that attempts to transcend the threshold of 3D space and time. The design mind strives to penetrate the veil between Olympus and Gaia through symbolic and metaphorical means, yet harbors the potential of becoming its own worst enemy. When passion surrounds meaning by outweighing its purpose major changes, i.e. transitions and transformations, will occur. In nature these highly meaningful events often become synchronized and purposely divorced from the concept of linear time. We often witness and experience these situations in the form of a synchronistic event.

Mind might be described as a field, a medium, a frequency, or a dimension symbolically stimulated and made apparent by means the design function. Synchronistic events allow for insights into the unknown (unconscious). Synchronistic events bring their own revelations to awareness and into consciousness through symbolic means.

Design’s dependency upon the imagination creates the patterns required to bring a meaningful awareness to every event. These images, feelings and events are symbolically coded and based upon the notion that a state of un-consciousness exists throughout the universe. In this way every event exhibits a certain character or quality designed to resonate and become imprinted upon the consciousness of every observer in a manner that will never be forgotten. All of life could be described as being somewhat unconscious ... unfortunately we are only somewhat aware of it. 

“He (Hermes) is a metaphor for the evolution of consciousness in the alchemy of time.”

Edited: 03.30.2017, 04.01.2017, 04.02.2017, 03.05.2018, 01.15.2019, 08.11.2021
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