October 18, 2008

Design Metaphysics: Duality and the Point Field

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument or network.

At the center of every circle its point of origin, an immeasurable focus of concentration and energy, a position about which all references are made, a birthplace, a source about which other fields are made apparent, fields of distinct origin and creation. 

A point is the symbolic embodiment of a primordial Source where attraction by virtue of energy in motion beyond its own state of awareness appears hidden and unknown. In essence, a point is a mark of stability, focus, attention and potential motion. A point is central to every orientation into both the known and the unknown. The unknown harbors a mystery, a void both with and outside a pointed awareness of being, a micro and macro cosmic expression of itself.  For you see every point within this void (QFVPP) are micro and macro reflections of fields yet to be discovered and made conscious.

Source: Lematworks: Planet Orb

The point is at the symbolic center of all duality. Duality creates universal frameworks, patterns, and archetypes for all pairings of energy in motion. Design is necessary for the expansion and contraction of Life. Every point of energy is a fractal expression of both a greater and lesser expression of a quantum field of virtual potential in perpetual motion.  Every "point" is whole unto itself. We are all points of Light, Energy and Information in perpetual motion. 

From a center of knowing, energy driven by intent and attraction (desire) begins to move beyond its pointed self awareness (wholeness). This gesture/impulse has been described and symbolically represented as a vector, a focused (pointed) energy creating waves and impressions within the QFVP to which it belongs, creates and has its being. This vector labels the radius of a circle by means of a vector describes the distance the Point Field has expanded beyond its predetermined point of origin. The center point is the source that begins its own circle.  

A certain vector describes both the edge (perimeter) and magnitude (area) of a circle, it has been designated a circle's radius. Introspection results in external/independent expansion - where the point needs to also become the line. Both the point and the line are required to create the circle. The circle is the metaphor for balance, growth and expansion. The center is the seed of the circle.  A vector mathematically describes the direction and magnitude of a line. A vector is a point of energy in motion. A vector likewise de-scribes the edge of a field. The symbol of a vector describes a linear series of "points" of energy in motion. Metaphorically the symbol of a vector is the observer of a series of linear events appearing to be within the circumference/field of observation. A vector isn't separate from the wholeness of a circle (+) but the creative thrust (-) in support of its creation. 

Dualism remains a constant throughout the Universe. Dualism creates microcosmic vortexes of energy where "opposing frequencies" (wave forms emerging from numbers of resources within the QFVP)  interact and interface, creating a wide variety, range and spectrum of chaotic waveforms. Linear thought and observation is preoccupied with maintaining balance within the circumference of its own field of awareness. Conceptual thought and observation include the point (self), its context (field) and the need to find and maintain balance within a QFVP. Conceptual observation and interpretation include and transcend circumferential constraints that limit linear translation and transformation.

Design's purpose is to transcend the limitations of change (wave) by means of attaining balance and harmony within the parameters (circumferential constraints) of every observation. This goal is attained by means of adapting to every event and experience in a manner that invites growth in awareness prior to and in preparation of entering the next set of experiences. Design is a process that is meant to gradually transcend consciousness beyond the parameters of its current POV/presence.

The origin explores an assortment of directions, i.e. patterns, in order to experience from within the constraints of its own parameters. Energy thrusts, i.e. vectors, into the unknown give relative form to the line. 

Note: The holographic matrix from which the desire to know and become is always adapting to change and therefore in constant flux. A circle drawn by a compass appears to be perfect, but as the mathematical formula for finding its’ circumference so clearly demonstrates, it isn’t. The circle is a symbol, a design, and an icon that is constructed to illustrate what perfection looks like, but cannot be measured. In order to better reinforce the concepts being discussed, the examples shown have been drawn to illustrate that from a human perspective, the design process must always consider the importance of change.

In essence, desire initiates the entire design process by giving pointed reference to certain directions. i. e. experiences, contained within a field of its own creation, i.e. consciousness. This evolutionary development remains safe within the constraints of a known and pointed oneness until the desire wanes.

The secondary act of design is to split apart that which appears to be whole primarily in order to bring an “idea” into manifestation. Without separation and diversity awareness could not be experienced. A conceptual separation is symbolized by the assimilation and creation of yet another awareness within the field of the unknown. Surrounded by the unknown, the one appears to become the two in order to understand the imaginings experienced within its own constraints.

What appears to emerge from within the conceptual and mysterious realm of the unseen is a secondary circle centered upon the circumference of the first. A projected counterpart of oneness founded upon common archetypal lineages, but purposely created in opposition to the source, i.e. point. When the thrust of emotion (energy in motion), the line, contacts the parameters of its own constraints, some of the common patterns leading towards manifestation are mirrored back. This interface gives relative form to an equally construed, somewhat overlapping and contrary circle centered upon the parameters of the original source. Together both circles symbolically represent a balanced position of being within the relatively unknown.

The meaning and purpose in support of the Vesica Piscis is inherently outside the perceivable constraints of any observer, but created in response to emotional forces made in opposition to the original intent and/or perspective.

The hypothetical projection of awareness brought upon by the desire and will to create, simultaneously introduces the notion of balance into the conceptual framework. Projections within and beyond the conscious field represented by the circle, also mirrors the very oneness examining what has been created. The source is reflected in what it creates and therefore has the opportunity to discover its own consciousness in what it imagines and defines as reality.

The one becoming the two appears within the conceptual network of ideas, yet is the foundation upon which more tangible expressions of consciousness are “founded”.

In the Visica Piscis the circumference of the second circle (yin) touches the center of the original circle (yang) therefore bringing further meaningfulness and purposefulness to the original desire. There is a relationship created between the two forces of yin and yang. This relationship is the product of two wholes with one being more the inversion of the other than its actual opposite. In design there is always a meaning in every purpose and a purpose in every meaning.

From this lucid relationship is created a birthing chamber between what appears to be two opposing forces. The original desire in support of separating the known from the unknown is sustained by projecting awareness into what is created and thereby discovering the unknown in what is known. In design the reverse can sometimes appear to be true.

Can Dualism Explain Consciousness? - Episode 1512-Closer To Truth 

Edited: 11.28.2013, 11.19.2014, 01.11.2017, 08.04.2020, 03.09.2021, 08.07.2022, 08.12.2023, 12.25.2023
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL https://designconsciousness.blogspot.com/ is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2008 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice) AI usage is prohibited. You are also invited to visit https://designmetaphysics.blogspot.com/, and https://sagariandesignnetwork.blogspot.com and https://www.pinterest.com 


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