October 19, 2013

Emergence, Consciousness and the Horoscopic Model

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

Virtual fields of energy, light and information are continuously changing, toroidal in character and appear to be in a state of sustained fluidity while responding within the contextual field in which they appear to emerge, are discovered and/or are found to exist.  For all intents and purposes such fields are self-sustaining, subjective in character and a collective manifestation made apparent only to the observer. Every virtual field emerges into relative form as a consubstantial event that can eventually be characterized, interpreted and described holographically both as a particle and wave. This mysterious phenomenon has been observed cosmologically by many civilizations and symbolically interpreted into a variety of astrological "systems". These systems were based upon a collective interpretation of nature's association with the cosmos by means of observing earth's movement and relationship with the stars and constellations. It seemed obvious to early humanity that the stars and constellations represented a contextual field that had a measurable and impalpable affect upon the nature of every human event and experience, i.e. consciousness.

These frameworks were designed in order to observe, study and predict change by means of linear measurement made within the earthly presence of an unknown universe. They were considered the tools of a "science made to study the stars", i.e. a perception and methodology had been created in order to observe the intangible forces that appeared to have an intimate impact upon human survival. Purposeful in intention and meaningful in interpretation they created a format designed to help explain, clarify, predict, understand and investigate the unknown by means of observing and corresponding earthly events and experiences within the patterned motions of the cosmos. Events were measured and symbolic correspondences made based upon an array of timely observations made and experienced in 3D space/time. 

The zodiac represented and supported a celestial field organized by qualities that were projected upon it by virtue of observation, cultural interpretation and a collective awareness/imagination. * In essence, each cosmological arrangement created a network from which to work and study the nature of the planet in relationship to a greater physical universe. Each individual horoscopic system imprinted upon its matrix its own symbolic values, interpretations and constraints. Each system was divided into groups or subsets fashioned to mirror a series of internal relationships and correspondences between systemic components. Together these distinctive qualities gave meaning to a cosmic presence through observable events and visceral experiences. ** In other words, astrological systems were developed in order to bring meaning and purpose to a "reality" given relevance by means of symbolic correspondences between conditions that emerged before consciousness in the form of an event or experience.
* It is enlightening to ponder upon the relationship between the concept of awareness and its relationship to the imagination.
** Likened to the relationship between awareness and consciousness, a field can be identified and described by means of recognizing the parts in relationship to the whole. These are characteristic of the qualities that participate in the emergence, i.e. "realization" of a field appearing to be separate from the context in which it is found.

Reality was placed into a framework that could only be experienced and felt by virtue of the imagination, thereby offering humanity an opportunity to transcend the parameters of 3d space/time by means of examining the mysteries of a greater universe. The concept of an ordered universe, i.e. cosmos, was founded upon sidereal and cyclical sources while the sun was considered central to a somewhat more observable and predictable field of context.

Astrological systems of investigation, prediction and observation are based upon the imaginative interpretation of a virtual "unknown" made relatively apparent within the context, i.e. virtual field, we perceive as consciousness. This process is accommodated by means of a harmonious resonance between frequencies that describe our intelligence, i.e. mind (alpha, beta, theta, delta) and our emotions (HRV). Both components  intuitively work in conjunction with each other by means of our creative imagination.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
Albert Einstein

It has been observed that vibrations at virtual levels will emerge and appear in the form of light, i.e. photons, in 3D space/time during the process of spontaneous emission. Vacuum energy describes the qualities that are typical of every field where photon particles emerge to form geometric, holographic and fractal constructs that appear to emerge from an  unobservable source. 

In order to see or sense any "form" you need a medium or context upon which to "reflect". The medium described as consciousness is a virtual field, i.e. an expression of what is imagined to include the mind, the emotions and virtual matter (particles). Together they create a field that enables and supports the imagination by means of an idea (hologram) that can be made manifest and interpreted both purposefully (particle) and meaningfully (wave) according to design. It is a cyclical process that is entirely symbolic in nature; moving from event to experience and back again solely in order to accommodate the changing needs and desires of the observer. 

