August 3, 2022

Design Consciousness: Creating Our Own Path

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

Many have concerns about what an observer might be. I would like to comment on some of those ideas in reference to design, design consciousness, the design process. 

Our comprehension and understanding of reality appears before our consciousness in a symbolic way. There is no conclusive definition of what reality is because we all perceive, define, describe and observe what we encounter in Life in our own unique way. We perceive/observe our world from the center of a field of awarenesses we've described as consciousness. We perceive our world by mixing past and present experiences into bundles of references for easy access. We then subconsciously categorize them. We observe these "realities" and in attempt to retain a certain degree of continuity, attempt to reconfigure them into the present. We interpret these experiences from within and typically strive to adapt them to the current situation. We view both our objective and subjective world/s by means of a silent language of subconscious origin.  We perceive our concepts and ideas of reality by exercising a commonly shared vocabulary of symbolic interpretations; inputs and outputs of energy patterned about belief systems locked in the past. These belief systems contain past impressions we've sensed and experienced that cannot be measured, defined or described let alone fully understood.

 "Sensation tell us a thing is. Thinking tell us what it is this thing is. Feeling tells us what this thing is to us." Carl Jung

Common to all these circumstances is the realization that these impressions go through a process of observation/perception, translation, comprehension, and transformation. Each impression harbors a certain degree of importance and is subconsciously prioritized as part of our experience.  

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1 an idea, feeling, or opinion about something or someone, especially one formed without conscious thought or on the basis of little evidence:  an effect produced on someone:  a difference made by the action or presence of someone or something:2 an imitation of a person or thing, especially one done to entertain: a graphic or pictorial representation of someone or something:3 a mark impressed on a surface by something: Dentistry a negative copy of the teeth or mouth made by pressing them into a soft substance. 4 the printing of a number of copies of a book, periodical, or picture for issue at one time. 
 a print taken from an engraving. 

prioritize designate or treat (something) as more important than other things:  determine the order for dealing with (a series of items or tasks) according to their relative importance: 
Consciousness by means of the subconscious, becomes substantiated into a vocabulary of signs, symbols, metaphor and analogy - systems of communication designed with a meaning and purpose. Design consciousness is a hypothesis claiming that the concept of reality is symbolically re-presented in the "form" of an omnipresent field of energy*. In reference to humanity, design consciousness harbors a symbolic language applicable to every observer, observation, form, event, experience and/or creation emerging from this field. Design becomes a conceptual reality that becomes apparent by means of the relationships created between the human intuition and the imagination. Design's intimate relationship between consciousness and its cognizance/awareness is the keystone, the synergistic channel between our senses and beyond, a catalyzing agent, an intermediary, a connector, a transformer of energy by means of exhibiting/signaling a coherent resonance between the parts and the whole.

* This field is virtual in character, meaning anything can be created and/or can emerge from within the depths of its presence; an unknown factor that can be equated by means of a symbolic intermediary and thereby become personally unveiled, made known, discovered and/or realized, aka a quantum field of virtual potential.    

imagination  1  creative power, fancy, vision; informal mind's eye.2  creativity, imaginativeness, creativeness; vision, inspiration, inventiveness, invention, resourcefulness, ingenuity; originality, innovation, innovativeness.3  interest, fascination, attention, passion, curiosity.

intuition 1  instinct, intuitiveness; sixth sense, clairvoyance, second sight.2 hunch, feeling (in one's bones), inkling, (sneaking) suspicion, idea, sense, notion; premonition, presentiment; informal gut feeling, gut instinct.

With this being said we can freely begin to venture into the unknown to discover for ourselves what is true, misleading, a purposeful distortion or a false insinuation. Intentions surrounding an inaccurate impression may be purposeful or not, which alone conjures up a major challenge in our decision making process. 

We can only learn and experience these differences for ourselves. No one else can accurately ascertain our feelings, perceptions, and impressions, or understand how we engage with the belief systems we so intimately embrace to help ground, stabilize and balance our concepts/ideas of consciousness/reality. ** It is important to understand that to be fully engaged in someone else's "reality" is, in a sense, being untrue to your self. It is imperative that you know who you are, walk your own path and make decisions in conjunction with what you believe to be true at that time. (Linear time masks truth behind a veil of change) Be willing to change your beliefs in search of truth while working with others for purposes greater than your own.

