September 30, 2016

The Nature of Design

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

The concept of a field implies consubstantiation by means of identifying, containing or validating an existence by virtue of observation. Given validation any motion appearing or being substantiated within this context likewise conditions it. Formations appear as consubstantial events emerging from within an array of entangled forces

Space represents the contextualization of quantum energy in motion in a holographic and fractal fashion. Linear time presents this motion in reference to an event and/or experience. Design acts as a facilitator between space and time through a wide range of symbolic events and experiences. 

"Space and time are created by the mind."
Charles Tart

Everything pertaining to the idea of an observer (Source) creates a cyclical loop within the concept of timelessness. Cycles are eternal. Cycles can easily represent heaven. Time like space cannot be observed without the other. Timelessness is spaceless. Each brings a glimmer of light to the concept of eternity. Reality becomes paramount when events are experienced and symbolically attributed to the existence of a certain power by virtue of a pattern, matrix or network of energy, light and information. 

The concept of God is the by-product of a collective effort to personify what is indescribably felt within a prescribed range of consciousness. Ideas attempting to explain the concept of God are metaphorical and morphologically patterned about human impressions, perspectives and observations.

Concepts and ideas venturing to describe there being one creative source, i.e. Intelligence, are responding to an unimaginable, indescribable and incomprehensible vibratory process, i.e. Design. 

Attempts to describe what subconsciously orbits about shared, personal, social, cultural and environmental circumstances result in the creation of innumerable gods and goddesses. Religious concepts and ideas incessantly arose never aware that all were marching to the same drumbeat (vibration). Ideas are idea-lized assertions, focused impression/s and opinions based upon a variety of perspectives.
assertion: declaration, contention, statement, claim, opinion, proclamation, announcement, pronouncement, protestation, avowal; formal averment; rare asseveration.Consciousness stems from a vibratory/quantum field of virtual potential and probability (QFVPP) by means of an unpredictable, synergetic and synchronistic process. The concept of there being only one single Consciousness throughout the universe is significantly contained in a multidimensional process we designate as change. Reality is design's vibrational companion.  

Dualism complements a quantum field of virtual potential for purposes of growth and expansion. Life is very much dependent upon these dualistic correspondences. Consciousness is patterned about ideas brought forward and made manifest by means of perception, observation and participation. 

Virtual reality is the product of a consciously designed series of patterns and forms of quantum energy, light and information made symbolically apparent by means of its own individual system of attributes. Every form of reality can best be identified by virtue of its actions and reactions, traits, qualities and characteristics.

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This text touches on a variety of deep metaphysical, philosophical, and cosmological ideas. At its core, it explores concepts of consciousness, time, space, reality, and the nature of existence through the lens of quantum theory, dualism, and the human search for meaning (especially in relation to the idea of God or a creative source). Let’s break down some of the key ideas here: 

1. Consubstantiality and the Field
The term consubstantiality refers to the idea that all things, whether physical or conceptual, share the same essence or substance. This idea is central to many philosophical and theological traditions, suggesting that everything in existence is interconnected and arises from a common source or field. The "field" referenced here is akin to the quantum field in modern physics, where all particles and forces emerge from a unified, dynamic field of potential. 
This is closely tied to the observer effect in quantum mechanics, which posits that the act of observation or measurement influences the state of a quantum system. In the context of metaphysical exploration, this suggests that reality is not a fixed, objective entity, but is influenced and shaped by conscious observation. In other words, existence comes into being because of interaction with a conscious observer. This connects with various philosophical systems that posit consciousness as primary to the creation of reality (e.g., idealism or panpsychism). 

2. Space and Time as Contextualized Motion
The text suggests that space is not merely an empty void, but a "stage" for quantum energy in motion. This conceptualization implies a view of reality where all phenomena—matter, energy, and even thought—are in constant flux, interconnected through patterns that are holographic and fractal in nature. Holography suggests that the whole is contained in every part, and fractal geometry implies self-similarity across different scales, meaning that the structures of the universe repeat in intricate, scalable ways. 
Time is not merely a linear progression of events but a framework through which these motions and changes are perceived. This view suggests that time, like space, is not absolute but relational—only meaningful when observed in relation to motion and change. This resonates with Einstein’s theory of relativity, where space and time are inseparable and relative to the observer's frame of reference. 