A medium is a field that allows for the precipitation and formation of frequencies, i.e. movement of photons, into their most appropriate geometric patterns. These events are made known and qualified by virtue of their manifestation within this medium, i.e. field of expression. An astrological field creates a designed system of correspondences made by means of inviting harmonic intervals that symbolically occur between the realms of the conscious and the unconscious, i.e. the known and the unknown. An astrological chart attempts to illustrate, interpret, investigate and unravel the field/medium we describe as consciousness into a geometric and somewhat visceral system of observation.

* * *

Consider the many astrological tools created by past civilizations determined to understand the workings of the universe. Imagine the Fibonacci spiral as virtual particles moving in time along certain vibratory pathways within and at the edge of the parameters of a field now emerging out of nowhere. A relative field has been created by means of their spiraling movement. Now envision an emerging sphere (space), a vortex, a torus, the DNA helix, the symbol for infinity and the codes of Life. Are the interwoven "strings" of particles first demonstrated by experiment above symbolic precursors to the emergence of the multitude of shapes, patterns, geometries, holograms and forms we see in 3D space/time?

Note the circular shape of the second experiment. Most astrological systems are circular in format. Now visualize how this phenomenon might appear within the context of a sphere. Consider the number of patterns that might materialize within the context of this sphere, the finite number of geometries, i.e. matrixes caused by pointed relationships (fermions) that might potentially emerge within the boundaries of its semi-porous membrane. Each hologram appears to have a geometric origin as a variety of different forms emerge as result of the raising and lowering of the frequency within this enclosed field. See the Platonic Solids

Now watch as energy wave forms appear to emerge and radiate out from a central focal point. Small planet-like spheres of assorted size, mass and density congregate about a large greater center. Can it be assumed that the center is resonating at a relatively lower frequency and waves are canceling each other out and thereby allowing for the formation of energy into a solid? Changes in frequency allow waves to become particles and particles to become waves, both have their "origin" within the parametric constraints of a virtual unknown field, i.e. universe ... see Higgs-Boson. Every astrological system can simply be imagined and measured as a vibrational field emerging from within the constraints of a virtual domain and taking the form of a planetary matrix being holographically represented in relative space and time. 

Human consciousness is represented by fields of energy, light and information that together precipitate its relative materialization in 3d space/time. Consciousness is a multi-dimensional phenomenon that is symbolically connected to other universes/dimensions and whose central medium is centered in the heart in correspondence with the mind, ref: Kama/Manas. Every dimension is qualified by means of their respective frequency and are described symbolically in 3D space/time by astrological means. Every dimension is contained within constraints that will inadvertently advance the affects of its' designed intention, i.e. meaning and purpose. 

Manly P. Hall presents a unique interpretation of the origins of the horoscopic model and its relationship to the religions of the world. During the course of its broadcast please be sensitive to the importance of design's role in the evolution of consciousness. Due to the length of this presentation you may consider returning to the video at your leisure.

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"To believe is to accept another's truth. 
To know is your own creation."

Edited: 10.18.2013, 10.23.2013, 11.30.2013, 12.01.2013, 01.27,2016, 02.19.2016, 08.30.2016, 01.11.2017, 10.17.2019, 01.15.2020, 11.08.2020, 01.28.2021, 02.14.2023, 05.07.2023, 08.11.2023, 01.11.2024
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL https://designconsciousness.blogspot.com/ is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2023 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice) AI usage is prohibited. You are also invited to visit https://designmetaphysics.blogspot.com/,   and https://sagariandesignnetwork.blogspot.com and https://www.pinterest.com

Be assured you will not discover all the answers to your inquiries here. Continue to investigate into your role of observer and contributor to a reality of your own design and creation – be aware of the by-products that surround every choice and decision.

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