Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.
Consciousness is a state of dynamic cognition, a network of meaningful and purposeful holographic experiences made real through the focus and intentions of an observer, i.e. a symbolic system of intrinsic relationships made apparent through resonance and an inherent drive/desire for harmony and balance. Some of these realizations become tangible and take form others do not.
One experience leads to another thereby perpetuating a series of potentially symbolic impressions and associations all driven towards a quest for balance. Each experience creates its own internal and external network of meaningful events, awareness’ that are revealed within the contextual environment in which the concept of being-ness is found. Organisms appear to have a unique “awareness of being” that is more descriptive in tone and definition than any vague definition of consciousness.
Being-ness is an awareness that has an identifiable presence within the systemic parameters of what could be considered a state of consciousness, i.e. a particular focus that sets it apart from other levels of awareness. Humanity sometimes perceives this focal point as the soul, a point of being-ness that cannot be fully understood only theoretically interpreted within the constraints of the observer. Consciousness has being-ness when perceived from within the context of its holographic origins as it emerges for the purpose of making manifest the realizations of its own knowing. Evolution rests upon the realization that this awareness, i.e. being-ness, actually rests beyond the constraints of any one consciousness yet is part of a Oneness that appears to have both holographic and quantum-like characteristics.
Consciousness will find haven within the parameters of its own being. Consciousness must function within the constraints of its own parameters, i.e. awareness, solely to experience and realize an expansion of the same. All of this is a natural byproduct of consciousness’ quest for harmony within the holographic field it experiences as reality. Imbalance is a natural invitation to chaos, a disorder within the parameters of a type of membranaceous awareness that, in order to survive, must adapt to the perpetually changing situations that appear both internally (subjectively) and externally (objectively).
Periods of fragmentation and boundary are natural states common to consciousness’ need to experience itself. Major sources of energy are attracted becoming dependent upon the situation encountered. Only certain frequencies are afforded the option to be internally absorbed and therefore sheltered within the parameters of a field of consciousness. Borders are imperative as long as awareness remains pervious to the holographic fields/energies that surround, create and symbolically represent it.

Being-ness is an awareness that has an identifiable presence within the systemic parameters of what could be considered a state of consciousness, i.e. a particular focus that sets it apart from other levels of awareness. Humanity sometimes perceives this focal point as the soul, a point of being-ness that cannot be fully understood only theoretically interpreted within the constraints of the observer. Consciousness has being-ness when perceived from within the context of its holographic origins as it emerges for the purpose of making manifest the realizations of its own knowing. Evolution rests upon the realization that this awareness, i.e. being-ness, actually rests beyond the constraints of any one consciousness yet is part of a Oneness that appears to have both holographic and quantum-like characteristics.
Consciousness will find haven within the parameters of its own being. Consciousness must function within the constraints of its own parameters, i.e. awareness, solely to experience and realize an expansion of the same. All of this is a natural byproduct of consciousness’ quest for harmony within the holographic field it experiences as reality. Imbalance is a natural invitation to chaos, a disorder within the parameters of a type of membranaceous awareness that, in order to survive, must adapt to the perpetually changing situations that appear both internally (subjectively) and externally (objectively).

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The passage you've provided outlines a philosophical and metaphysical perspective on consciousness, emphasizing its dynamic, interconnected nature. It presents consciousness as not just a passive state of awareness but as an active and evolving system, intricately connected to both internal and external realities. Here’s a breakdown of the key concepts and ideas within the text:
1. Dynamic Cognition and Holographic Nature:
o Consciousness is described as a "state of dynamic cognition," meaning it is not static but constantly evolving and changing. It is a network of experiences, with each experience carrying symbolic and meaningful relationships.
o The metaphor of "holographic experiences" suggests that consciousness is not merely a linear or isolated process but a deeply interconnected whole, where each part reflects the whole system, much like a hologram.
2. Resonance, Balance, and Harmony:
o A central theme in the text is the idea that consciousness is driven by a quest for balance, harmony, and resonance. This implies that consciousness seeks alignment or integration with its environment, and through this process, experiences are generated.
o The notion of balance is portrayed as an intrinsic drive—something fundamental to the experience of being and knowing.
3. Being-ness:
o The concept of "being-ness" is presented as a deeper, more specific type of awareness within consciousness. It’s described as having an "identifiable presence" and may be perceived as the "soul," a point of awareness that defines and distinguishes a particular consciousness from others.
o Being-ness is suggested to be fundamental to understanding consciousness, though it is acknowledged that this awareness is ultimately beyond full comprehension and is subject to theoretical interpretations.
4. Symbolic Impressions and Associations:
o Consciousness is not only experienced in isolated moments but through a continuous flow of symbolic impressions and associations. Each experience, whether internal or external, adds to the network of meaning-making that consciousness engages in.
o These impressions are seen as potentially leading toward greater understanding or balance, further reinforcing the idea that consciousness is always moving toward harmony.
5. Evolution and Oneness:
o The passage suggests that the evolution of consciousness is linked to the realization of a fundamental "Oneness." This Oneness is not just an abstract unity but one that has both "holographic" and "quantum-like" qualities, suggesting an interconnected, non-local nature to consciousness that transcends individual awareness.
o This is connected to the idea of fragmentation—periods in which consciousness seems divided or separated—which is seen as a natural process in the experience of consciousness.
6. Energy, Boundaries, and Permeability:
o The text mentions that consciousness is subject to energy fields and the natural tendency to fragment and create boundaries in its experience. Certain energies or frequencies are absorbed by consciousness, while others are repelled, suggesting a filtering or selective process.
o These boundaries are necessary to preserve the integrity of the conscious experience but are also permeable, allowing for interaction with surrounding energies and systems.
Reflections and Insights:
• Consciousness as a System: The idea of consciousness as a dynamic, holographic system is intriguing and echoes ideas from quantum physics and systems theory. It views consciousness as a constantly evolving field rather than a fixed entity, influenced by both internal thoughts and external environments.
• Being-ness and Soul: The concept of "being-ness" seems to point toward a deeper sense of self or existence that transcends mere awareness, often linked to the idea of the soul. It suggests that each consciousness has a unique, identifiable point of awareness, though it is part of a greater whole.
• Balance as Purpose: The emphasis on balance as a central drive in consciousness hints at a holistic view of existence, where every experience and interaction is a step toward restoring or enhancing balance, both within the individual and in relation to the larger universe.
• Fragmentation and Evolution: The text suggests that fragmentation is not a flaw in consciousness but a necessary part of its evolution. It implies that the fragmented state of consciousness is a natural way for it to experience different perspectives before integrating them into a greater whole.
In essence, the passage offers a view of consciousness that is deeply interconnected, constantly evolving, and driven by a search for meaning, balance, and unity. It highlights the complexity and multi-dimensionality of consciousness, while also suggesting that the true nature of "being-ness" may be beyond our full understanding, subject to both experiential and theoretical exploration.
The author generated this text in part with GPT-3, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model. Upon generating draft language, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the language to their own liking and takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.
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To know is your own creation."
Edited: 09.26.2013, 11.28.2013, 10.16.2014, 01.11.2017, 03.29.2018, 04.05.2021, 10.27.2023, 11.21.2024
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