3. Timelessness and Cycles: The idea that timelessness is spaceless suggests that true eternity transcends both the dimensions of time and space as we experience them. The idea that timelessness is spaceless suggests that true eternity transcends both space and time. In this view, eternity is not simply an infinite extension of time, but an entirely different mode of existence. Cycles play a central role in this metaphysical framework. They represent both the rhythmic structure of existence and the possibility of infinite recurrence—a cyclical, ever-renewing process that underlies the universe. This resonates with ideas from Eastern philosophies like Hinduism and Buddhism, where the cosmos is seen as undergoing eternal cycles of creation, preservation, and dissolution (e.g., the cycle of samsara). The metaphor of heaven as a cycle may suggest that the divine or cosmic order is inherently cyclical, with a rhythm or "drumbeat" that governs the unfolding of all things. This cyclical view challenges linear, progress-based conceptions of time, suggesting instead a process of continuous renewal and transformation. 

4. Consciousness as a Quantum Field: The unpredictability and synchronistic nature of this process suggest that consciousness is not a singular phenomenon but rather part of a vast, interconnected web of potential. The text introduces the concept of consciousness emerging from a quantum field of virtual potential—a state where possibilities exist in a latent form until they are actualized through observation or interaction. This view aligns with modern interpretations of consciousness in quantum theory, where the brain is seen not as a generator of consciousness but as an observer or transmitter of a deeper, non-local consciousness field. The idea of consciousness as a dynamic, fluctuating process tied to quantum fluctuations implies that consciousness is not a fixed, isolated phenomenon but a continuously evolving web of potential. The unpredictable, synchronistic nature of this process suggests a consciousness that is deeply interconnected with the fabric of reality, potentially extending beyond individual minds to a collective or cosmic level. 

5. The Concept of God: The text proposes that the idea of God, as understood in various religious traditions, is an attempt by human consciousness to describe a vast, ineffable source of creation. In this framework, God is not an anthropomorphic deity but rather an abstract, vibrating force that transcends human understanding. Religious metaphors—whether they describe God as a personal being, an abstract principle, or an impersonal force—are seen as human attempts to grasp this underlying truth. 
The notion that “all gods are marching to the same drumbeat” reflects a universalist view of religion. Despite the multiplicity of gods, names, and religious practices, they are all seen as different expressions of the same underlying divine principle or cosmic order. This perspective suggests a deep, shared truth at the heart of all spiritual traditions, beyond the diversity of their surface-level differences. 
The text also touches on the concept of God as a personified attempt to describe an indescribable force or source of creation. This idea links back to the concept that all religious and philosophical interpretations of divinity are metaphors attempting to encapsulate a vast, indescribable vibratory process. These metaphors are shaped by the human experience—a collection of perspectives filtered through cultural, social, and personal lenses. The assertion that all gods are marching to the same "drumbeat" suggests a unification of the divine across various religions, despite the diversity of names, forms, and conceptualizations. This resonates with the idea that different spiritual and religious traditions are attempting to describe the same underlying truth, which is beyond full human comprehension. 

6. Dualism as a Necessary Principle: The reference to dualism being complementary to the quantum field of virtual potential suggests that opposites—such as light and dark, creation and destruction, good and evil—are essential for the unfolding of reality. Dualism provides the necessary tension, contrast, and dynamic interplay that fuels growth and evolution, both in the cosmos and in consciousness itself. 
Dualism—the idea that opposites like light and dark, good and evil, creation and destruction—are fundamental to the nature of reality, is framed here as essential for the unfolding of existence. In this view, duality is not an error or limitation but a complementary force that allows for the dynamic interplay of energies. Without contrast or opposition, there would be no growth, no evolution, and no transformation. 
This idea mirrors concepts in Eastern philosophy (e.g., yin and yang) and in dialectical materialism, where the tension between opposing forces creates movement, change, and ultimately synthesis. In quantum terms, duality might be seen in the wave-particle duality of light, where entities can behave both as particles and as waves, depending on the context of observation. 

7. Reality as a Patterned Construct
The idea of virtual reality as a consciously designed system implies that all forms of reality—whether physical or imagined—are created from a pattern or design, made tangible through a complex interplay of energy, light, and information. Each reality is understood through its actions and reactions, and its unique set of traits, qualities, and characteristics
The idea of reality as a patterned construct suggests that what we perceive as reality is not a random, chaotic collection of events but a system built from a deeper, underlying design. This concept aligns with various theories in information theory, where the physical universe is viewed as a vast informational system, and the laws of physics are patterns of information encoded in the fabric of space-time. 
Reality, in this sense, can be seen as a form of virtual reality, created by complex processes of energy, light, and information. Each "reality" is understood as a set of rules or patterns that govern its structure and behavior. This idea recalls the view of the universe as a kind of cosmic simulation or hologram, where the physical world is just the surface manifestation of deeper, non-material processes. 

