September 29, 2016

Design Marks a New Era: The recognition of the Soul

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, contex or network.

So just what is the meaning and purpose behind design? Why does design exist? What is its purpose? Where does it come from? Who, what or whomever created it? What is the source of design? Where does this source originate? What does design have to do with me? Below are just some of the objectives of design.
- To sensitize humanity to the importance of creating in harmony with Nature.
- To nurture a Taoist-like point of view when participating in the creative process.

- To demonstrate through the creative process the universality of the design function as the primary method by which all Life evolves and made manifest.
- To reveal through interpretive verse and association the meaning and purpose of the design function as it relates to all Life forms.
- To demonstrate the unifying power of design as the integrating force by which all of Consciousness is made aware of itself.
- To demonstrate that design is the universal process towards self empowerment and enlightenment, which is the primary function of involution and evolution.
- To demonstrate that design works in correspondence with the Tao.
- To demonstrate that the harmonious evolution of consciousness at all levels of resonance is accomplished through design.
- To create a vocabulary and language for the Soul.
- To demonstrate that all desires and needs are reflections of a greater scheme of events symbolically expressed in form and that design re-presents a symbolic network that brings reality to this experience.
- To demonstrate that there are realms, i.e. dimensions, domains and realities, existing that remain undetectable to human observation, perception and awareness.
- To demonstrate that design allows us the opportunity to expand and in consciousness through symbolic methods of translation and interpretation.

- To demonstrate to ourselves that design requires we become multi-dimensional in our perceptions of the world and that "authentic power" is internal and rooted in the soul.

- To demonstrate to ourselves that design fashions the symbolic journey of the soul and that our intentions, i.e. choices, determine the situations that shape our experiences.
- To prove to ourselves that the path, i.e. the Tao of design, is eternal and brought to awareness by virtue of our heart's focus.
- To prove to ourselves that Life lies within and beyond the shells of form.
- To learn to describe, transfigure and create reverently and responsibly.
- To accept the principles and forces surrounding the value of Life by recognizing and supporting those design principles associated with Earth, solar, galactic and universal consciousness.
- To demonstrate and bring recognition to a higher quality of mind contained within the needs and desires of the soul, which is the true impetus behind every e-motion and feeling.
- To demonstrate that the creative process is dependent upon our ability to make connections and that naturally create the symbolic pathways toward higher orders of awareness and therefore greater consciousness.

Design demonstrates that there is a deeper dynamic (order/chaos) expressed in all that is both seen and unseen.

- To demonstrate that all forms of energy are symbolic and metaphorical reflections of a holographic presence emerging from within constraints of space and time - a non-physical dynamic (desire, need) that administers design consciousness as its fundamental method of expression.

- To reflect upon our soul's desire by witnessing and bringing into manifestation what we feel. 
- To demonstrate to ourselves and others that design gives expression to a non-physical dynamic that reaches beyond the constraints of mind, body and emotion.
- To demonstrate to ourselves that all dimensions are symbolic in character and origin. Every circumstance is designed to change and adapt in reference to what our soul desires -we gather and collect these events and call them experience.
- To learn that design describes the method in which energy is exchanged, transformed and interpreted universally. Design is the universal language of consciousness.

- To learn by means of the creative process that design is a symbolic methodology meant to expand consciousness through awareness.
- To demonstrate that design appears before human consciousness in the form of duality, a linear conjecture meant to reflect upon the dynamic created between two or more symbolic elements/agents

- To demonstrate that design serves the Tao by harboring the instruments necessary to "bring to Life" the concepts of meaning and purpose.
- To illustrate that the purpose of design is to expand awareness in both content and context. Design creates the matrices in which all things are linked microcosmically and macrocosmically.
- To learn to establish a harmonic resonance with Gaia by means of a collective language designed to both create and respond to rapid change.    
- To demonstrate the universality of the design function by creating tangible and intangible correspondences at all levels of conscious awareness.
- To prove to ourselves that the intuition summons the "voice of the non-physical world" and where the sound of silence becomes the common language by which our feelings and soul's desires are conveyed and made manifest.
- To demonstrate that consciousness shapes light (waves) into form (particles) by means of focusing our awareness through experience.
- To propose that humanity when purposely co-creating within the parameters of Nature, becomes the primary contributor to the expansion, contraction and evolution of both the planet and the species. 
- It’s no longer about what you believe rather it’s more about what your being led to believe - not what you already know.

Design is about balance and harmony

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Design Hypothesis: 
Consciousness is conceptual, illusional, symbolic, metaphoric and virtual in character. Consciousness is the quintessential archetype. Consciousness is the concomitant consequence associated with a range of multidimensional patterns of energy whose origin rests beyond the subconscious. Awareness brings forward a “sense of consciousness” by fostering correspondences and fusing the concepts of meaning and purpose. Metaphysical in content and context, quantum, fractal and holographic in representation, all forms of energy/Life are revealed and made apparent by means of Design. Design is lovingly veiled in all that can be seen, known, measured and/or felt. (12.10.2022) 

Design describes a metaphysical and multidimensional process. The design process is dependent upon knowledge, understanding, intention, intuition, imagination and awareness. Design creates a network of energy in motion (EIM) between fields/states/points/agents and patterns of awareness. Design creates a virtual, symbiotic and metaphoric lattice between consciousness, the subconscious and the unconscious, the tangible and the intangible, the known and the unknown, the seen and the unseen. All forms of energy in motion are based upon principles of meaning and purpose both felt and understood. (01.13.2023) 

What is a designer? Designers are men and women who are faithful to themselves and others, who creatively abide and amalgamate their skills and beliefs with love and integrity - the goal: personal, collective, global and soular balance and harmony. (09.01.2022) 

Design has a science and philosophy all its own, a language that connects the realms of Truth, Beauty and Goodness. Actually, if you have to ask what design is - like love - no one would be able to fully explain it to you.

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"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."

Edited: 09.30.2016, 01.11.2017, 03.05.2018, 10.27.2018, 08.27.2019, 01.23.2021, 08.31.2021, 11.01.2021, 03.31.2022, 07.01.2022, 02.14.2023, 03.25.2023, 05.17.2023, 11.22.2023, 04.21.2024
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2023 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice.) AI usage is prohibited. You are invited to visit  Now visit Design Consciousness on


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