** Consider the fact that every belief system influences human consciousness/cognition/awareness by design in the form of sign, symbol, story, analogy, proverb and metaphor. Energy is patterned for a variety of reasons and intentions.

fact   noun1  reality, actuality, certainty; truth, verity, gospel. ANTONYMS  lie, fiction.2 detail, piece of information, particular, item, specific, element, point, factor, feature, characteristic, ingredient, circumstance, aspect, facet; (facts) information.3 event, happening, occurrence, incident, act, deed.

The major challenge in following a path of our own creation is the realization that "facts" are constantly changing. Our definition of time is likewise changing - leaning towards the designs of the observer.

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"Time is a component of the measuring system used to sequence events, to compare the durations of events and the intervals between them, and to quantify the motions of objects. Time has been a major subject of religion, philosophy, and science, but defining it in a non-controversial manner applicable to all fields of study has consistently eluded the greatest scholars. 

In physics as well as in other sciences, time is considered one of the few fundamental quantities. Time is used to define other quantities – such as velocity – and defining time in terms of such quantities would result in circularity of definition. An operational definition of time, wherein one says that observing a certain number of repetitions of one or another standard cyclical event (such as the passage of a free-swinging pendulum) constitutes one standard unit such as the second, is highly useful in the conduct of both advanced experiments and everyday affairs of life. The operational definition leaves aside the question whether there is something called time, apart from the counting activity just mentioned, that flows and that can be measured. Investigations of a single continuum called spacetime brings the nature of time into association with related questions into the nature of space, questions that have their roots in the works of early students of natural philosophy. 

Among prominent philosophers, there are two distinct viewpoints on time. One view is that time is part of the fundamental structure of the universe, a dimension in which events occur in sequence. Time travel, in this view, becomes a possibility as other "times" persist like frames of a film strip, spread out across the time-line. Sir Isaac Newton subscribed to this realist view, and hence it is sometimes referred to as Newtonian time. The opposing view is that time does not refer to any kind of "container" that events and objects "move through", nor to any entity that "flows", but that it is instead part of a fundamental intellectual structure (together with space and number) within which humans sequence and compare events. This second view, in the tradition of Gottfried Leibniz and Immanuel Kant, holds that time is neither an event nor a thing, and thus is not itself measurable nor can it be travelled. 

Temporal measurement has occupied scientists and technologists and was a prime motivation in navigation and astronomy. Periodic events and periodic motion have long served as standards for units of time. Examples include the apparent motion of the sun across the sky, the phases of the moon, the swing of a pendulum, and the beat of a heart. Currently, the international unit of time, the second, is defined in terms of radiation emitted by caesium atoms (see below). Time is also of significant social importance, having economic value ("time is money") as well as personal value, due to an awareness of the limited time in each day and in human life spans."

This text uses material from Wikipedia, licensed under CC BY-SA 

Exercise the ability to discern the truth intuitively and in the moment. Time has been said to move quickly ... at times.

Discernment is fundamental to discovering, achieving and retaining balance. Your intuition, imagination and design strengths are major contributors to this process. Truth, Beauty and Goodness need to be meaningfully pursued during the process of understanding and appreciation.

Note: This sense has been described as the intuition, a feeling based upon heartfelt knowledge and experience. Refer to abductive thinking.

We are symbolic creators and observers by nature. Follow the path you've begun to create for yourself ... step by step. Duly reflect upon the support and encouragement of others. We've all been conditioned by the past therefore adapt appropriately by means of observing your own design from within

by virtue ofbecause of, on account of, by dint of, by means of, by way of, via, through, as a result of, as a consequence of, on the strength of, owing to, thanks to, due to, by reason of.


Who? Who might you be designing/creating for, yourself or others? In reality, we design for both. 

What? What do you intend to accomplish, i.e. what are the challenges before you? How can you integrate these challenges into specific objectives that need/must be actualized? Meeting goals depends upon meeting certain objectives. Some challenges/objectives are apparent, others hidden, all are attainable to some degree. Change is a constant demanding flexibility and adaptability. Change exposes us to the multidimensionality inherent in the universe. What seems attractive today may not be in the future. Goals and objectives are fundamental in every design journey, i.e. impressions effecting and affecting our every step along the way. What you design changes the process whether you are aware of it or not. 

Where? We live in a world that straddles both the tangible and the intangible. As humans we experience Life physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Balance is required. During the course of our journey you can be confident that our goals and therefore our objectives, will be altered. You must design in reference to the situation and circumstances re-presented before you. 