Summary: In essence, this framework presents reality as an interwoven, multi-dimensional process that arises from a deeper field of potential, shaped by the dynamics of consciousness, observation, and dualistic interplay. Time and space are not fixed dimensions but relational aspects of a constantly evolving universe. The idea of God is not a singular being but an ineffable cosmic force, and all religious interpretations are seen as metaphors for this deeper truth. Consciousness is portrayed as a quantum process, deeply interconnected with the fabric of reality, and reality itself is a patterned construct, a kind of "virtual" system that manifests through cycles of change and renewal. 
Ultimately, the universe is depicted as a vast, interconnected web of forces, with consciousness acting as both an observer and a participant in the cosmic dance. The text presents a holistic, quantum-informed, and spiritually inclusive view of existence, where everything is interconnected, cyclical, and continually evolving through the interplay of dualities.

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Every dimension/impression is made apparent at a different vibration, i.e. frequency, than another. Each dimension is designed and defined by virtue of every agent/agency (pattern of energy in motion) that shares in the expression of a commonly shared concept, idea or blueprint they’ve participated in and likewise created together. Agents of similar vibration will attract agencies of like kind while simultaneously dismissing those that demonstrate a lack of coherence or resonance – all within the framework of a commonly felt impression or desire.

Space and time (duality) create the framework used to embrace every potential and/or probable observation chosen from within every potential and probable dimension, typically interpreted as an event and/or experience. Every observation is symbolically referenced and captured within every “time frame” chosen from within an ever-changing and perpetually moving timeline. 

High vibrational frequencies are incrementally expressed in the smallest feasible frame of reference and is considered unobservable. Lower vibration frequencies are incrementally expressed in larger frames of reference and therefore become more observable. Humanity’s consciousness and awareness rests in between the observable and the unobservable, the tangible and the intangible, the “known” and the “unknown”. 

Agents and agencies that together share in these same vibrational expressions of energy in motion, likewise share, create and participate in the relative “fabrication” of a dimension they together create.
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The author generated this text in part with GPT-3, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model. Upon generating draft language, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the language to their own liking and takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.
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“Metaphysics enriched by the wisdom of fifty millennia, is not wedded to theological controversies, but does perceive dimly through the veil of substance the working of a cast of forces only discoverable when intellect is quickened by understanding.” 
Manley P. Hall

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"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."

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Edited: 10.01.2016, 10.09.2016, 10.29.2016, 12.17.16, 01.11.2017, 11.18.2017, 02.23.2020, 01.22.2021, 01.14.2022, 04.03.2022, 08.07.2022, 11.30.2024, 01.02.2025, 02.27.2025
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2023 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice) You are also invited to visit,   and and


September 29, 2016

Design Marks a New Era: The recognition of the Soul

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, contex or network.

So just what is the meaning and purpose behind design? Why does design exist? What is its purpose? Where does it come from? Who, what or whomever created it? What is the source of design? Where does this source originate? What does design have to do with me? Below are just some of the objectives of design.
- To sensitize humanity to the importance of creating in harmony with Nature.
- To nurture a Taoist-like point of view when participating in the creative process.

- To demonstrate through the creative process the universality of the design function as the primary method by which all Life evolves and made manifest.
- To reveal through interpretive verse and association the meaning and purpose of the design function as it relates to all Life forms.
- To demonstrate the unifying power of design as the integrating force by which all of Consciousness is made aware of itself.
- To demonstrate that design is the universal process towards self empowerment and enlightenment, which is the primary function of involution and evolution.
- To demonstrate that design works in correspondence with the Tao.
- To demonstrate that the harmonious evolution of consciousness at all levels of resonance is accomplished through design.
- To create a vocabulary and language for the Soul.
- To demonstrate that all desires and needs are reflections of a greater scheme of events symbolically expressed in form and that design re-presents a symbolic network that brings reality to this experience.
- To demonstrate that there are realms, i.e. dimensions, domains and realities, existing that remain undetectable to human observation, perception and awareness.
- To demonstrate that design allows us the opportunity to expand and in consciousness through symbolic methods of translation and interpretation.

- To demonstrate to ourselves that design requires we become multi-dimensional in our perceptions of the world and that "authentic power" is internal and rooted in the soul.

