January 24, 2009

Design Metaphysics: The Heptad

The heptad is systemic in character and appears before our senses in the form of a template consisting of seven elements that together create a particular structure and/or arrangement. Awareness of this seven-fold pattern allows consciousness to enter the realm of the dream state, which is symbolic of the feminine principle, i.e. the subconscious. The heptad pattern appears to be irrational due to the fact that its’ geometry did not originate from the Vesica Piscus.

Symbolic of the unknown, the heptad appears to harbor what could be perceived as chaos, diversity and unpredictability, i.e. the virtual realm of quantum consciousness and probability. The heptad symbolizes the duality between self-consciousness (the mental, emotional and physical self) and an always-present unknown. For humanity, which is a symbolic expression of a three-dimensional awareness of being, there could never be a conceivable hint at understanding or perceiving life if not for the subconscious. If not for the mystery surrounding a feminine principle of awareness, consciousness would be lifeless.

What appears to be chaotic from this seven-fold position isn’t, especially when awareness is brought to the realization that consciousness will eventually come to know the difference that chaos is a very mutable concept.

The heptad is a system unto itself, symbolically expressed, ordered and organized. The heptad describes the specific constraints within any systemic order of consciousness. The heptad is not a natural generator or creator, but rather a representative of a being-ness given life through its own self-awareness. Based upon the origins of consciousness itself awareness will eventually bring life to form and form to life.

Sentient consciousness finds its’ completion in the first triadic experience. Observing consciousness becomes self aware upon completion of the hexad experience, where both perception and observation interact within the constraints of a dualistic field created between the self and the ego.

Eventual completion is experienced in the ten sided decad, which for all intents and purposes, describes one ness as consciousness becoming its own organizing principle. A sentient perceiver experiences consciousness separately, an observer as a complete process and a participant as the consolidation of many experiences.

The heptad initiates the third phase where consciousness becomes incomprehensible to the ego and the self, an all-encompassing mystery that remains at the root of all conscious experience. Seven-fold awareness points to the realization that awareness partakes in both the introduction and the conclusion of a particular level of consciousness, while the mystery of the unknown still surrounds it. *

The mysterious origins that seem to beget the monad are contained within all the experiences that preceded it. Upon completing the experiences of a seven-fold system of consciousness, awareness returns to becoming one, i.e. the point, the monad. This process appears to occur prior to entering or leaving a particular level of consciousness that has its place of origin beyond the constraints of a current awareness. Some may describe the phenomenon as an experience of entering a new plateau, another universe or a new dimension.

The seed symbolizes a creative force whose potential for expression is contained entirely within it. It is, unto itself, a self-contained one ness, made manifest within the constraints of a particular focus. The unknown is a mandatory principle, it is also a universal principle that gives precedence to the concept of a virtual permanency that is required to both stabilize and perpetuate itself. We describe and perceive the effect of this enabling as life.

In actuality, there is no true mystery to anything. We are the “mystery”. We give expression and power to the “unknown”. We give supremacy to an essence that appears to be contained within our subconscious because we can’t measure it, see it, or weigh it, yet we know its there and that it exists. Our own consciousness is symbolic of a single pointed awareness that believes itself to be separate from an unknown that lies beyond the constraints of its own awareness. Such is the power of belief systems!

This mystery seems to be permanently contained in our inability to accept the realization that we are the mystery; we are the very consciousness contained within an unknown source we’ve created for the purpose of investigating and experiencing our own self-expression. Consciousness holds the key to unraveling the very mystery in which we’ve contained ourselves.

The heptad is symbolic of a system of awareness that has its meaning and purpose shared between a subset of frequencies and other symbolic octaves, i.e. organisms, containing either lesser or greater waveforms. In some fashion all consciousness participates in this configuration since all consciousness has a natural place in the scheme of a universal awareness.

Consciousness perceived at this level is neither Yin nor Yang in character, but a product created as an accumulation of different “qualities” all in the form of frequencies that originated from many different sources. An unstable yet sustainable equilibrium is created between all seven loci creating the heptad. All positions are susceptible to change and can be readily dislodged. This new kind of awareness is a true indicator of change; it is easily influenced and extremely sensitive.