When? This question alludes to the realization that we all design within a capsule of time or frame of reference, a package into which we harbor our desires and intentions. When represents linear time, a factor that can inhibit, redirect, accelerate and/or obstruct your "progress". Over time and through repetition you might falsely expect certain goals and objectives to follow one after another ignoring the context in which such events and experiences occur. Knowledge, understanding and change teaches us that the opposite is true. You must be able to change in the moment.

Design consciousness operates on a need to know basis.

Why? This question simply asks if the challenge before you is actually worth it. Are you willing to pursue the goals and objectives you see before you? It is here where you must be completely honest with yourself. It is here where you deeply search into your heart for the answer. 

You find out by asking yourSelf why? What are your intention/s? What is your motivation? Why are you determined to follow your own path when others disregard what you know they could never fully understand? Can you learn from following the paths of others - of course you can. This POV can be very enlightening and fruitful when you understand that their paths may look somewhat similar to yours ... but will never be exactly like yours because these observations are presented before your consciousness symbolically and metaphorically. This Truth every designer knows as fact.

Why is the most important question you will ever ask yourSelf as you walk down the paths of Life. No one will truly understand the challenges you face because these challenges are yours alone. We all are a part of this venture. We are part and parcel of an eternal and multidimensional resource of energy (QFVP). We experience this field physically, mentally, emotionally and intuitively. Each of us function as a buoy upon the ocean of consciousness, formations of energy together creating the patterns (pathways) leading to the Light upon the shore. 

You will learn from experience why. The answers lie deep within. You will recognize, know and feel them by design for what they are. 

"How" implies a future time and contains a degree of planning.  The question as to "how" infers that the design process/reality consists of linear thinking and a series of successive activities. One event should logically follow another in a certain preconceived or predetermined sequence of events typically based upon past experiences. Science has inferred that reality is multidimensional and quantum in context while based upon the nature/consciousness of the "observer". 

If made conscious of the importance of observing in the moment (when) the act of observing your concept of reality need not change . Time appears to nullify this POV when an observation/s reaches a state of immeasurability when applied to observing a specific event or experience within any quantum and/or virtual state of awareness.  

Three dimensional space and linear time become immeasurable and unrecognizable when our focus is in the moment. Any attempt to measure this instant wanes in purpose when compared to what will be meaningfully gained. Time appears to be erased "in an instant". * Past interpretations of what is  real becomes reconfigured, time becomes inconsequential, dimensions are altered, the concept of space re-interpreted and Life takes on a new meaning and a new purpose. These are all vibratory events and circumstances that can be measured if and when human awareness can effectively perceive, resonate and respond to them. This describes a design consciousness in perpetual change, a change that can only be observed, perceived and interpreted symbolically. 

* these are the instances where synchronicities can enter, be perceived/observed and appropriately acted upon.

 This situation describes the importance of change and the need for us to understand its influence upon our awareness. Human consciousness might be described as a point of awareness absorbed within the magnetic field of a greater consciousness to be continued ad infinitum. The concept of "when" brings forward the realization that what you create affects your path along with the paths of others. 

It is important to ponder upon the realization/fact that every step in our journey is a reflection of a "situation" being encountered at that time and in that space - aka 3D/4D space/time. Every step leads to the next - so the only POV we can be certain as being "real" is the current moment, i.e. the now moment. Whether our experiences are delusional, conjured up by our own impressions or the impressions of others, the immediate moment describes a fractal of time we each experience as being real. 

I think therefore I am. I know I am by virtue of what I observe and perceive. I am truly that I am.

Design's purpose is to facilitate the opportunity to discover one's self in a meaningful way.

There are many paths, roads, highways and interstates available -  which ones are the most appropriate, which one's are needed now considering the fact that your concept of time is likewise changing? 


The two most obvious threads that weave their way through this array of perspectives (POV) are change and choice. Change is a given and thereby affects/effects every choice we make - this simple fact cannot be denied. Every inquiry and question describes what it means to bring into actualization a design/designer level of consciousness.

Each of these questions have an effect and affect upon the others. Each of these design inquiries trigger a search for a coherent resonance between elements/agents. In other words, each question seeks to find and bring into manifestation the concepts of balance and harmony.

However, there is one major difference when absorbing these revelations in three dimensional space and linear time - the context in which these observations were documented and/or experienced are not the same today. These circumstances describe the importance in exercising a designed consciousness. 