- To demonstrate to ourselves that design fashions the symbolic journey of the soul and that our intentions, i.e. choices, determine the situations that shape our experiences.
- To prove to ourselves that the path, i.e. the Tao of design, is eternal and brought to awareness by virtue of our heart's focus.
- To prove to ourselves that Life lies within and beyond the shells of form.
- To learn to describe, transfigure and create reverently and responsibly.
- To accept the principles and forces surrounding the value of Life by recognizing and supporting those design principles associated with Earth, solar, galactic and universal consciousness.
- To demonstrate and bring recognition to a higher quality of mind contained within the needs and desires of the soul, which is the true impetus behind every e-motion and feeling.
- To demonstrate that the creative process is dependent upon our ability to make connections and that naturally create the symbolic pathways toward higher orders of awareness and therefore greater consciousness.

Design demonstrates that there is a deeper dynamic (order/chaos) expressed in all that is both seen and unseen.

- To demonstrate that all forms of energy are symbolic and metaphorical reflections of a holographic presence emerging from within constraints of space and time - a non-physical dynamic (desire, need) that administers design consciousness as its fundamental method of expression.

- To reflect upon our soul's desire by witnessing and bringing into manifestation what we feel. 
- To demonstrate to ourselves and others that design gives expression to a non-physical dynamic that reaches beyond the constraints of mind, body and emotion.
- To demonstrate to ourselves that all dimensions are symbolic in character and origin. Every circumstance is designed to change and adapt in reference to what our soul desires -we gather and collect these events and call them experience.
- To learn that design describes the method in which energy is exchanged, transformed and interpreted universally. Design is the universal language of consciousness.

- To learn by means of the creative process that design is a symbolic methodology meant to expand consciousness through awareness.
- To demonstrate that design appears before human consciousness in the form of duality, a linear conjecture meant to reflect upon the dynamic created between two or more symbolic elements/agents

- To demonstrate that design serves the Tao by harboring the instruments necessary to "bring to Life" the concepts of meaning and purpose.
- To illustrate that the purpose of design is to expand awareness in both content and context. Design creates the matrices in which all things are linked microcosmically and macrocosmically.
- To learn to establish a harmonic resonance with Gaia by means of a collective language designed to both create and respond to rapid change.    
- To demonstrate the universality of the design function by creating tangible and intangible correspondences at all levels of conscious awareness.
- To prove to ourselves that the intuition summons the "voice of the non-physical world" and where the sound of silence becomes the common language by which our feelings and soul's desires are conveyed and made manifest.
- To demonstrate that consciousness shapes light (waves) into form (particles) by means of focusing our awareness through experience.
- To propose that humanity when purposely co-creating within the parameters of Nature, becomes the primary contributor to the expansion, contraction and evolution of both the planet and the species. 
- It’s no longer about what you believe rather it’s more about what your being led to believe - not what you already know.

Design is about balance and harmony

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Design Hypothesis: 
Consciousness is conceptual, illusional, symbolic, metaphoric and virtual in character. Consciousness is the quintessential archetype. Consciousness is the concomitant consequence associated with a range of multidimensional patterns of energy whose origin rests beyond the subconscious. Awareness brings forward a “sense of consciousness” by fostering correspondences and fusing the concepts of meaning and purpose. Metaphysical in content and context, quantum, fractal and holographic in representation, all forms of energy/Life are revealed and made apparent by means of Design. Design is lovingly veiled in all that can be seen, known, measured and/or felt. (12.10.2022) 

Design describes a metaphysical and multidimensional process. The design process is dependent upon knowledge, understanding, intention, intuition, imagination and awareness. Design creates a network of energy in motion (EIM) between fields/states/points/agents and patterns of awareness. Design creates a virtual, symbiotic and metaphoric lattice between consciousness, the subconscious and the unconscious, the tangible and the intangible, the known and the unknown, the seen and the unseen. All forms of energy in motion are based upon principles of meaning and purpose both felt and understood. (01.13.2023) 

What is a designer? Designers are men and women who are faithful to themselves and others, who creatively abide and amalgamate their skills and beliefs with love and integrity - the goal: personal, collective, global and soular balance and harmony. (09.01.2022) 

Design has a science and philosophy all its own, a language that connects the realms of Truth, Beauty and Goodness. Actually, if you have to ask what design is - like love - no one would be able to fully explain it to you.

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"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."

Edited: 09.30.2016, 01.11.2017, 03.05.2018, 10.27.2018, 08.27.2019, 01.23.2021, 08.31.2021, 11.01.2021, 03.31.2022, 07.01.2022, 02.14.2023, 03.25.2023, 05.17.2023, 11.22.2023, 04.21.2024
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2023 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice.) AI usage is prohibited. You are invited to visit  Now visit Design Consciousness on