Morphologically the heptad symbolically describes a highly conscious awareness that initiates the first participatory perspective that recognizes the importance of the unification of the ego and self. Impulsive, easily swayed and the result of the completion of self-awareness, the heptad describes a very critical point in the evolution of consciousness. The concepts surrounding design consciousness are highly responsive to every situation, therefore allowing for a wide variety of interpretations.

Much that has been accomplished up to this stage is due to an earlier unification of the ego and the self. This establishes the beginning of what could be described as a participatory consciousness, i.e. awareness that life is truly both beautiful and delicate. The heptad is the result of many forces exerting a common influence solely in order to make an even greater consciousness potentially viable.

Music, light and geometry are all metaphorical representations for describing the qualities of the heptad, where an enactment at one level can bring awareness to the threshold and entrance of another (octave) positioned either above or below its current frequency. Any note can act as gateway into other levels of awareness, a new system of vibration played in the form of a common harmonic chord or similar experience.

“Seven is also called the voice because the seven elementary sounds (vowels) exist only in the human voice but also in the cosmic, not only because of the sounds emitted from the seven stars. Hence they call the stars and Daimones that rule “angels” and “archangels” and these are seven in number.”

Penetration into another octave is an integral part of the purpose supporting a seven-fold consciousness. Conscious focus must now be played upon a different keyboard while still remaining within the harmonics of the original chord. Oneness is now a matter of composition and participation where the constraints of awareness must clearly interact within the constructs of other octaves. The heptad is where consciousness can truly become a work of art particularly in the way it is graciously designed, purposely composed and diligently orchestrated.

In order to compose a new symphony of vibrational awareness the ego and self must be harmonized into a participatory awareness that goes beyond the constraints of any single dimension. Penetration into other realms is the natural result of designing the most appropriate sonata that allows entrance into these other dimensions. The sole desire in support of this experience must be for the sake of participating in the creation of a one ness beyond the parameters of a systems' own particular awareness.

Alongside this new opus is the experience of a rebirth of awareness. The seven-sided heptad creates the symbolic means by which desire, mind, emotion and relative “substance” are linked in a form of awareness that doesn’t necessarily prescribe matter, as we know it, as being instrumental in appreciating the experience. In its perpetual quest for balance, consciousness and its impulse to cross over and experience the next adjoining octave, becomes a vibrant tool in the composition of a new harmonic awareness.

This concept is reflected in our own lives when we consider the fact that we basically emerge from out of the unknown in order to inevitably return to it. The heptad describes this progression through life as being seven fold and surrounded by mystery.

Energy accounts for the illusion that surrounds, envelopes and describes consciousness while also describing the conditioning that corresponds to it. Stemming beyond the original one-ness is the seventh condition, which in itself can be replicated beyond its own number. The seventh is rooted in one-ness and is the elemental vibration of all things created both seen and unseen.

Within each heptad is a cluster of unsteady forces of awareness that together give rise to an unstable situation. This unsound circumstance invites change and likewise the opportunity for greater awareness. It has the potential to bring a certain degree of completion and fulfillment to consciousness by bringing awareness up to the threshold of rebirth and into another active and participatory level of awareness.

The monadic origin (the unknown, the source, the all-encompassing point) lies at the center of the hexad; the self appears above and the ego below as implied by Plato who described the soul as having seven numbers. In this fashion the heptad can symbolize human consciousness being completely embodied in the awareness of both relative spirit and relative matter as expressed in three-dimensional time and space. In it consciousness has managed to control its environment, i.e. worldview, in addition to the means by which to change it.

A change of perspective is brought on by a new awareness and opportunity that has emerged from the middle of what appears to be a balanced “situation”. As substance is to the mind, emotions are to the will. What is substance to emotions so also is the mind to the will. The result is harmony and balance achieved by desire and the will to make it so.

Geometric symmetries are generated from electronic beam frequency interference patterns. The sevenfold figure arises out of the circle and returns to it.
Source:"Sacred Geometry Philosophy and Practice" by Robert Lawlor, Thames and Hudson, 500 Fifth Ave. NY, NY. Photo J.C. Stuten.

Edited: 09.14.2012, 11.28.2013, 11.11.2016, 01.11.2017, 03.18.2023
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