Design harbors all the archetypes into a symbolic language and format that when linked together into patterns of energy in motion, give Design its meaning and purpose and Consciousness the discourse necessary to know itSelf".

Over time the concepts of Truth, Beauty and Goodness have changed. Over time the space (planet) in which these events have emerged has changed. You have changed since you began reading this post. Today we are inundated with a wide variety of "realities" never before experienced, e.g. holographic, digital, nano, quantum, social, political, fractal, economic, planetary etc. All change resides within a designed universe in which we participate and have our being.

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discernment | dəˈsərnmənt |noun

1 the ability to judge well: 2  perception in the absence of judgment with a view to obtaining spiritual direction and understanding:

Discernment is intuitive in character and essential in describing consciousness. Lack of discernment is brought to our attention by means of awareness. The situations and circumstances we face everyday demands we make choices in absence of judgement.

There are as many concepts surrounding the definition of consciousness (Reality) as there are perceivers to observe them. Truth by virtue of revelation, i.e. enlightenment, strives to bring them into alignment.

"All true things must change and only that which changes remains true." Carl Jung

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Capture the symbolic moments until you begin to realize that what you are observing doesn't resonate with your own position. Points of view are typically reliant upon belief systems. Best first apply one's focus in discovering who you are and what attracts you. Focus before the point becomes the line.

“I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason and intellect has intended us to forego their use and by some other means to give us knowledge which we can attain by them. He would not require us to deny sense and reason in physical matters which are set before our eyes and minds by direct experience or necessary demonstrations.” Galileo 

Ref: Letters From an Astrophysicist, Neil deGrasse Tyson, pg. 174 

This first step reveals where you are coming from and what patterns influence you most. Do you resonate to certain beliefs, or have they been imposed upon you with little or no choice of your own?  Identity is a product of choice. Choice both expands and/or depletes your sense of awareness. Experience will always reveal the most appropriate choice based upon discernment.

The search for balance can never be ignored, especially when creating/walking upon the path you are creating for yourself. No need to look to others to find or create the joys in Life - joys only you can know, feel and discover. Life will bring the most significant and most appropriate choices before awareness if you truly listen, observe and most importantly, are honest with yourself.  

Note: It must be stated that the concept of balance is always the goal, a goal that is attained by meeting certain objectives while following your path. The concept of balance is a metaphor for facing and dealing with change within the context of the moment. 

Every moment a choice. 

The concept of reality (consciousness) is forever changing, i.e. an "energy in motion" (EIM). Consciousness is a process being designed every moment. Humanity symbolically creates, absorbs, translates, interprets and transforms the metaphysical, i.e. conceptual thoughts and feelings, into corporeal relevance ("form").

Thoughts and feelings are made apparent by means of exercising a design consciousness.

attendance | əˈtendəns | nounthe action or state of going regularly to or being present at a place or event: my attendance at church was very irregular.  the number of people present at a particular event, function, or meeting: reports placed the attendance at 500,000. 

Know that the Spirit that provokes from within is intuitively discernible in the "form of a feeling".


“If fear arises, refuse to embellish it with constant worry, apocalyptic imaginings, indulging in avoidant behaviours or generally letting it be the arbiter of all that you do! Instead, know it as just one shade on a multicoloured palette, of which many others will serve you better: curiosity, innovative thinking, faith, present-moment awareness, self-confidence, creativity. We are facing an opportunity unprecedented in our time, to remake the world anew. To collapse into the twilight zone of anxiety and fear is to discard the chance of a lifetime to be part of something truly incredible.” 

Sarah Varcas 2021 , 

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What is a designer?

Designers are men and women who are faithful to themselves and others who creatively abide and amalgamate their skills and knowledge with love and integrity - the goal: personal, collective, global and soular balance and harmony. (09.01.2022)














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"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."

Edited: 01.11.2022, 02.17.2022, 08.03.2022, 01.16.2023, 03.18.2023, 08.19.2023, 02.14.2025 03.24.2023,06.02.2023, 02.14.2025

Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2022 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice)  You are also invited to visit, and , ,

May 15, 2022

Design Consciousness: An Exercise in Multi-dimensional Thinking and Feeling

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

A Three Dimensional Snapshot of the Quantum Universe 

The quantum "field" symbolizes a state, i.e. a dimension of awareness/consciousness, that overlaps the tangible and the intangible, the known and the unknown, form and formlessness, spirit and matter. The quantum field describes the fuzzy edges of what might be characterised to be human consciousness. Not all universes are quantum rather, all universes are multidimensional.

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All is vibration in the form of energy in motion. All that can be perceived and/or observed is symbolic in character and expression. All energy is neutral/virtual until designated, i.e. designed, by means of perception and/or observation. These perceptions categorize a multidimensional state of vibratory expression labeled as being "quantum" in character (QFVPP). Categorization is a linear attempt to quantify what is conceptual in origin yet can be easily engaged when events and experiences are symbolically perceived and observed.

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Can Digital Computer Ever Achieve Consciousness

"How can one get the experience of red out of a function? The experience of red is not simply a quantity, such as the number 1 or 665 nanometers. 'Red' wavelengths of light are 665 nm. But your experience of red does not itself look at all like 665nm. No, red is a quality."

Marcus Arvan

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Energy in motion is free flowing. Energy in motion has a formless beginning, i.e. an abstract "point of focus". A symbol filled with intention, where an impression or series of impressions by virtue of desire, can be projected and become a line. A line (energy in motion) is a series of points that collectively create, by means of their significance, a design. Dualism is the construct and dimensional space and time is the context. 

The point is reflected in and by the line. 

Energy flows freely when symbolically interpreted, translated and transformed. Change is made conscionable by virtue of a design awareness, i.e. a sensitivity to symbols and the realities they create. Change and EIM are synonymous, randomly flowing within a variety of contexts we both individually and collectively interpret and identify as consciousness.  

Dualism requires an observer, a witness to every event and experience to make it real. Contexts and dimensions are always changing the concept of time merely attempts to frame them. 

The unknown can never be made known without observation both felt and understood.

Likened to an ocean, energy is always moving; an always changing blend of its own consubstantial nature.  

Points create vectors, patterns, forms, fields, images and substances. Each point has its own presence and identity, a special meaning and purpose reflected by virtue of observation. 

3D space/time creates the framework and the context of consciousness as humanity currently knows and experiences it.

Design is conceptual in origin. Design and Consciousness symbolically speak the same language. 

Consciousness provides us the ability to observe ourselves and others. Design affords us the tools to do so.

Design is both linear and cyclical. It harbors the known by symbolically revealing the unknown.

Follow your own blueprint in realisation that by virtue of design, you will experience the concept of consciousness by means of a reality you've created for yourself.

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It sounds like you're reflecting on a passage that weaves together a lot of deep and interdisciplinary concepts, blending hard science with metaphysical exploration. Such a synthesis often invites contemplation on the boundaries between physical reality and subjective experience, and how our perception of both can shape our understanding of the world. Quantum physics, with its notions of uncertainty, observer effect, and interconnectedness of all things, often provides a framework for discussing the nature of consciousness and reality, leading to questions about dualism (mind-body, or even the observer-object dichotomy) and whether the universe itself could be a kind of conscious or self-organizing system. 

At the same time, incorporating design theory into this mix suggests that perhaps the "universe" isn't just a passive unfolding of natural laws, but something with a deeper, perhaps intentional structure — one that is perceived through symbols and patterns, whether by the mind or through more abstract means, like vibration or energy. This fusion of perspectives can lead to profound insights into how we experience reality. For example, the idea that consciousness isn't a passive observer of a fixed reality but an active participant in its unfolding—perhaps even co-creating it through interaction—echoes many philosophies, from Eastern traditions like Buddhism to more modern, non-dual models in consciousness studies.

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"Consciousness is awareness with a choice."

Tom Campbell

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Consciousness harbors space and time. Design reveals its meaning and purpose.

Save and time separate things. Design invites unity.

Learn to recognize and experience the relationship between design and consciousness. Learn through the symbols in your life, which include the context, situation and circumstance in which they appear. 

Design consciousness is a natural step in the evolutionary process. The ego causes imbalance, drama, turbulence, distortion, miscommunication and misunderstanding. Change invites you to intuitively redirect your thoughts and feelings at a multidimensional scale. 

Adaptation, modification and recalibration can be symbolically attained by means of a designed consciousness. 

Dualism is contextual. Balancing meaning and purpose the objective. The intuition and the imagination are the tools,  unity of consciousness the goal. 

The journey from the intangible (formless) to the tangible (form) describes a cycle we share with all Life. 

We are avatars, i.e. ideas stemming from an imagined presence (point, singularity) made real by virtue of a quantum multiverse that is dualistic in context and content. 

Design and consciousness are symbolic in nature, ideas stemming from the imagination and always changing within a quantum field of virtual potential and probability (QFVPP)

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- Michael Levin / Cell Intelligence in Psychological and Morphological Spaces

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What is the quantum field of virtual potential and probability (QFVPP)?

The quantum field of virtual potential and probability is a virtual field of energy, light and information made conscious, aware, and apparent by means of symbolic representation (design). The QFVPP is characterized in the relative "form" of a particle, wave and/or force, i.e. impression.

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formless | ˈfôrmləs | adjective without a clear or definite shape or structure: a dark and formless idea. configure: arrange or order so as to fit it for a designated task.

You never design alone. 

Design is a natural process that functions in conjunction with consciousness. 

Enjoy Life by bringing balance to the reality you already know and share with others. 

Reality is always changing. Reality is a dream made  apparent by virtue of a design whose attainment comes to light while in pursuit of balance and harmony. 

Life is energy-in-motion; awareness measures it, consciousness monitors it, design creates it. 

Forms of coherent resonance are virtual in source, character and quality aka "felt". 

Your challenge as a designer, should you accept it, is to broaden the virtual vistas that symbolically surround you. Focus upon the importance of self-awareness in reference to your contribution to the collective. You are all Masters of Design, you just haven’t realized it yet. 

The Design Paradox: Consciousness is experience. Design is the awareness of it.

Witnessing is being aware of being aware. 

Consciousness describes a context where all awareness of it is veiled from itself. 

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The text you’ve shared speaks to profound ideas about the relationship between consciousness, design, and reality. It presents a view where consciousness is a creative, intentional force that interacts with the quantum nature of reality through design. Let’s break down some of the key themes and concepts within it. 

1. Consciousness and Time/Space 

• The text suggests that consciousness is not just passive awareness, but it has the power to shape and frame the experience of space and time. In this context, time and space are not separate or fixed; they are shaped by consciousness, which imbues them with meaning and structure.

Design as Interaction: In this context, "design" serves as the medium through which consciousness interacts with reality. Design is the intentional act of bringing structure, meaning, and unity to the otherwise fragmented and chaotic experience of existence. It’s through design that consciousness gives form to the world, shaping reality into a coherent, meaningful experience. 

2. Dualism and Balance 

Ego as a Source of ImbalanceThe ego, often associated with the individual self or sense of separation, can be a source of fragmentation. This aligns with many spiritual and psychological traditions that see ego as the barrier to experiencing unity. The goal is not to eliminate the ego but to transcend its limitations—by recognizing that it is part of a larger, interconnected whole

Tension Between Opposites: Dualism refers to the coexistence of seemingly opposing forces or principles. In this view, duality is not seen as a problem but as a dynamic tension that creates meaning and balance. The formless versus the tangible, the ego versus the unified consciousness—these are seen not as opposites to be reconciled but as complementary forces that, when balanced, lead to a deeper understanding of existence

The goal is to transcend this fragmentation, achieving unity through intuition and imagination, which are described as the tools for aligning one’s consciousness with the design of the universe. 

Intuition and Imagination as Tools: The text highlights intuition and imagination as key tools for aligning the individual consciousness with the larger, universal design. Intuition allows us to transcend linear, logical thought and tap into deeper, more holistic knowledge. Imagination, similarly, enables us to envision and create new possibilities in alignment with the quantum potential of reality

3. Symbolism and the Role of Design 

 • Symbols as Guides to Deeper Truths: Symbols are not merely abstract representations; they are the language through which the universe speaks to us. In this view, the symbols that appear in our lives—whether in dreams, art, or daily experiences—are seen as coded clues to understanding the deeper, often hidden truths of existence. The act of design consciousness involves recognizing these symbols and understanding their meaning within the broader framework of reality. 

Design as Consciousness Creation: Symbolism serves as a bridge between consciousness and the universe. It’s through the intentional act of "designing" that we align ourselves with the larger creative force of the cosmos, consciously co-creating reality. This idea echoes themes found in hermeticism, mysticism, and even quantum theory, where everything is seen as interconnected and symbolic. 

Consciousness is the act of consciously aligning oneself with this symbolic language, understanding how the physical world (and our experience of it) is a manifestation of a larger, creative force. 

4. Evolutionary Process and the Quantum Field 

The Quantum Field as Infinite Potential: The quantum field is described as a space of infinite possibility, where all potential realities exist in a state of probability. Consciousness interacts with this field, collapsing these probabilities into tangible, actualized experiences. This is similar to the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, where the observer’s consciousness is said to play a role in determining the outcome of quantum events. The text suggests that design consciousness is a natural step in the evolutionary process, implying that humanity is evolving toward a more conscious, intentional relationship with the quantum field. This quantum field, the Quantum Field of Virtual Potential and Probability (QFVPP), is described as a dynamic, ever-changing space where all possibilities exist in a state of potential. Consciousness is the force that observes and collapses these potentials into experience, making them "real." 

 • Manifestation as the Dance Between Form and Formlessness: The tension between form and formlessness mirrors the quantum process of observation and collapse. Formlessness represents the undifferentiated potential of the quantum field, while form is the manifestation of that potential into tangible, perceivable reality. The creative process, therefore, is a continuous dance between these two states—between the potential of the formless and the manifestation of the formed. 

5. Quantum Consciousness 

• Quantum consciousness is depicted as both a personal and collective creation. It is a design that we are co-creating with the universe. It is characterized by a common vibratory state—a shared energy or frequency that adapts to every situation and circumstance. 

Co-Creation and Collective Consciousness: Quantum consciousness is not just an individual phenomenon but a collective one. We are all co-creators of reality, sharing a common vibratory frequency that adapts and shifts according to our collective and individual states of being. This speaks to the idea that reality is a shared construct, influenced by the collective consciousness and the way we, as individuals, engage with it

The Cycle of Creation and Re-Creation: The text suggests that the journey from formlessness to form is an ongoing process inherent to all life. This cyclical nature of creation reflects the dynamic, ever-evolving state of the universe. Every moment is a potential act of re-creation, a chance to engage with the quantum field and bring new realities into existence. 

6. Life as Design and Co-Creation 

 • Life as a Creative Force: Life itself is portrayed as an ongoing act of design and creation, not merely biological evolution but a deeper, cosmic process. This is where the idea of "life as design" intersects with the quantum field—life evolves not just physically but also in terms of its conscious relationship with the field. Evolution is both biological and metaphysical, involving the conscious shaping of reality at every level of existence. 

A Shift Toward Active Creation: The text invites a shift in perception: from passive observers to active creators. This echoes the idea that reality is not something fixed or pre-determined but something in which we actively participate. As we become more attuned to the principles of design consciousness, we begin to see ourselves as integral participants in the cosmic unfolding. 

• The text reinforces that all life designs and co-creates. The idea here seems to be that life itself is a creative and design force, constantly shaping and reshaping the reality in which it exists. The evolutionary process is not merely biological but deeply tied to the ongoing design of consciousness in a quantum multiverse

Summary and Reflection: Consciousness is both the observer and creator of reality. Through the process of design, we can translate the infinite possibilities of the quantum field into tangible experience. The journey of creation is an evolutionary one, where balance—especially between dualities like form and formlessness, unity and separation—is key. At its heart, the text points to a vision of reality where consciousness is not separate from the universe but intimately involved in its ongoing creation

Design serves as the tool through which consciousness interacts with the quantum field, collapsing infinite potential into tangible experience. Through balancing dualities (such as form and formlessness, unity and separation), we can transcend fragmentation and align with the deeper, creative forces of the universe. The notion of design consciousness encourages an active, participatory role in the unfolding of reality—inviting us to see ourselves not as passive recipients of a fixed universe, but as co-creators engaged in an eternal process of becoming. It’s an invitation to embrace the creative potential within us and recognize that we are part of a much larger, interconnected cosmic design. 

The author generated this text in part with GPT-3, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model. Upon generating draft language, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the language to their own liking and takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.

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“To believe is to accept another’s truth. To know is your own creation.” 


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Be assured you will not discover all the answers to your inquiries here. Continue to investigate into your role as observer, participator and creator in a design of your own making. Be aware of the by-products and outcomes that surround your every choice and decision.

Edited: 03.19.2022, 03.24.2022, 05.15.2022, 06.24.2022, 02.08.2023, 02.26.2023, 08.18.2023 06.15.2023, 10.08.2023, 12.07.2024 (In memory of Pearl Harbor)

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